Má všechny výhody dvourotorového protiběžného uspořádání, a to prosím pěkně i bez těch nevýhod, které má souosé uspořádání (Ka-50/52 např.).
Dvourotorové protiběžné vrtulníky jsou nejrychlejší možné, už jsme to tu kdysi probírali s Rumcajsem (obávám se že to tehdy moc nepobral), a co se týče obratnosti, tak mohou být opravdu štiky v rybníce.
Ještě jsem si jej nekoupil ale je v pondělním čtvrtečním plánu, hned po...
Znáte to, léto je léto
"Zapomněli jste na syny Vorvénovy. Ztratili jste Greptrovo kladivo. Vás nikdo mstít nebude." Dr. Lazarus
• 3D models
◦ Fixed. Stick handle base rotation angle.
◦ Fixed. Missed elements in the rotor
◦ Improved. Glass reflections on MFDs.
◦ Improved. Thrust control lever animation.
◦ Improved. Reworked digital numbers on the cockpit Radar Altimeter.
◦ Added. New pilot models for the first-person view mode.
◦ Added. New pilot models for the third-person view mode.
◦ Added. Skins for Japan and Turkey.
◦ Added. Fake mirror reflection (when mirror is turned off).
◦ Added. Broken glasses from inside the helicopter.
• Gunners
◦ Fixed. AI gunners don't fire from the human controlled helicopter.
◦ Added. Gunners control window.
◦ Added. Ramp (aft) gunner.
◦ Added. M240H gun for all gunners.
◦ Added. NVG support for gunners
• Systems and Avionics
◦ Fixed. Long press on the CLR button on CDUs doesn't delete the whole string.
◦ Fixed. MFD INST and VSD pages engine/rotor parameters values are correctly rounded now.
◦ Fixed. Fuel quantities on MFD FUEL pages are now rounded to the nearest 10 pounds.
◦ Fixed. MFD VSD Radar Altimeter drag line color is changed from green to red. It is displayed only when below the low altitude setting.
◦ Fixed. Power issues that may trigger failure during start-up
◦ Fixed. Fuel level can show negative numbers
◦ Fixed. MFD NVG dimmers
◦ Fixed. Aux. tank fuel pump fail to transfer fuel
◦ Fixed. Simplified radio usage
◦ Fixed. The total fuel bar doesn't show correct levels
◦ Fixed. CMWS calls out wrong side for missile launch
◦ Fixed. Work of the flood light rheostat
◦ Fixed. Crash when frequently switching the BATT to on/off position
◦ Fixed. RWR using sounds from AH-64D module
◦ Fixed. RWR symbols are black when signal is lost instead of dashed
◦ Improved. Total fuel quantity and bar will be of yellow color, when any tank low quantity sensor was triggered.
◦ Improved. MFD bezel labels positions were adjusted.
◦ Improved. Adjusted sizes and positions of most MFD VSD symbols.
◦ Improved. Changed Modified Flight Plan lines to dashed
◦ Improved. PLT and CPLT camera positions in VR
◦ Added. HSD North-UP (NRT UP) orientation.
◦ Added. Automatic map orientation changes from HDG UP to TRK UP when ground speed exceeds 44 KCAS, and from TRK UP to HDG UP when speed drops below 40 KCAS.
◦ Added. Track Angle indicator, which displays the current track angle on the HSD in HDG UP and NRT UP modes.
◦ Added. Heading Angle indicator, which displays the current heading angle on the HSD in TRK UP and HDG UP modes.
◦ Added. Wind Arrow and Wind Speed indicators, displaying wind direction and speed on the HSD.
◦ Added. Heading Reference Bug and Speed field on the HSD.
◦ Added. Navaid symbols to the HSD - DME, VOR, TACAN, VORTAC, VOR/DME.
◦ Added. Synchronization of HSD/MAP parameters.
◦ Added. The new list of available RANGE settings for MAP OFF mode, with updated RANGE indications (e.g., 250K -> 10NM).
◦ Added. When the map is turned off the HSD display format settings and zoom are now configured separately for each MFD.
◦ Added. ARC-164 radio.
◦ Added. Unacknowledged Caution/Advisory fields to the bottom of MFD.
◦ Added. Active Communication Frequency Field to the bottom of MFD.
◦ Added. Fuel display to HSD page
◦ Added. COMM page now available via SYST menu
◦ Added. Proper default MFD pages setup on start-up
◦ Added. Proper reaction of MFDs on circuit breakers
◦ Disabled. EAPS Fail warnings
• Others
◦ Fixed. Freeze on the server because of the wrong information from the CH-47F module.
◦ Improved. Steering wheel animations and behavior
◦ Added. Support for FFB joysticks.
• Added. Longitudinal Cyclic Trim (LCT) functionality in automatic and manual modes.
LCT reduces fuselage nose down attitude as speed increases by tilting the rotors according to airspeed between 60 and 150 knots.
This allows the fuselage to remain level for cargo and troops.
• Added. Differential Air Speed Hold (DASH) functionality (WIP). As you increase speed, the DASH,
(a long tube in the flight controls with an actuator on each end) will increase in length. If you move the cyclic back to center, the aircraft will still maintain airspeed.
This allows you to keep the cyclic in a more natural, centered position when flying at higher airspeeds.
• Added. ARC-201D and ARC-220 radios (WIP).
• Fixed. Picture on the refuel/rearming screen.
• Fixed. Thrust control lever animations.
• Fixed. 3D model. Some elements of the thrust control lever are not connected to the lever itself.
• Fixed. Radalt dimmer not working.
• Fixed. RWR symbols are black when signal is lost instead of dashed.
• Fixed. White marks on the RWR screen become black in some situations.
• Fixed. Gunners desync in multicrew.
• Fixed. Master caution light is not synchronized in multicrew.
• Fixed. The Trimmer Reset function is no longer working.
• Fixed V3 has incorrect correct freq range.
• Fixed. Local and Zulu time are equal on CDU.
• Fixed. Incorrect active radio shows in the Voice Chat panel.
• Fixed. Flare firing barely audible in external view.
• Fixed. Engines do not start without boost pumps on.
• Fixed. Ball moves in the incorrect direction when flying the ball.
• Fixed. No force feedback option.
• Fixed. Logbook not registering any data.
• Fixed. Rotor blade and fuselage physics corrected. Pitch angle at different speeds.
• Improvements to many MFD and CDU pages.
• Continue working on synchronization (WIP).
NOTE: Great progress has been made on the Advanced Flight Control System (AFCS) and is undergoing testing and tuning. Among other things, it will provide automatic turn coordination and several auto-pilot modes.
• Fixed. ETA to point calculated by half.
• Fixed. Copilot’s animations on AI controlled helicopters.
• Fixed. Incorrect behavior of “MARK”, “SP” and “-” buttons on CDU.
• Fixed. Rotor artefact in certain blade pitch angles
• Improved. Synchronisation of MFD screens and buttons.
• Implemented loading, display and addition of Fix Points to the flight plan
• Implemented display of FPP based on airfields/navaids with corresponding symbols
IL-2 Sturmovik™, Cliffs of Dover™, Pacific Fighters™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of 1C EUROPE, 1C-Multimedia, 1C ONLINE GAMES.
Other marks used herein are those of their respective owners.