February 15 2025 18:03:07
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Hals - und Beinbruch!
Indián jen za 40$: https://www.digit...es/ah-64d/
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
Aktualizace roudmapy pro Indiána: https://forum.dcs...d-roadmap/
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
Open Beta changelog pro AH-64D

• Altitude Hold logic corrections
• Added mixed AGM-114 loadout
• Fixed: George enter VRS too often Pořád je Jirka nebezpečný!!!
• Fixed: Uses gun limit depending on the cockpit, not on the actual trigger pressed
• Fixed: George refuses to fire gun after first engagement
• Fixed: Extra symbols on EUFD
• Fixed: George AI as pilot loses height for no reason
• Fixed: IAT inertial track behavior for primary tracked target
• Fixed: VR Collective issues - Collective raises with no user input.
• Fixed: INU alignment resets when APU is turned on from External Power
• Fixed: Ground power GPS alignment can be broken with APU start
• Fixed: PLT and CP/G TADS Desync issue - Slaved TADS
• Fixed: MPD Brightness knobs not working cold and dark with input pushes
• Fixed: Flat tires are not fixed with repair.
• Fixed: CPG joins after APU start - no sync of engine start or rotors
• Fixed: Multicrew Hold mode indications not Syncing
• Fixed: JTAC and player uses Laser Hellfire instead of Radar Hellfire in 9 line dialog
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
Neber to za £1150.00 bez daně , dopravy a asi i cla.


YouTube Video

Rozšíření datalinku umožní posílat MSG zprávy F-16C, FA-18C a A-10C.

YouTube Video

[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
Příchodem verze DCS 2.9 přibude rozšíření datalinku.
To by nebyl Wags, aby neodhalil na začátku videa něco víc. Úsměv
YouTube Video

[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
Další novou funkcí bude Laser Warning System.
YouTube Video

[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
Odesílání a přijímání zpráv o palivu a munici.
YouTube Video

[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
Open Beta changelog pro AH-64D

• Added COMM Presets and Datalink Support 
◦ DCS: AH-64D Datalink Setup
◦ DCS: AH-64D Datalink Messaging
◦ DCS: AH-64D | FARM Reports
• EUFD Preset and Swap buttons re-enabled
• Added Laser Warning Receiver  DCS: AH-64D Laser Warning System
• Improve LMC & TSE logic (W.I.P.)
• Attitude Hold Adjustments (W.I.P.)
• Heading Hold Corrections.
• FLT page corrections.
• FUEL page corrections.
• Fixed: Dead CPG not repaired properly.
• Fixed: TADS jittering in TEDAC.
• Fixed: Hover mode Acceleration Cue format is switching based on air speed instead of ground speed.
• Fixed: ENG page is switching format under wrong conditions.
• Fixed: "FUEL XFER FAIL" shows up on a normal cold start.
• Fixed: White arrow icon in menu options on MFDs.
• Fixed: Waypoints are displayed on TSD in ATK phase when not part of current route or ACQ.
• Fixed: No rockets are detected onboard the aircraft at mission start.
• Fixed: NO ROCKETS not displayed when rockets are depleted.
• Fixed: Text indication corrections for WPN page Rocket symbols.
• Fixed: George should not attempt to land on water.
• Fixed: RTS selection is not overriding the audio mute function on the COMM panel.
• Fixed: EUFD: Dots Error.
• Fixed: ASE Threat symbology text size.
• Fixed: TADS Field of Regard diagram with aperture error in manual.
• Fixed: AGM-114L missile constraints should be 20 degrees for all targets 1000 meters or greater.
• Fixed: Keyboard Unit, "T" btn doesn't work with default keyboard binding.
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
Open Beta changelog pro AH-64D

• Fixed: Attitude Hold sub-modes are causing occasional oscillations in pitch and roll.
• Fixed: Crash on Datalink BDA Send
• Fixed; Throttle Levers not syncing in Multicrew
• Fixed: Circular pattern appearing in CPG monitor in certain conditions
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
petsild napsal:

Open Beta changelog pro AH-64D

• Fixed: Attitude Hold sub-modes are causing occasional oscillations in pitch and roll.

Pochybujem. Prakticky je nemozne pouzit submody na trimy pocas priameho letu. Teda mozne to je, ale po chvili sa z nejakeho dovodu uvolni kormidlo zo submodu, Apache sa nakloni na stranu a je to v pr... Potom uz len zrusit vsetky trimy a znovu. S tym istym vysledkom. Testovane na serveri Hoggit.
Hals - und Beinbruch!
Jo chová se to pořád španě, ale mám svůj hotfix.
Dám kolektivu rezervu 90% kvůli auto kompenzaci držet pod 100% jinak se trim odepne!
Kuličku pro pedály do chlívku a stabilizuju výšku pomocí AL/Right.
K tomu přidám náklon mírně vpravo, abych kompenzoval aktuální chybu při aktivaci AT/left.
Následně mi Apache letí rovně a drží výšku bez výpadku.

Attitude hold: https://forum.dcs...old-fubar/
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
Dik, vyskusam
Hals - und Beinbruch!
Jako automatizační technik vím, že pokud je něco na 0% nebo 100%, tak už to nereguluje. Ale na to asi přijde každý, že když je něco na dorazu, tak to za doraz jít nemůže.
Open Beta changelog pro AH-64D

• Fixed: Frequencies FM1 and FM2 are swapped in ME and module
• Fixed: "BR" point is described incorrectly on ABR sub-page
• Fixed: Auto waypoint switching is skipping waypoints when using DIR
• Fixed: Cursor timeout if on a valid selection
• Fixed: PFZ/NFZ multiplayer datalink refinement (instruction video coming)
• Fixed: Stabilator position doesn't synchronise in multiplayer
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
Fire Zones

In this DCS: AH-64D video, we’ll discuss the creation, sending, and receiving of Priority Fire Zones, or PFZs, and No Fire Zones, or NFZs. These allow you to define areas on the TSD to assign targets to Primary members and delineate areas not to engage targets. These zones can be sent over the datalink between Primary members to coordinate fires.

From the COM page, then Preset 1 Chaos, and finally Network, we can see that we have C-2, or Chaos 1-2, on our Preset 1 as both a Primary and Team member. To exchange Zones, data linked aircraft will need to have a Primary assignment. If you have not already done so, please see the earlier videos on setting up and using the datalink.

I prefer to set my brightness knobs to maximum and the Video knobs to about the nine o’clock position. I’ll display the main TSD page on my left MPD, and from B3 on the right MPD, I’ll select BAM, or Battle Area Management. I’ll set both to Attack phase so that we can see all the BAM data. We’ll first learn how to create PFZs and NFZs.

From L1, we can elect to create PFZs or NFZs by toggling this push tile. It defaults to PFZ.

From L2, we can select how we create zones: automatic, manual, and target refence point, or TRP. When AUTO is selected, we first need to select the number of zones that will be created in the polygon we create. In this example, I’ll select 4 from L5. The number of zones will default to the number of aircraft in the flight. To draw the polygon, we can do it either as a box, or BX, or a line, or LN, from L6. Simply move the cursor on the BAM page to where you want to create the box or line and depress the cursor switch. Then, move the cursor to define the box or line segment. Depress the cursor switch again to complete the polygon. Once created, you can see that the polygon was subdivided into four, equally sized zones, in this case, PFZ 1 to 4. Let’s try this as a line now, but we’ll first select Delete from L4 to remove the one we just created. When using line, the polygon is limited to four sides, of which none can cross one another, like an hourglass.

When using the Manual, or MAN, option to create zones, we first define how many zones we wish to manually create from L5. In this example, I’ll create two manual zones. Rather than create a single zone that is then equally divided in automatic option, in manual option, I can manually create unique zones based on the number I defined, two in this case.

The third option is TRP. This will create four, equally divided zones with the size of each zone within the TRP based on the kilometer setting at L5. I can then use the cursor to position the TRP and depress the cursor switch to set it. Once set, each quadrant is automatically assigned a PF.

Pressing L1, we’ll switch from a PFZ to an NFZ, or setting a location, or locations, not to engage targets. As with PFZ, we can elect to draw a polygon using a box or line from L6. Note that it defaults to the next available NFZ number, in this case, NF1. Once drawn, press Accept to save it. We now have No Fire Zone 1, or NF1. To create another, we’ll just select L2 and select the NFZ number to set, in this case, NF2.

With PFZ selected as the Type, select T4 ASN to assign myself and Primary members PFZs. We can see that we have selections for each of the four PFZs we created, PF1, 2, 3 and 4. To assign a PFZ to myself, I’ll select the PFZ for my ownship, PF1 by default in this case, and select OWN from B6. We can see that PF1 is assigned to OWN now. Note that PFZ assignments are done in sequence, and after a member is assigned to a PFZ it will automatically advance to the next PFZ, allowing you to rapidly assign flight members.

Next in the automatic sequence is PF2, and we’ll assign this to our Primary member C-2. So, with PF2 already selected, select C-2 as the assignment. When we do that, we can see that PF2 is assigned to C-2.

Now, press SEND at R6 to send the PFZ assignment over the datalink to C-2.

To send an NFZ to a Primary member, switch the Type back to NF, select the NFZ, select the Primary member, and then select SEND.

If you wish to send both PFZ and NFZ at the same time, select the Primary member, select XMIT BOTH from B5, and then SEND.

If you are sent a PFZ or NFZ assignment, you’ll receive a white REC, or receive notification on your TSD. By selecting REC and accepting the Zone files, the assignment is then displayed on your TSD.

Note that the entire PFZ or NFZ files are sent between aircraft, which overwrites and updates the existing zones on the TSD when received. Individual zones cannot be transmitted separately. This ensures the zone locations and assignments are synchronized across all aircraft within the flight.

YouTube Video

Představení Fire Control Radar.
YouTube Video

In this DCS: AH-64D video, I’m going to introduce you to the Fire Control Radar, or FCR, of the Delta. The AN/APG-78 FCR was designed to enhance the target acquisition and engagement process of the AH-64D when faced with large numbers of enemy armor units moving across the battlefield. More than just a sensor for detecting and engaging targets, the FCR is a target classification and prioritization system that automates and accelerates the process of acquiring targets and determining which of those targets should be engaged to have the maximum effect on the battlefield with the limited number of munitions on board the aircraft. The FCR turns the Delta in a true force multiplier.

It was developed in the 1980s for the Delta as the Airborne Adverse Weather Weapon System, or AAWWS, which was part of the Multi-Stage Improvement Program, or MSIP, to enhance the AH-64A. The AN/APG-78 is a millimeter-wave FCR target acquisition system that also includes a Radar Frequency Interferometer, or RFI. The FCR is housed in a dome located above the main rotor mast. The APG-78 is capable of simultaneously tracking up to 128 targets and engaging up to 16 at once, and an attack can be initiated within 30 seconds. The datalink allows FCR data to be shared with other Deltas and allows them to coordinate attacks using fire zones.

[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
FCR stránky a ovládací prvky.

As always, these videos provide a preview of an upcoming feature to assist you in understanding a new feature. Later, it is quite possible that the feature will change, and the feature functionality has changed. As much as I’d like to, I lack the time re-record these videos. This is the second of several planned FCR videos.

YouTube Video

[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
Stanovení priorit FCR a nasazení zbraní.

In this DCS: AH-64D video, I’ll be going over how to configure the Fire Control Radar’s, or FCR, target prioritization and how to engage targets with our onboard weapons using FCR target data.

Let’s first talk about target prioritization. In the previous video on FCR pages and controls, we discussed how to control where and when the FCR scans the battlefield. However, as mentioned in the FCR introduction video, the key aspect of the FCR is that it will automatically classify and prioritize all the targets it detects within its scan volume. So, before we initiate a scan, let’s go over the ways that we can set the target priorities for the next scan.

There are two ways to do this. The first is by setting the Priority Scheme on the FCR Utility page to A, B, or C. As mentioned in the previous video, the selected scheme is noted on the HAD

• Priority Scheme A: Stationary ground targets and airborne targets are prioritized above all others.
• Priority Scheme B: Stationary ground targets are prioritized above all others.
• Priority Scheme C: Moving ground targets and airborne targets are prioritized above all others.

YouTube Video

[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
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