1. Halberstadt CL.II is completed in two variants (with Mercedes D.IIIa 180h.p. and D.IIIau 200h.p. engines), it's Careers for Schusta 27b and Schusta 21 are ready too.
2. Official Skins pack ver.1.024 was approved
3. Community Historical Skins pack vol.11 was approved
4. Community Fictional Skins pack vol.11 was approved
5. Mission Resaver tool was added to <RoF_folder>\bin_editor\mission_resaver
6. 3rd party dialogs SDK done
7. AI target engagement limit by climb-to-target time is implemented
Change list of version 1.024
1. FRENCH localization was added
2. AI should now attack enemy in mission 03
3. Enemy AI will not follow waypoint with enemy nearby in mission 04
3. DFW now has late war paint scheme in mission 10
4. Fixed possible re-spawn bug in mission 12
5. Enemy AI will now fly below clouds to attack in mission 16
6. Fixed possible re-spawn bug in mission 21
7. Fixed possible re-spawn bug in mission 22
8. Career, no-text Career event (#101), fixed, it's now correct friendly-kill message
9. Input command assignment window header now is correctly shifting to next string when it's too long
10. % symbol now may be used in chat
11. RESET button now is correctly resets Input Response Curve to last applied position
12. Aiming Helpher on/off is now correctly stored between your missions
13. "By campaign" button was fixed
14. Left mouse button now may be assigned to an input command without any problems
15. Double click on single mission folder now is not causing forever ballerina
16. Some text corrections were added
17. German bombs are spining now
18. DServer rotation algorythm was fixed, now the first mission from list will be first in rotation
19. S.E.5a pilot view movement back limit was shortened to not allow to move view inside the backrest
20. Cinematic camera effect works ok now when you switching to F2 from gunner cockpit
21. Career photo-recon and arty spotting automission now will not be success if no planes were equiped with photo/radio
22. Engine sound disappearing while sit in gunner's cockpit in multiplayer was fixed
Upravil/a 313_123 dne 23-03-2012 16:46
Trimy ? Jake trimy ? S trimy rozhodne nemohlo byt nic v neporadku ! Ttakove jednani neni 777 vlastni a zcela jiste se jedna o odporne a ucelove pokusy zatvrzelych CLodistu o dikreditaci nejjednodusiho simu na svete a zakerny osobni utok na tvurce a vsechny osoby v okruhu 100 metru kolem nich !
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