December 28 2024 10:21:46
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IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
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IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (pilot help)
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· Registrovaní piloti: 2,751
· Nejnovější pilot: VGR-Spawn
IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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DCS World 2020
Mod Hercules v5.0 ke stažení zde:
Krávy jsem si nevšiml v ME Šklebící se
Hurá Jitka Úsměv se vrátila.
[img][/img] is not a valid Image.[img][/img] is not a valid
Coffin Corner
Takže ve výpisu mise přibude:
9:56......levý motor hoří
10:02.....pilot se katapultoval
11:28.....pilot uklouznul na kravinci
...taky sem si nemyslel že bych mohl sestřelit německý letadlo. Dva roky po válce se mi to konečně podařilo.
Abraham Simpson
Pouziva momentalne niekto CSLA mod od SVK_Snipera? https://www.digit...s/3212056/
Neviem ci to nejde iba mne,alebo to na aktualnej verzii nefunguje
[img][/img] is not a valid Image.
DCS Open Beta

Changed net protocol.

DCS World

• Crash during loading or immediately after loading a track - fixed.
• Crash in the webrtc_plugin.dll - fixed.
• Night time unit visibility, flickering white dots - fixed.
• Major RU localization update.
• MP. Su-25, Su-25T net phantom is not syncronized with pilot when server started paused - fixed.
• Damage - fixed crash when crewman state change is not created as neglectable.
• MP. Fixed multiplayer crash due to overflow of ammunition table.

DCS Supercarrier by ED

• Crew only in one eye in VR in F2 view - fixed.

DCS Flaming Cliffs by ED

• Adjusted Su-27 and Su-33 cockpit mirrors. Parts of the airframe are visible.

DCS F/A-18C Hornet by ED

• Bloom around hornet nav lights appears too large/bright at distance - Fixed
• Navigation lights very bright in day time - Fixed

DCS F-16C Viper by ED

• Added AGM-88 HARM section with HAS mode procedures.
• UFC Training mission static aircraft placement issue - Fixed
• Added Viper AIM-9LM Training mission
• Fixed typos and mission (Lesson 11) picture error
• Added Viper AIM-120C training lesson.
• Added Viper Lesson 13 - Air-Air TWS and LINK-16 Use
• Added Viper training lesson 14 - Air-to-Air ACM and HMCS use

DCS Campaigns

Memory of a Hero campaign by Stone Sky:

• In mission 13, the behavior of the AI ​​escort helicopter has been improved.
• In mission 16, the error of choosing the ending was fixed.

Mi-8MTV2 The Crew Part 1 campaign by Stone Sky:

• In mission 7, the problem with landing on the first site has been fixed.

P-51D Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney campaign by Reflected Simulation:

• AI startup bug workaround
• Mission 13 progression fix
• Improved D-day landings

Spitfire IX The Big Show campaign by Reflected Simulation:

• AI startup bug workaround
• Fine tuned AI speeds and trigger conditions
Polychop Simulations OH-58D Kiowa

Screenshot of the week

It is a fair point, the Mi-24 might cut in our sales but then again, it's not like we're sitting on a finished OH-58D. It still needs work, we don't do early access. Everyone on the team is working as hard as they possilbly can to get the module ready for release as soon as possible. Releasing an unfinished OH-58D module just to beat the Mi-24 release would do more harm than good in the long term. This project is not just about business and money, over the development period this module has become our tribute to the men and women of the Kiowa Warrior community and it has to be done right. I hope you guys can wait a little longer, in the end it will pay off in a much more polished release.

Takže ED dalo Polychopu nůž na krk. Důvod je prozaický, průměrný američan je jednoduchý člověk a reaguje jen na emerické stroje, takže by Kiowa ruinovala prodeje Hindu byť by měla poloviční kvalitu ..
Já uvidím radši Hind.
Ja tiež... Ale my nie sme Američania, že.
Hals - und Beinbruch!
Nejúčinější zbraně na likvidaci Bos primigenius f. Taurus.
YouTube Video

[img][/img] is not a valid Image.[img][/img] is not a valid
Joe Hallenbeck
Nevíte jestli pokračují práce na SA-5 Gammon (S-200)?
Jako by se po Veg... Vegě? Slehla zem. A vážně pochybuji že ju nechaj trefovat skoro 300 km vzdálený cíle. Úsměv
Rien n'est parfait; c'est la vie!
Veze, ty Vegěo :)
Porazit nepřítele a dát mu život může vypadat jako projev laskavosti,
ale ve skutečnosti to je to nejkrutější, co poraženého může potkat.

[samurajský pohled na zajetí]
Eagle Dynamics F/A-18C Hornet - November 17, 2020 Update

In an upcoming update for the Hornet, we’ll be including two important features: Air-to-Ground (A-G) mode for the Helmet Mounted Display (HMD) and the ability to designate target points through the HUD in CCIP mode.

This short video provides the basics of taking advantage of these new features once available.

YouTube Video

DCS Open Beta

DCS World

• Added the bomb speed indication into the object panel of the F10 map.
• Triggered action 'Load Mission' only functions will work not only for missions from Saved Games/DCS/Missions folder.
• Syria Map. Rearming and refueling on Syria map doesn't work in MP - fixed.
• R-27T/ET missile. Decreased the delay of control after launch from 1.0 to 0.4 second.
• R-27R/ER missile. Decreased the delay of control after launch from 1.5 to 1.0 second.
• MP. Dedicated server crash in lua.dll when some client connected - probably fixed.
• Upgrade cockpit kneeboard. Mouse drag and resize. Added clickable buttons for navigation and making bookmarks. Each new bookmark - new color. Route UI buttons callbacks to track.
• Mig-29 AI will not use air break when the centre fuel tank is fitted.
• AI aircraft. Persian Gulf Al Dhafra AI stuck on 31L - fixed.
• AI aircraft. Large aircraft (E-3, KC-135) unable to taxi to the runway in Sukhumi - fixed.
• ME. Added Logbook option into Customize menu.
• Infantry ground collision with aircraft can do massive aircraft damage - fixed.
• AI B-17. Wingmen do not open bay doors, only lead aircraft - fixed.
• AI AV-8B. Fixed crash in the game if AV-8B landing point was assigned to Ticonderoga, Oliver Perry, Arleigh Burke.
• AI AV-8B. When assigned a landing on ships such as Ticonderoga, Oliver Perry, Arleigh Burke, the plane first flies to the airfield, and then returns to the ship - fixed.
• Sound. Support mono sound devices.
• Fixed crash on terrain preload.
• Reduced memory consumption during clipmap textures loading.
• Tuned terrain lights visibility.

The new Damage Model

• The new Damage Model is turned on by default for all WWII aircraft.
• Calculations based on internal structure added to WWII bombers.
• Not registered damage to landing gear is fixed.

DCS C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

• Updated handling of fuel system and masses of C-101EB as described below:
° Updated maximum fuel mass in lua to be exactly the same as the one in the Flight Model. This mass is also used by AI.
° Updated Empty aircraft mass. Subtracted unusable fuel, and added the mass of two pilots (160 kg). This mass is also used by AI.
° Updated maximum aircraft mass according to the mentioned fixes in empty aircraft and fuel masses. This mass is also used by AI.
° Fixed center of gravity change when one of the pilots ejects.
° Refueling and defueling update now fuel masses correctly.
° Unlimited fuel flag is correctly accounted now in the fuel system.
° Fixed center of gravity computation at aircraft rebirth in the same mission.
° Smoke system weight is correctly accounted now in the center of gravity computation.
• Improved smoke system. White color is properly disabled now when colorant is turned on. This means no more low FPS when using colored smoke in multiplayer.
• Improvements in fuel system. Now fuel transfer switches are off at mission start, if the corresponding fuel tank has no fuel. They should be set manually after in-game refueling.
• Synchronized parking brake handle in multicrew.
• Fixed animation of clock needles.


• Removed all GBU-16 x 2 loads.
• GAU-12 gunpod engine based firing restrictions enabled.
• Fixed: cage/uncage behavior for rockets and AG gun. Now it toggles gunsight mode between CCIP (default) and DSL (manual).
• Fixed: DSL (1) release mode.
• Fixed: Missing switches sounds in the cockpit.
• Fixed: EHSD DESG behavior when using AUTO release mode.
• Fixed: AA Gunsight’s BFP. Now it accurately shows the bullet stream from the selected gunsight distance, 1200ft (365m) or 2400ft (731m), to 4800ft (1463m).
• Improvement: HUD updated to SVG. Note: FLIR video output is disabled for the MPCD HUD repeater.
• Added: Ottoman Courier Campaign by Baltic Dragon.

DCS JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

• Fixed: support unlimited ammo.
• Fixed: hand tremble during defog.
• Fixed: removed deadzone for HOTAS T6 slide axis.
• Fixed: too long defog time.
• Fixed: BRM1 “INRNG” notification.
• Adjusted: all MFCD/HUD TDC share same axis deadzone (set in special option).
• Added more key bindings.
• Added one training: anti-ship missile.
• Updated CN locales.

ChinaAssetPack by Deka Ironwork Simulations

• Adjusted: ship collision parts life.
• Adjusted: brm1 max range value for DLZ calc.

DCS A-10C II Tank Killer by ED

• HMCS TDC makes jumps after movement - fixed.
• A-10C II. HMCD overlaps HUD. Fixed dynamic symbols positions near edges of the display.
• TGP starts to drift after slaving to HMCS - fixed.
• Updated voice messages index - made A-10C II VMU messages audible.
• Corrected the Free flight mission on Caucasus to avoid message DTSAS OFF MAP.
• Added flashlight commands to joysticks profiles. Basic options like on/off and colors are working, but no control for brightness.
• Central payload drag position fixed.
• Default Laser Latch to ON.
• 3D model. Added name change and texture remapping for the pilot.
• 3D model. Removed unnecessary arguments on the second LOD.
• 3D model. Helmet system hangs after pilot ejection - fixed.
• 3D model. Corrected pilot textures.

DCS F-18C Hornet by ED

• Added AG Mode for JHMCS.
• Completed HUD TD designation logic.
• Added GBU-32 and GBU-31V2 /V4.
• HUD TD Diamond not ground stabilized - Fixed.
• ASL blank in AUTO Mode - Fixed.
• REL indication missing in HUD designate - Fixed.
• Adjusted AIM-9 family missiles drag.
• Laser guided bombs crossed out in HUD but not DDI if laser code not set - Fixed.
• DL-13 Remains after rearm - Fixed.
• AGM-65F Sometimes wanders off target when MAV is made SOI - Fixed.
• Gear lights seem to have to much bloom on last LOD - Fixed.
• There is no reticle on HUD for Walleye.
• Updated Flight Manual in Chinese.

DCS F-16C Viper by ED

• Added pylons mass accounting to FM.
• Adjust payloads drag AIM-9.
• 3 Syria mission have snap views included creating problems for users - Fixed.
• Added CN localization for QS and Single missions.
• UFC Training mission static aircraft placement issue - Fixed

DCS F-5E Tiger II by ED

• Fixed Z fighting in main landing gears.
• Adjusted drag of AIM-9 payloads.

DCS L-39 Albatros by ED

• Fixed the animation of the pilot's hand in the rear cockpit.

DCS UH-1H Huey by ED

• Fix altimeter.

DCS P-47D Thunderbolt by ED

• Dive recovery flaps added to FM.
• Damage of structural elements from G-overload is tuned.

DCS F-14A/B by Heatblur Simulations

NEW Added F-14A Model Tomcat (F-14A-135GR, Late USN, ALR-67 Equipped Variant). New Systems and Changes include:
° TF30 engine model, including:
. Mid Compression Bypass Circuit
. Mach Lever
. Expanded compressor stall model
. Hydromechanical fuel control
. New thrust model
. New engine spool dynamics
. New afterburner model
. Updated nozzle logic
. New audio
° Reshaped engine nacelles and added new nozzles
° New - A specific liveries:
. VF-21 Freelancers 200
. VF-111 Sundowners (200)
. VF-154 Black Knights 101
. VF-211 Fighting Checkmates 105
NEW: Complete external sound overhaul (TF30 & F110). We’ve entirely overhauled the F-14’s exterior soundset, including the following changes:
° New rear aspect exhaust sounds
° New intake sounds
° New afterburner sounds
° New fly-by sounds
° New engine fan blade rattle sound (slow windmilling speeds)
° AB Zone lighting thump (internal)
° Fixed stall warning tone + new audio sample (internal)
° New compressor stall sounds
° Tuned engine start and idle sounds
° Adjusted all sdef files to improve directional sound and audible distance
° Complete overhaul of audio driver logic on code side
° Various other common sound fixes:
. Sounds now load quicker
. Tomcat is no longer unbearably loud at idle and at distance
. Reduced total number of sound samples being played in external view
NEW Added simulated yaw string (A and B models) with corresponding wind simulation.
NEW Fire Suppression System + keybinds.
NEW Mid Compression Bypass Circuit Breaker keybind (F-14A only).
NEW Afterburner Gate option + keybind.
NEW Jester Features:
° JOKER callout
° BINGO fuel callout
• Fixed fuel shutoff handles not shutting down engines.
• Fixed engine stall/over temperature warning light logic.
• Added F-14A versions of Caucasus, PG and Syria Quickstart missions.
• Adjusted F-14B fuselage nacelle area for more roundness and visual fidelity.
• Adjusted afterburners to not show black streaks.
• Engine windmill speed now affected by relative wind direction.
• Adjusted F110 AB thrust below mach 0.7.
• Fixed crashes caused by visual effects during compressor stalls.
• Adjusted engine fire and compressor stall visual effects.
• Engine fire and compressor stall effects now synced over the network.
• Adjusted pitch damping and pitch with power effects per SME comments.
• Adjusted inlet aerodynamic performance per SME comments.
• Adjusted subsonic airframe drag per SME comments.
• Fixed TF-30 oil overheating.
• Misc potential crash fixes in engine code.
• Updated F-14B Syria Take-Off Instant Action mission.
• Painted air brake pistons white.
• Allow AIM-7MH to loft, except when fired in ACM or boresight modes.
• Added CVN-75 to the data link capable carriers.
• Flood antenna identifies as missile lock instead of STT to targets now, for consistency with other DCS modules.
• Enable sparrow flood antenna if STT is lost while sparrow is in flight.
• Update RWR threat library version.
• Fix RWR symbols for HQ-7.
• Fix ARC-159 (pilot radio) keybinds for OFF/MAIN/BOTH/ADF.
• Fixed VF-11 Red Rippers (1997)/description.lua to remove problematic Spec Map.
• Adjust AIM-54 chaff resistance after latest ED/DCS changes
• Add bindable input for pilot hydraulic hand pump.
• Use the DCS global gameplay option for hiding control stick.
• Fix typo in options dialog (butons-> buttons).
• Converted Bone Strike, Colorado River Time Trial, Debridging the River Ingur, Heatblurring the Lines, Kish Kat Attack, Protect the Viksburg, Rioni River Run, Seine River Endurance Run to F-14A compatible versions.
• Adjusted AIM-54 countermeasure resistance to revert to old ED System.
• Fixed TID STT strobe angle error when not flying level.
• Potentially fixed a case where TWS AIM-54 could erroneously track a target not receiving recent radar returns.
• Prevent RIO from using Pilot Controls from backseat.
• Fixed steering tee not displayed in weapon off mode.
• Fixed detached wing not disappearing in LoD1+.
• Fixed Pilots not disappearing in static aircraft in LoD1+.
• Fixed Pilots not disappearing after ejection in LoD1+.
• Shifted pilot stick neutral position slightly aft.
• Adjusted flap jamming logic - flap jamming is now more likely to occur.
• Added anhedral tilt to horizontal tailplanes.
• Fixed left horizontal tailplane being displaced along Z Axis.
• Fixed Fire Extinguisher Handles & made accessible to pilot only.
• Fixed TWS velocity vector sometimes getting stuck.
• Ensure missile loses tracking when switching between PD-STT and TWS post launch.
• Fixed AIM-54 RWR indications.
• Updated manual to include F-14A late specific sections.


DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Сampaign by Baltic Dragon

• Mission 03 & 03A. Fixed Smoke not engaging ground targets.
• Mission 05. Fixed instances where Prince would not end the exercise despite calling Joker.
• Improved Prince's behaviour - he should not fall into the sea anymore :)
• Mission 06. Updated taxi instructions. Updated mission man (#3 will now leave the formation rather than #4).
• Mission 10. Updated location of player's waypoint over target. Updated position of the guard helo.

The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by Baltic Dragon

• General. Fixed wrong wingman spawn locations in missions: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 21. Minor spelling mistakes fixes.
• Mission 19. Updated Player's loadout.
Dnes byla na fóru DCS chyba, kdy se všem ukázalo, že jsou permanentně zabanovaní. Takže: "don't panic"

* od 20.11. do 7.12. až 50% slevy

Dear DCS Pilots!

We are pleased to announce that our 2020 Autumn DCS World Sale will begin on 20 November 2020 and last to 7 December 2020! Get up to 50% off on most DCS World modules!
We will also be participating in the Steam Autumn Sale at the same discount rates.

YouTube Video

A na vánoce nás čekají 75% slevy
F/A-18C Hornet - HMD MIDS Settings

In addition to setting display symbol options for the Helmet Mounted Display (HMD), you also have the option to determine the display priority for datalink symbols provided via the Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) datalink. This short video provides an explanation of this option.

YouTube Video

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24-12-2024 12:49
vesele vanoce a štastny novy rok vam všem

24-12-2024 11:15
Pohodové Vánoce a šťastný nový rok přejí Vencourovi

08-12-2024 13:02
Vypadá to, že Nvidia definitivně ruší GeForce Experience. Už se mi aktualizuje na Nvidia App.

06-12-2024 19:02
Viděl jsem jen prvních 8 sekund videa. Stačilo mi.

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Vlastně jako by miliony mozkových buněk vykřikly hrůzou a náhle utichly.

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03-12-2024 15:48
Zase po letech jsem zaskočil a tak vás všechny zdravím...borci Mrknutí

31-10-2024 09:57
ČTK: Z dosud nezjištěných příčin se dnes v noci zřídilo letadlo na solární pohon.

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Intel vydal novou aktualizaci mikrokódu.

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To není dobrá myšlenka. Belzebub každého stáhne do pekel a přes zvolené zástupce i nás obyčejné lidi. Vyděšený

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