December 27 2024 02:18:44
IL-2 BoS Návody
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IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
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IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (SW help)
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IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
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IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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Our MiG-29A, NATO codename Fulcrum, will be the export modification of the “A” version that was supplied to Warsaw Pact countries. The MiG-29A was designed to counter all types of aerial targets with radar- and infrared-guided R-27, R-73, and R-60 air-to-air missiles and its single-barreled 30mm cannon with 150 rounds of ammunition. The MiG-29A also has limited visual ground attack capability with 50 to 500 kg bombs, cluster bombs, and unguided S-5, S-8 and S-24 rockets.

The MiG-29A can operate day or night and in all weather conditions. Its radar is capable of look-down / shoot-down in a heavy electronic countermeasure environment. The weapons control system consists of two complexes: the Fire Control Radar (FCR) and the Optical-Electronic Targeting Navigation System (OETNS). The OETNS includes an optical-electronic sighting system (OESS), a navigation system, a weapon control system, a unified display system, and multifunctional control panels. The OEPS includes an optical location station OLS that consists of an Infrared Search and Track System (IRST), a Laser Range Finder (LRF), and a Helmet-Mounted Sight (HMS) designation system.

The MiG-29 is equipped with the SPO-15 “Beryoza” Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) defence system that is designed to warn of radar-directed weapon attacks. To protect against infrared-guided weapons, the MiG-29A features flare dispensers.

The navigation system consists of on-board navigation equipment, a vertical and heading information complex, and an airborne signal system as part of the Optical-Electronic Targeting Navigation System (OETNS).

Key features of the DCS module: MiG-29A Fulcrum

At Early Access Release:

● Fully interactive and highly detailed cockpit that is based on 3D laser scanning and photogrammetry.
● Highly detailed and accurately reproduced external model.
● Highly detailed pilot model.
● In-depth study of aircraft systems and equipment.
● Detailed model of the navigation system with the gyro platform reference system, air data computer, and navigation equipment.
● Defensive equipment to include the SPO-15LM “Beryoza” and Flare dispenser system.
● Fire Control Radar with authentic modes for aerial targets.
● OETNS with modes for air and ground targets.

At Final Release:

● Addition of Identify Friend or Foe interrogation system.
● Addition of Ground Control Intercept (GCI) command system.
Tak se toho @Saldy asi dožiješ! Snad to půjde i pro Mig-21. Úsměv
● Addition of Ground Control Intercept (GCI) command system
Pár upřesňujících informací od NineLine:

Hey all, just a couple notes that have come up based on questions and concerns about the MiG-29A

Info on the PFM used from the FC3 version:
Full-fidelity MiG-29 will use the same flight model. Actually, that’s not 100% accurate. The autopilot will receive new functionality and modes, and certain issues with closed-loop system stability will be corrected, along with new undercarriage characteristics. But the core FM is probably one of the most accurate we have.

IFF Info:
On release of the MiG-29A, it will include a basic IFF system, later on after some RnD we will create a more advanced IFF system. This was the plan from the start, it was just lost in drawing up the newsletter, we apologize for any concerns it might have caused. Thanks!

Again we apologize for the confusion on this.
Coffin Corner
Sakra. to už nemohli udělat izdělije 9.13, vždyť by si toho skoro nikdo nevšiml Šklebící se
...taky sem si nemyslel že bych mohl sestřelit německý letadlo. Dva roky po válce se mi to konečně podařilo.
Abraham Simpson
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