Mám to dost podobně i věkově. Ten modul je naprosto parádní. Za ty prachy stojí. Ale je to na plný úvazek. Za 15/20 let, až mi nebude sloužit tělo. Tak to bude možná cesta, jak využít čas
[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/689273580571197521/713060208871604254/DiscordInvite.png[/img] is not a valid Image.
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Asi nějaké kouzlo z jednoho sršně mám rovnou celej sršní roj. Zatím hodně promakaný mod, až na pár drobností. Studený start na palubě funguje,
posádka reaguje a gestikuluje správně, dokonce pilot animačně salutuje vidět pěkně ve zpětném zrcátku, ale tím to dobré končí nelze uvolnit katapult.
Stejnou vadu měl jeden čas Kocour, odzkoušel by to někdo na čuprletadlovce?
[img]https://img15.rajce.idnes.cz/d1503/11/11057/11057247_45659f63d9764a3a52746cec332994fd/images/DCS_2020_06_23_15_52_52_926.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
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Nejspíš ED neuneslo vypuštění skvělého modu Super Hornetu.
Vlákno s příspěvky je smazané, netušíte co může za tuhle situaci?
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Zřejmě kvůli parazitování na F/A-18C. Psali že ED změnilo pravidla ..
Když si všimneš AI verzi super hornetu, kterou dělá Skatezilla od nuly se to nedotklo https://forums.ea...p?t=255089
Osobně se těším na ten mod od Skatezilly ... ten super bug mod šel mimo mne, právě kvůli podezřelé rychlé implementaci a našroubování na verzi C.
Verse od Skatezilla bude pouze AI, vhodná leda jako dekorace na palubu.
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Pokud by byl kvalitně udělán FM,DM tak ho lze zakomponovat do mise a vyzkoušet si boj proti super hornetu.
Případně by šel použít jako křoví v nějaké kampani. Třeba TPJ
Ale je to jen "blbý" AI holt no ..
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Mam rozporuplne pocity. Jednak sa nak moc nevyznam v systemoch F-14 ani v DCS ani avionickych onych vseobecne, takze z toho nedokazem vymlatit maximum za tak kratky cas. Dalej mam len dva vecery na testovanie, ostatne to nedavam. Nemam dostatok casu na youtube tutorialy a potom skusanie. Sice som o palubu treskol bez havarie naprvykrat, ale zachranil ma dobre odpruzeny podvozok Model je to paradny, kokpity ozaj na urovni. Jester je simpatak.
Cize... ked si zoberiem ze by som mal teraz v zlave vysolit cca 60 ojro za tento modul (ak sa nemylim v cene je aj buduci model A), a stravit pomerne dost casu ucenim sa systemov lietadla, kokpitov a manualov prakticky od piky, lebo tomu nerozumiem, co je prirodzene kedze DCS nelietam... tak to by znamenalo skoro zastavit vsetky aktivity v starom iloj (mame rozbehnute pripravy na specialku), minimalizovat uz aj tak male aktivity v BOX a venovat Kocurovi maximum casu po nociach (tak to je parkrat za tyzden miesto ila, to nie je az take hrozne), tak mam z toho tie zmiesane pocity ale to nie je vec samotneho F-14 modulu ale mojich priorit. Podla nazoru Krakena je pre jednotlivca viac fun Hornet, lebo tam mi Jestera zatupi palubny pocitac ale zaroven je F-14 dvojchlapova poriadna masina. Mam aj tu A-4 Skyhawk a sledujem aj toho Goshawka. Mojim oblubenym strojom je F-4B/J Phantom ale ten v priprave pred DCS nie je (toho som si vychutnaval vo Wings over Vietnam, samozrejme dost zjedoduseneho). Nemam zvlast velku zalubu v prepinani paciek v kokpite a tocenim koliecok (netvrdim ze je to zle, len ma to tak nenaplna).
Ked si tak zhrniem, vychadza mi ze F-14 aj F-18 su pre mna prilis luxusne moduly z ktorych nedokazem vymlatit maximum. Tym padom investicia nebude adekvatna zazitku. Lenze ta tuzbat "mat"/"vlastnit" je tak silna, ze to zatial nezavrhujem Vdaka specialkam som sa spoznal s ludmi ktori to lietaju a dokazu mozno aj mna naucit nieco, takze nadej tu stale je. O par mesiacov, ak sa dozijem budem mat 40 roky, tak si to dovtedy necham poriadne prejst hlavou a uvidim, na jeden poriadny modul sa mi rodina predsa moze zlozit a budem si ho vazit a zodpovedne sa ho ucit ked je od rodiny
Kukuloo, kua, jednoho dne přijde specka pro tomcaty a na to musíme být připraveni. Hák je hák
Version 0.3 now available, change log:
- Added GAU-19 .50 cal gattling gun
- Added basic Force Feedback support
- Added option to remove weapon platform
- Added trim controls
- Added controls indicator
- M134 minigun now drops spent shells
- labeled data tables so they are easier to understand their affect on the FM
- reduced rotational instability during straight and level flight
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Aha Magote tohle myslíš. Hlavně ten směr pohledu je na prd. Ten čumák byl vyosenej směrem dolů a proto to možná dělá ten dojem. A pokud mě pamět neklame tak ta plochá část začínala někde na úrovni čelního štítku.
Tady jsem našel info :
“With the help of the pilots we are currently evaluating details, which also includes the refinement
and corrections of the avionics system of the aircraft. During the coming weeks, we hope to inte-
grate the moving map feature to the avionics and also finetune the weapons and the flight model
of the Hellfire missiles and will integrate another rocket type, that we have not shown or talked
about yet, that will make it possible to properly engage infantry and light armoured vehicle units in
DCS World.
During the past months we have also worked on certain aspects of the flight model that either
needed corrections or refinements. For example, the torque values of forward flight at all possible
altitudes, speeds and temperatures. Currently, we are working on the hover torque requirements
to accurately mimic real aircraft as closely as possible. We are also looking at the flight character-
istics below ETL, effective translational lift.
Performance pages have recently been added to the DCS Kiowa Warrior MFD, which will enable
you to ask the system to calculate your power for certain flight envelopes in level and hover flight.
Night vision has also been added, which we plan to update prior to release with a new feature never
before seen in DCS World Helicopters, but we do not want to reveal anything yet, because we can
not yet foresee obstacles we may come across that might delay such a special night vision feature.
We are confident that on release, we will have realised the most accurate Kiowa Warrior representation
in the game market.
At the moment we have 19 US Army liveries of various Kiowa Warrior troops, these include older
aircraft markings. 16 Croatian army liveries were added as well, which is the complete fleet of the
Kiowa Warriors they operate, including the tail number 327 that crashed on the 27th of January 2020
and resulted in the unfortunate loss of the aircraft and crew. Our condolences go out to the family and
friends of the crew.
Since everyone was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, our production has slowed down a bit during
the past weeks, because we as a team were also affected. Nevertheless we are back to normal again
and our team is back to normal status because we have the desire to keep our promise for a release in
2020, which also includes the time required for the quality verification process by Bell Helicopters.
That said, we are also currently working on 3 stand-alone campaigns for the DCS Kiowa Warrior.
Finally we hope everyone stays safe and is excited for the release of DCS: Kiowa Warrior.”
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