Taky jsem toho názoru že tohle letedlo bylo pouze cvičný ale snad se jen někdo z TF nudil a doufám že se bude držet reality,byl bych nerad kdyby se z Clodu stal WT.
Vyzbrojena Mola je sice pekna vec, ale co by sa s nou dalo robit? Ist proti Bf s takouto masinou je to samovrazda. Ked to vsak daju ako doplnok k Wimpimu a k dalsim "novym" lietatelnym masinam , preco nie (bolo by fajn lietat Cr.42, Gladiator, Fw-200, Do-17, Sunderland atd.)
A co pro větší obsah misí? Je tam vzlet a podobné, tak se může nováček zaučit v bombardování a střelbě. Proč hned všechno brát pro hloupaté on-line masomlejny.
Vyjádření k ozbrojenému Tiger Mothu TF je ve zkratce toto:
Tiger Moth jsme představili proto že jeho úprava je finální, jednalo se o malý projekt který nezabral moc času a sloužil k získání větší praxe a zdokonalení technik členů TF. Nejedná se o stěžejní projekt TF 5.0.
There are a number of modern (WWII modern) fighters being worked on for TF 5.0... we are not going to talk about them now.
We showed the Tiger Moth just because the work is generally completed... it was a small project, one which didn't take much time, and which our guys used to practice and refine certain techniques.
It is not the focus of TF 5.0.
Still we think it will be a worthwhile and fun addition to the game. Tiger Moths were armed and ready to be used in the event of a German invasion... as someone else mentioned, they were also used during the invasion of Malaya and the fall of Singapore as reconnaissance aircraft and light bombers.
PS: The natural adversary of the CR42 is the Gladiator. The Tiger Moth would be no match for a CR42.
Má-li problém řešení nemá cenu se trápit, nemá-li řešení trápení je zbytečné.
Dobrý, Sepi. Dík (jak za upřesnění k Tiger Mothu, tak za zajímavé info ohledně bomb ).
Upravil/a 310_cibule dne 02-08-2014 11:22
"Máte právo říkat cokoli. ... Právo být na veřejnosti za hlupáka je u nás garantováno ústavou. Ale právo něco vyslovit nedělá z toho výroku pravdu. Pravda se prokazuje nebo vyvrací porovnáním s fakty. Kdo tenhle princip nerespektuje, s tím je těžká řeč. Všichni smíme takovou diskusi odmítnout. To není zbabělost ani povýšenost, to je jen rozumné hospodaření se silami a časem."
Pro všechny co mají zájem o připravovaný patch a především v něj věří, malé info se zpožděním.
Občas se objeví na netu fota od členů týmu a také ve videích se objevují skryté špeky pro fandy. Níže přikládám jedno foto které by mohlo potvrzovat že práce na Welouši jsou v plném proudu. Má domněnka vychází z faktu že na AI stroje nelze standardním způsobem plácnout vlastní skin, navíc ty budíky už jsou víc než výmluvné.
Dále jak jsem psal výše, se zpožděním info:
Team Fusion Update - September 26th 2014 - A life on the ocean wave
Hello again and glad to see you're still interested in the updates Team Fusion are providing, you're interest is what makes such a difference to all of us here in Team Fusion towers .
Firstly can I say on behalf of the team that we realise it may look from the outside that we are 'dragging our feet', but nothing could be further from the truth. Everyone at Team Fusion is a keen aviation enthusiast and Simulation enthusiast and everything we are doing is done just as much for you as it is for us. The main reason that Team Fusion exists is because there was a realisation that the software that was released (and now sadly abandoned in such an untimely manner) was a truly incredible piece of software, that with (a lot) nurturing and care could actually become one of if not the best Sims out there. For some reason I think of Obi Wan Kenobi when I think of what happened to Cliffs of Dover:
YouTube Video
So, Team Fusion exist only as volunteers, no pay, no financial benefit, no reward........except the feedback we get from the community when we do something right So please keep spreading the word, please keep enthusiastic (as we are) and please don't be concerned about the apparent lack of news/updates. We are working from all continents of the world, communicating across all timezones and between us, we are building a much brighter future for this simulation.
(Of-course if we had the Source Code.....Cliffs would have no competitors....maybe one-day 1C will send us a parcel )
So, let's get on with today's news.
Firstly, a small piece of news on the Wellington. This is still under development and as always, we are on the lookout for 3D modellers to join the team, if you think you have the skillset and want to be part of our community based team, please check out this thread for more details:
Okay, so back to the Wellington. So you are are sat in the cockpit and looking around you need to find out details about how the aircraft is performing, therefore essential to your piloting are the dials. We have been very lucky to have images supplied to us of the dials from which our texture artists have been working.
Rather than show you the current work we have, I'd rather just show you the quality of the images we have been sent to work from.
Now these are important for us as these give us the basis of being completely accurate and getting details to scale. Team Fusion really are paying attention to detail in bringing a new bomber to the Simulation for Pilots to use. I hope this makes the bomber boys happy seeing this level of accuracy?
Okay, here's another bit of news for the FMB users. What can Mission Builders expect to see when they delve into the interface?
This is still work in progress but check out this image:
Just some of the features being worked on include:
* Moved buildings out of the statics category & into buildings category.
* Moved statics out of the buildings category & into statics category.
* Recategorised & reordered statics & buildings categories. Now much easier to navigate.
* Introduced 'new' objects. ie soldiers (humans), tree objects etc.
So hopefully the WiP makes thing easier to use as we carry on fixing it
Now, today's main update. A life on the ocean wave.
The 3D modellers in Team Fusion have been busy (and still are) not only working on aircraft but also new shipping for Mission Builders to utilise in making their environments much richer and diverse for Pilots to attack and defend. Current thinking inside Team Fusion is the possibility of making these controllable (in a basic fashion) along the lines of how players can use Tanks and AA guns at the moment....but that is still in discussion and maybe another patch down the line.
There is more shipping already created than is shown in this short clip but it should give you a taste of just what is going on behind the scenes and the level of detail involved. Please note, this footage contains 'work in progress' models, from which we have already identified and started work on small fixes as and when we see them (so don't panic if you see a glitch...it is WIP!!!! ))
Okay then here's today's video clip (make sure you stay to the end ) :
As always we like to add news on the Bugtracker so thanks to TF member Artist for putting this together for me
From the Team Fusion Bugtracker
The bugtracker (http://tfbt.nuvturais.de/projects/il2clodtf) keeps accumulating data: Since the last published update on August, 28th, 10 new users brought the total up to 770 registered users of which 45 have been active since then. We currently have 115 open issues (86 bugs and 29 feature requests). 2 have already been resolved with patch 4.312 and 11 are currently in progress to be fixed or implemented.
4 new issues have been raised since the last update, among them are (no judgement implied):
Feature Request #634: "The death of the player on a place of the gunner shouldn't be the final." (New)
Reported Bug #633: "Ju 88: Fuel Cocks 1 & 2 not working correctly (in SP)" (Confirmed)
Reported Bug #630: "Ju 88: brakes have to be stronger" (New)
The issues with the highest (summary) vote currently are:
28: #581: "RAF fighter engines incorrectly start cold in Multiplayer" (New)
23: #602: "Defensive AI Gunner Skill Levels Set Too High" (New)
19: #610: "Navigational Illumination Functionality: Smudge pots, NAV markers, and landing headlamps." (Feedback)
19: #614: "Large cloud formations do not appear in replay of track (.TRK) files" (New)
15: #598: "Damage to Gear and/or Flaps when safe speeds exceeded" (New)
15: #589: "Hawker Hurricane start up" (New)
We invite all pilots to participate in the bugtracker either by reporting bugs, requesting features, and/or vote on issues. But before you do anything, please read the guidelines and FAQ here: http://tfbt.nuvturais.de/projects/il2clodtf/boards/4
Once again thankyou for your interest and support, we're here for the long run....keeping the dream alive.
Cheers, MP/TF
PS.....those dials pictured above aren't photographs.....those are the in-game textures
Je fajn že se kluci snaží vyvinout komplexní Mission builder
Ty budíky maj nepovedenou texturu s efektem emboss ala photoshop. Vůbec nevypadaj jak originály ... ale je to jen nyance, pokud to dotáhnou na lítatelnýho Welouše tak to bude chvalitebný počin
"Máte právo říkat cokoli. ... Právo být na veřejnosti za hlupáka je u nás garantováno ústavou. Ale právo něco vyslovit nedělá z toho výroku pravdu. Pravda se prokazuje nebo vyvrací porovnáním s fakty. Kdo tenhle princip nerespektuje, s tím je těžká řeč. Všichni smíme takovou diskusi odmítnout. To není zbabělost ani povýšenost, to je jen rozumné hospodaření se silami a časem."
Porazit nepřítele a dát mu život může vypadat jako projev laskavosti,
ale ve skutečnosti to je to nejkrutější, co poraženého může potkat. [samurajský pohled na zajetí]
Obdivujem ich (aj mnohych dalsich) za ich vydrz opakovat 'pracujeme na tom, zadara a vo volnom case'. Je to tazke, ale verim ze asi dost konzumentov tychto free updatov je v rezime 'novy patch!? super, davaj dalsi'
Tentokrát se filuta Mysticpuma s VIP infem vytasil na serveru Storm Of War:-)
TF finally have the map tool underway
Hello again everyone, it's Friday and it's time for an update
Now let me say to start with, apologies for the trickle of news over the last few months but as it's Summer and on occasion (especially in the UK) the sun comes out....we head out of our bunkers and go and see what daylight looks like before heading back and continuing the modding process
So behind TF doors, I go round knocking on everyone's inbox and asking for news of what is being worked on only to be told....bugger off Mystic....we're at a critical stage and don't have time to dig out some nibbles for you to use Don't worry though, I don't give up that easily and just occasionally I get a message turn up that offers a real taste of some of the challenging work that is being undertaken by our guys and hopefully will be of interest to the community?
So, there I was sitting there hoping for a message in the forums or inbox and sure enough at the 11th hour I get the go ahead to release the following two images. These should be of great interest and I'll explain why
link to image 1;
link to image 2;
So what do we have here?
The first picture is from the newly developed Map Tool that our guys have been working on. On first glance it does look unimpressive but...on the picture you can see that not only the tool already can read terrain, water and textures directly from the game files but also render them appropriately. Yes, this was read directly from the game files. This means that yes, we understand 100% of the files already It should be pointed out that even though the graphics look almost complete, is only around 20% of the work. The other 80% is still remaining and most likely there will not be any more screenshots of the tool as we don't want to reveal too much. For this same reason, the toolbars have been removed from the screenshot.
The second image is not read from any of the game files, this terrain has been created from 'scratch' and was generated using the new map tool. It allows us to create all the features you would expect in a map tool such as high points and low points, water, etc, etc (as well as modify current map files available in the game).
It took a lot of work just to get to that point. Writing a terrain/map editor is almost as complicated as writing a game. The whole process of creation of the tool is a very complex and challenging one, requiring many many hours of work. This does mean though that the map code has been decoded and the good news that the community should understand is this tool is the key to us moving forward in terms of creating new Theaters and Campaigns (other than the one we are currently working on!), and therefore add much and many more environments for Cliffs of Dover pilots to fly in, or tank drivers to fight in, or AAA gunner operators to shoot aircraft from
Once it is complete then we will be able to move in any direction we choose and a lot more quickly and efficiently.
Okay so once I knew that we were going to officially announce our 'cracking' the map file code and the new map tool, I wondered what questions may be asked, so just in-case, here are some probable answers:
Question: Will this be publicly available?
Answer Currently the map tool when ready will only be for TF members to use, but there are map makers and texture artists waiting in the wings ready to start work once this becomes available and ready to use by the Team.
Question: So hills our mountains can be created too?
Answer: This is a map tool for making maps, it will do just that, make maps. Maps have high and low points, we can make these. This image just shows that we can and have created a tool that reads directly the game map structure and allows us to modify AND create new maps and features on existing maps
Question: Does this mean that we can have maps like the Pacific, Alps, Philippines, Berlin, etc, etc.
Answer: Well it's a map tool and it makes maps....those areas are on maps.....I think the answer is apparent?
Question: When will it be ready?
Answer: Two weeks..........we just don't know which two weeks that will be
So there you have another Friday update come and gone, hopefully it was worth the wait? The next update will again most likely be 2-4 weeks, but I'd rather have updates contain news of value than just nothing of much at-al;
As always, we are on the lookout for 3D modellers to help build and create new features, aircraft, cockpits, models for future environments so please check out this thread (it's an atag thread)
If you think you have a skill that could be of use to Team Fusion please contact me by PM or on email linked in the above link
And finally for those of you helping us identify bugs, here is the latest report from the Bugtracker which we really would urge you to join and help us pick out those nasty little game spoiling bugs that irritate all of us
From the Team Fusion Bugtracker
The bugtracker (http://tfbt.nuvtu.../il2clodtf) keeps accumulating data: Since the last published update on June, 28th, 42 new users brought the total up to 759 registered users of which 83 have been active since then. We currently have 111 open issues (83 bugs and 28 feature requests). 2 have already been resolved with patch 4.312 and 9 are currently in progress to be fixed or implemented.
18 new issues have been raised since the last update, among them are (no judgment implied):
Reported Bug #616: "Ju 87: brakes have to be stronger" (New)
Reported Bug #611: "Poor Map Meshing in sea area at Map Ref AC7 Cherbourg area" (New)
Feature Request #606: "Spitfire Mk I, Mk Ia, and Mk IIa: Missing Wheels position Indicator Rod in the Wings" (New)
The issues with the highest (summary) vote currently are:
27: #581: "RAF fighter engines incorrectly start cold in Multiplayer" (New)
19: #602: "Defensive AI Gunner Skill Levels Set Too High" (New)
14: #589: "Hawker Hurricane start up" (New)
We invite all pilots to participate in the bugtracker either by reporting bugs, requesting features, and/or vote on issues. But before you do anything, please read the guidelines and FAQ here: http://tfbt.nuvtu...f/boards/4
IL-2 Sturmovik™, Cliffs of Dover™, Pacific Fighters™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of 1C EUROPE, 1C-Multimedia, 1C ONLINE GAMES.
Other marks used herein are those of their respective owners.