ArmA je vojenský simulátor hraný z pohledu první osoby zaměřený na reálnou taktiku a simulaci boje. Hra kombinuje probíhající válečný konflikt velkých rozměrů spolu s akcemi menšího měřítka. Hráč se ocitne uprostřed poutavého, stále se rozšiřujícího příběhu v boji proti inteligentním a agresivním nepřátelům, kteří v rozsáhlém terénu představují neustálou hrozbu.
Hunt, hide and kill as you take command of U.S. submarines and crews and navigate the treacherous waters of the Pacific during WWII. Silent Hunter, the industry-leading naval warfare simulation franchise for over a decade, returns to its roots with next-generation graphical realism, immersive gameplay, innovative crew evolution and more action than ever before. Developed by the same Ubisoft team that delivered Silent Hunter 3, the “king of sub games”, to worldwide critical acclaim, the 2007 instalment offers the most memorable, accessible and empowering submarine simulation experience ever.
- First Person Point of View in all units
- Advanced Combat Simulation with Combined arms action (Air, Sea, Ground)
- Over 600 Cities and Towns to fight for, in block by block combat through over 29,000 Buildings
- Huge zoneless map of Europe covering over 350,000 kilometers with over 4,000,000 3D trees
- Over 200 Bridges that can be destroyed and repaired
- Line of Sight over 6km
- Thousands of players fighting 24/7
- Over 80 different vehicles and weapons available (including land air and sea types)
- Multicrew feature allows more than one player to play in the same vehicle
- Realistic Ballistics for all weapons
- Factory production sets spawnable units in the field
- Airfields host deployed fighter or bomber units
- Deep Water Ports host deployed naval flotillas
- Supply management
- Production Management
- Technologies Research Management
- Brigade Deployment
- Attack Objectives
- Defense Objectives
- Re-supply
- Cut enemy supply
- Blow and Repair Bridges
- Strategic Map
- Early Warning Air Attack System
IL-2 Sturmovik™, Cliffs of Dover™, Pacific Fighters™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of 1C EUROPE, 1C-Multimedia, 1C ONLINE GAMES.
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