Má všechny výhody dvourotorového protiběžného uspořádání, a to prosím pěkně i bez těch nevýhod, které má souosé uspořádání (Ka-50/52 např.).
Dvourotorové protiběžné vrtulníky jsou nejrychlejší možné, už jsme to tu kdysi probírali s Rumcajsem (obávám se že to tehdy moc nepobral), a co se týče obratnosti, tak mohou být opravdu štiky v rybníce.
Ještě jsem si jej nekoupil ale je v pondělním čtvrtečním plánu, hned po...
Znáte to, léto je léto
"Zapomněli jste na syny Vorvénovy. Ztratili jste Greptrovo kladivo. Vás nikdo mstít nebude." Dr. Lazarus
• 3D models
◦ Fixed. Stick handle base rotation angle.
◦ Fixed. Missed elements in the rotor
◦ Improved. Glass reflections on MFDs.
◦ Improved. Thrust control lever animation.
◦ Improved. Reworked digital numbers on the cockpit Radar Altimeter.
◦ Added. New pilot models for the first-person view mode.
◦ Added. New pilot models for the third-person view mode.
◦ Added. Skins for Japan and Turkey.
◦ Added. Fake mirror reflection (when mirror is turned off).
◦ Added. Broken glasses from inside the helicopter.
• Gunners
◦ Fixed. AI gunners don't fire from the human controlled helicopter.
◦ Added. Gunners control window.
◦ Added. Ramp (aft) gunner.
◦ Added. M240H gun for all gunners.
◦ Added. NVG support for gunners
• Systems and Avionics
◦ Fixed. Long press on the CLR button on CDUs doesn't delete the whole string.
◦ Fixed. MFD INST and VSD pages engine/rotor parameters values are correctly rounded now.
◦ Fixed. Fuel quantities on MFD FUEL pages are now rounded to the nearest 10 pounds.
◦ Fixed. MFD VSD Radar Altimeter drag line color is changed from green to red. It is displayed only when below the low altitude setting.
◦ Fixed. Power issues that may trigger failure during start-up
◦ Fixed. Fuel level can show negative numbers
◦ Fixed. MFD NVG dimmers
◦ Fixed. Aux. tank fuel pump fail to transfer fuel
◦ Fixed. Simplified radio usage
◦ Fixed. The total fuel bar doesn't show correct levels
◦ Fixed. CMWS calls out wrong side for missile launch
◦ Fixed. Work of the flood light rheostat
◦ Fixed. Crash when frequently switching the BATT to on/off position
◦ Fixed. RWR using sounds from AH-64D module
◦ Fixed. RWR symbols are black when signal is lost instead of dashed
◦ Improved. Total fuel quantity and bar will be of yellow color, when any tank low quantity sensor was triggered.
◦ Improved. MFD bezel labels positions were adjusted.
◦ Improved. Adjusted sizes and positions of most MFD VSD symbols.
◦ Improved. Changed Modified Flight Plan lines to dashed
◦ Improved. PLT and CPLT camera positions in VR
◦ Added. HSD North-UP (NRT UP) orientation.
◦ Added. Automatic map orientation changes from HDG UP to TRK UP when ground speed exceeds 44 KCAS, and from TRK UP to HDG UP when speed drops below 40 KCAS.
◦ Added. Track Angle indicator, which displays the current track angle on the HSD in HDG UP and NRT UP modes.
◦ Added. Heading Angle indicator, which displays the current heading angle on the HSD in TRK UP and HDG UP modes.
◦ Added. Wind Arrow and Wind Speed indicators, displaying wind direction and speed on the HSD.
◦ Added. Heading Reference Bug and Speed field on the HSD.
◦ Added. Navaid symbols to the HSD - DME, VOR, TACAN, VORTAC, VOR/DME.
◦ Added. Synchronization of HSD/MAP parameters.
◦ Added. The new list of available RANGE settings for MAP OFF mode, with updated RANGE indications (e.g., 250K -> 10NM).
◦ Added. When the map is turned off the HSD display format settings and zoom are now configured separately for each MFD.
◦ Added. ARC-164 radio.
◦ Added. Unacknowledged Caution/Advisory fields to the bottom of MFD.
◦ Added. Active Communication Frequency Field to the bottom of MFD.
◦ Added. Fuel display to HSD page
◦ Added. COMM page now available via SYST menu
◦ Added. Proper default MFD pages setup on start-up
◦ Added. Proper reaction of MFDs on circuit breakers
◦ Disabled. EAPS Fail warnings
• Others
◦ Fixed. Freeze on the server because of the wrong information from the CH-47F module.
◦ Improved. Steering wheel animations and behavior
◦ Added. Support for FFB joysticks.
IL-2 Sturmovik™, Cliffs of Dover™, Pacific Fighters™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of 1C EUROPE, 1C-Multimedia, 1C ONLINE GAMES.
Other marks used herein are those of their respective owners.