December 22 2024 06:10:58
IL-2 BoS Návody
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IL-2 Návody
IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
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IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (SW help)
Pilotovatelná letadla
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· Hosté on-line: 11

· Piloti on-line: 0

· Registrovaní piloti: 2,751
· Nejnovější pilot: VGR-Spawn
IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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DCS World 2021
Vše co potřebujete vědět o Gripenu, nová klikací v1.8.0 uvolněná.
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Coffin Corner
Nemá F-111 úplně stejnou symboliku pro zaměřovač jako F-4? Ardwarka bych možná ještě raději než Phantoma Úsměv
...taky sem si nemyslel že bych mohl sestřelit německý letadlo. Dva roky po válce se mi to konečně podařilo.
Abraham Simpson
U F-111 není co řešit, to má stejně jako F-117, SR,-71 apod. část avioniky nedostupnou. Takže nebude.
Coffin Corner
Pořád, i když už ji i Australané vyřadili a nikde nelítá?
...taky sem si nemyslel že bych mohl sestřelit německý letadlo. Dva roky po válce se mi to konečně podařilo.
Abraham Simpson
Red Star Simulations MiG-17F

Dear DCS community,

Welcome to the final development update for this year. With Christmas and New Year fast approaching, we wanted to reflect on this past year and take a look into what is coming for 2022.

Current status of the project:

• The cockpit model is almost complete, with only the canopy and several side items remaining to be modeled
• The flight model/dynamics is almost complete and it is in keeping with our original and most important promise to make the flight model realistic. Several items remain such as fine tuning the drag coefficient, induced drag coefficient, as well as fine tuning the gear, airbrake and flaps drag coefficients.
• Research has been ongoing and currently focused on specific MiG-17F systems, this is important not only to make the systems realistic, but to make the system failures and damage model realistic as well.

A look into the future:

• Cockpit texturing and implementation is planned for early next year. This will be followed by several cockpit and plane system implementations.
• Early next year we will start remodeling the MiG-17F model from scratch and make it up to 2022 standards. This will include new roughmets and reworking of the liveries (although liveries will be an ongoing process until the MiG-17F is finally released). Once the MiG-17F 3D model is complete, we will also create a new pilot based on the 1950's-1960's era for historical accuracy (up to 2022 standards).
• Further down 2022, the plan is to implement an improved damage model, including system failures and a realistic sound set for the aircraft.
• Our plan for later 2022 is also to get the MiG-17F reviewed by Eagle Dynamics. Once that milestone has been achieved, we will focus on finishing up the MiG-17 with the final details and Eagle Dynamic recommendations.

Extensive research and accuracy:

In order to bring the DCS community the best possible flight module, extensive research is necessary. This includes more than just reading manuals and gathering information online. Visiting museums with extensive MiG-17 displays and knowledge, talking to current MiG-17 airshow pilots on a bi-weekly basis, and getting help from engineers in Russia that restore older Soviet planes is a big part of our research.

An example of this was our research team going on a trip to (East) Germany and gathering additional valuable and detailed information on the MiG-17. Trip included a visit to Flugplatzmuseum Cottbus e.V. (see pics below from the visit). Information gathered and researched includes tactics manuals as well as technical information.

Gathering and researching information is not the end of it. Research job (my job) is to filter what information is important for the implementation into the simulator, and then translate that engineering information into developer friendly terms. This not only includes breaking down engineering information into simpler user-friendly terms developers can work with, but also translating from different languages into English so the team can be on the same page.

SRD-1 radar manual, which is 500 pages long, is a prime example of such research. This is a process that takes a lot of time, but also gives us a very deep understanding of the plane systems. Even something as simple as a single switch that does not appear on every MiG has to be researched.

This is all in keeping our promise to bring you the most accurate MiG-17 version possible.

Closing off, we want to let you know that we are not only the development side of the DCS community, we are also DCS enthusiasts and pilots. We are you, and we would not be here without all of us together.

Want to thank you and thank the whole DCS community for your continued encouragement and support on this project.
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year everyone.
A collection of the technical data we gathered.
Picture of the cockpit. Note the 3 different languages (German, Polish and Russian).
Illustration of the PPK-1 Anti-G suit, which will be modeled.
East German Air Force MiG-17F "537". This livery will be included in the module.
what is love mi8 Šklebící se
Coffin Corner napsal:

Pořád, i když už ji i Australané vyřadili a nikde nelítá?

To že nikde nelítá je irelevantní. Stále tam je část avioniky, která je veřejenosti nedostupná a bez ní stroj nenasimuluješ. No možná v FS2020 s třema tlačítkama to půjde Šklebící se
Coffin Corner
To by mě zajímalo co má F-111 tak tajného, že to dokonce překonává nástupce F-15E, který se vesele vyvíjí? Úsměv
...taky sem si nemyslel že bych mohl sestřelit německý letadlo. Dva roky po válce se mi to konečně podařilo.
Abraham Simpson
Tajného je na ní vše k čemu byla určena, stejně tak jako u U2, F-117 apod .. radary, především AG radar který byl určen pro scan v terénu aby stroj mohl při M1 letět prakticky po slepu těsně nad terénem, všechny ostatní mody AG radaru, rušičky, RWR, Komunikace (systém šifrované komunikace odpalu nukleárních střel), non-GPS navigační systémy (část z nich tedy už máme v F-14), výkony (aby mužik nevěděl jak F-111 pronikne k Moskvě) a použití AGM-69 ..
Tohle není nějaký všeobecný AA systém jako F-15 ..
Magote, neblazni, tenhle radar? Kyvajici se antena s nastavovanim krivky, kdy to zacne pritahovat?
Rusicky? Uplne stejne jak u ostatnich letadel. RWR? Take. Sifrovani? Take. Navigace, vykony? To vsechno je verejne nedostupne, troufnu si rici pro uplne kazde letadlo 1960+ z tech, co v DCS jsou. Chapu argument, ze o to letadlo neni zajem, protoze trzni sila je v prodavani nejnovejsich masomlejnovych stroju, a chapu i argument, ze destrukci vseho v okruhu peti mil nezvladne engine. Ale tvrdit, ze je nemozne vyhrabat udaje, kdyz to u ostatnich jde a hlavne se tam akceptuje, ze kdyz to nejde, tak se to nejak domysli, no to ne.
No šlo mě o to, že pro tu úlohu na jakou ten stroj byl designován je právě absence těchto citlivých dat o to víc znát a implemenrtace jen malé části dostupné avioniky by byla o to víc zbytečnější než např. u F-16 kde se může virtuální pilot vyblbnout se sidewinderama a kanonem. Úsměv
Mission Editor Tutorial: AI Electronic Countermeasures - ECM

* Spudknocker aneb jak nastavit AI ECM v editoru mise:

Hey guys! Since the latest open beta updates a lot of you guys have asked about how to get the the DCS World AI to use their ECM or Electronic Countermeasures Systems against you.

This system is all controlled in the DCS World Mission Editor, but more specifically it is a setting housed within the Advanced Waypoint Actions panel.

1- Add A new Advanced Waypoint Action
2- Set Options - ECM Using
3- Choose from one of the 4 Available Options!

0:00:00 - Intro
0:02:00 - AI Advanced Waypoint Actions
0:06:55 - Aircraft Payload Requirements
0:08:10 - AI ECM Usage Example Flight!

YouTube Video

DCS Open Beta

DCS World

• Fix Returned net.* API to Mission Scripting environment.
• F-15E, JSOW start fixed.
• F-16C. Crash due to changes in cockpit local files fixed.
• Su-25. Crash during repair fixed.
• Screen flickers black in some case - fixed.

DCS: L-39 Albatros by Eagle Dynamics

• Training missions: wrong takeoff direction fixed.

DCS: MiG-19P Farmer by RAZBAM

• Communication menu fixed.

DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

• Incorrect waypoints fixed.


L-39 Albatros: Kursant Campaign by Eagle Dynamics:

• Mission 10: Wind tuning.
Coffin Corner
Pobavila mě věta z logu u předposledního patche:
AI ground units. AI soldiers could not hit a close target (adjusted contact lens prescription) - fixed.
Pozemní jednotky UI. Vojáci UI nedokázali zasáhnout blízky cíl (upraven recept na kontaktní čočky) - opraveno

Šklebící se
...taky sem si nemyslel že bych mohl sestřelit německý letadlo. Dva roky po válce se mi to konečně podařilo.
Abraham Simpson
rozšroubovaná 23
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