November 21 2024 10:08:05
IL-2 BoS Návody
1. Aktivace licence
2. Ladění .ini
3. nastavení ovladačů
IL-2 BoS FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 BoS FAQ (SW help)
Pilotovatelná letadla
CLoD Návody
Postup instalace volitelných záplat
Nastavení ovládání (Aircraft.csv)
IL-2 Návody
IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
1. Začínáme s IL-2
2. Ladění conf.ini
3. nastavení ovladačů
IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (SW help)
Pilotovatelná letadla
RoF Návody
Kdo je on-line
· Hosté on-line: 3

· Piloti on-line: 0

· Registrovaní piloti: 2,747
· Nejnovější pilot: carramba66
IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
Informace o SVK
Vlastníci a provozovatelé
Pravidla SVK fóra
Odkazy: Simulátory - letové bojové
Aces High II
Aces High II is a massive multi-player online combat simulation centered around the World War II air-war. Here are some of the highlights.

Accurate flight modeling of over 80 aircraft, vehicles, and boats from around the world.
Fight against hundreds of real players from around the world.
Multiple arenas with unique environments offer different styles of gameplay.
Constant updates and additions keep the game fresh.
Create historical skins for your plane.
Start or join a squadron for even more fun.
Participate in special events recreating scenarios from World War II.
Learn from films you can record and view using the Aces High Film Viewer.
Design and build your own terrain with the Aces High Terrain Editor.
In game voice support.
The most flexible view system in the genre. Tailor it to your liking.
Full, true 3D cockpits.
Customize your commands on the keyboard and the joystick.
In-game secure account management.
Auto-update in the game for all updates.
Auto-update for all new skins released for the game.
Free 8 player LAN play.
Free 2 week online trial (no billing information needed).
Přidané: 16.09.08 Zobrazené: 1158
Lock On - Modern Air Combat
Feel the power of commanding a modern jet fighter. Fly a variety of combat aircraft in the most graphically rich, audio intense game environment ever created for a combat flight simulator. Lock On: Air Combat Simulation combines a broad scope of game play that includes engaging missions, an immersive combat environment, and in-your-face action. Choose from eight U.S. and Russian jets that range from the tank-killing A-10 Warthog and, ground-pounding Su-25 Frog foot to air superiority fighters like the F-15C Eagle and Su-27 Flanker. Filled with intense campaigns, realistic flight modelling and flexible game options, Lock On will provide unlimited game play action to both novice and veteran flight simulation fans.
Přidané: 25.05.07 Zobrazené: 1162
Targetware (Target Korea, Target Rabaul,Target Tobruk, Richthofen's Skies)
Targetware is all about enabling you, the player, to determine the kind of fligh sim experience you want. Targetware is...

The Tools to Build "Your" Sim -- Targetware's entire system is designed to make it easy for enthusiasts to create their own content. From planes and terrain to flight models and scenario rules, the Targetware system is user-editable. Did we miss your favorite plane? You can create it, upload it and share it with your fellow players. Want to create an entirely new campaign set in South America, the Middle East or Antarctica? Play on other people's servers, or run your own, with your own rules. The tools are in your hands.

A Community of Your Fellow Enthusiasts -- Communication with your fellow Targetware flyers is an integral part of Targetware, and not just in the game. Your Targetware account gets you into our BBS systems, lets you submit articles to our website, and lets you chat in real time with other players. You can form Squadrons, host flight nights, meet exciting new people and blow them out of the sky!

Not Just One Game, But a Whole Series -- When you sign up with Targetware, you get unlimited online access not only to our first, internally produced game, Target Korea, but also to all upcoming mods that use the Targetware engine, including Target Rabaul, set in the Pacific Theatre of World War 2, Target Tobruk, featuring the North African air battles of the same war, and Richthofen's Skies, with WWI aerial combat over France.
Přidané: 25.05.07 Zobrazené: 1723
Warbirds III
The Total Simulation Series is a line of interactive 3D offline and massively multi-player online games that includes a combat flight simulator, tank simulator and other vehicles from World War I through the end of World War II.
Přidané: 25.05.07 Zobrazené: 1079
HANÁCKÉ SLET 14.6.-16.6.


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A toto je noční můra Troubek: https://hydro.chm.

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