January 08 2025 19:09:51
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DCS World 2020
Jo Edge mě rozhodně Šklebící se překvapil, na akrobata detailním zpracováním.
Hned druhej stroj po Rogalu s kterým mám 200 fps plus nad Supercarrier.
Určitě by měl radost i Martin Šonka, že tenhle sport znovu ožil alespoň virtuálně.
Co mi nejde namapovat Smutný jsou brzdy na tlačítka, políčko s nabídkou nejde rozkliknout.
Ještě na prezentačním videu se kouše animace vrtule, tím ale tahle vypuštěná verse netrpí.
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
petsild napsal:

Jo Edge mě rozhodně Šklebící se překvapil, na akrobata detailním zpracováním.
Hned druhej stroj po Rogalu s kterým mám 200 fps plus nad Supercarrier.
Určitě by měl radost i Martin Šonka, že tenhle sport znovu ožil alespoň virtuálně.
Co mi nejde namapovat Smutný jsou brzdy na tlačítka, políčko s nabídkou nejde rozkliknout.
Ještě na prezentačním videu se kouše animace vrtule, tím ale tahle vypuštěná verse netrpí.

Je s tím prča, hlavně ta dráha dá celkem zabrat. Úsměv
Brzdy mi jdou namapovat pouze na klávesnici, na HOTAS stejný problém jako ty.
Community A-4E Skyhawk Mod

* uvolněna verze 1.4:
- seznam změn
- nové stránky projektu
- přímý odkaz ke stažení

YouTube Video

Prý má A-4E přes 15 000 stažení, to už je solidní základna

Info ze dneška - v beta buildu to ještě nebude
- Updated carrier launch procedures to support more carriers (DCS:Supercarrier workarounds included)

// edit tak SC carrier launch (workaround) už latest v1.4 obsahuje
Upravil/a magot dne 10-06-2020 19:19
DCS Open Beta

DCS World

• Improved DCS startup time
• Fixed crash on AIM-120 seeker
• AI soldiers shoot through walls - fixed
• ME. Su-33. Decrease default fuel to 50%
• Fast mission generator crash in 2.5.6 branch - fixed
• AJS-37 and JF-17 spawned in Senaki hangars with wrong heading - fixed
• S_EVENT_ENGINE_SHUTDOWN not triggered for clients - fixed
• MP. Fixed occasional IC failing even if no user-mods are installed
• MP. More fixes for server list empty if IPv6 is disabled in Windows
• GAI: Column not completely following route - fixed
• HUD intensity corrected for non FC3 aircraft

DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3

• Added RSBN navigation data for The Channel's airfields
• Added RSBN navigation data for Persian Gulf's newly added airfields
• Fixed the canopy lock sequence from users having to lock and then unlock to open the canopy after it was unlocked the first time
• Fixed a bug where the NS430 module turns off when the afterburner is engaged
• Fixed non-rotating turbine blades
• Adjusted suspension to prevent the tires digging in below the ground
• Fixed dashboard from protruding out of the windscreen
• Fixed ejected pilot and seat missing textures
• Fixed Southeria & Iran’s missing textures
• Fixed damaged parts’ missing textures
• Fixed critical damage shape on tail
• Fixed dorsal fuel tank from disappearing after taking damage
• Reverted file names for SPRD-99 and POMIG 3d meshes
• Adjusted rear belly antenna from looking metallic on metal liveries
• Adjusted color of PTB-490/800 fuel tanks
• Adjusted tilt angle of PTB-490/800 on the center pylon
• Introduction of Phase 1 Cockpit includes:
° New ASP and Windscreen 3d meshes (WIP)
° Volumetric lighting for gauges added (WIP)
° Cleaner canopy glass
° Corrected stenciling’s lighting (Some changed to glow in the dark)
° Chronometer now glows in the dark

Note: “Phase 1” cockpit is a work in progress build, that needed to be pushed to fix the large gaps with the released “Phase 1” external model. The volumetric lights for the gauges are new and we ask for your feedback regarding any FPS loss.

Lights are tuned at max for dawn/dusk settings. When it’s complete darkness, users must switch indicator lights to night mode and set other lights’ rheostats to a non-max position.

DCS Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3

• Fixed bright lights in the cockpit
• Yaw damping tuned
• Correction Cx0
• P-47 motor power tweak
• Fixed wrong caption of canopy jettison tooltip
• Propeller looks incorrect in the runway spotlight

DCS F-14B by Heatblur Simulations

• Added Supercarrier version for cold start Cage the Bear campaign - thank you Kaba! (replaces old carrier cold start version)
• Fixed wind direction in Debridging the River Inguri SP and COOP mission
• Fixed inverted warning panel on Jolly Rogers Hi Vis livery
• Fixed IFF showing for non aerial vehicles (ships)
• Added Ticonderoga and Arleigh Burke as NTDS (datalink host) capable
• Temporary fix to make annunciator lights visible for DCS lighting changes
• Tweaked flood light intensity
• Fixed AOA indexer visibility
• Adjusted flaps drag and damage model
• Adjusted pitch damping
• Corrected kneel switch animation
• Adjusted flaps pitch moment
• Adjusted pitch trim actuator rate
• Adjusted pitch with power

DCS AJS37 by HeatBlur Simulations

• Fix to Rb05 Fusing

DCS C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

• Improved turn indicator accuracy in standard conditions (30 degrees of bank), both in C-101EB and C-101CC
• Rate of turn pointer in turn indicator of C-101CC shows now a two minutes turn when on the mark
• Improved inclinometer (slipball): adjusted it's behavior according to installation position and physical parameters (ball mass, tube size, tube radius of curvature and viscous drag)

ChinaAssetPack by Deka Ironwork Simulations

• Fixed J-11A landing/taxi light
• Fixed JF-17 dragchute model after cut-off
• Adjust navy ship wsType3, now helicopter can born in cold on deck

DCS JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

• Fixed SPJ not work issue
• Fixed DTOS mode releases all bombs issue
• Adjust initial gain for AG radar RBM

DCS Supercarrier by ED

• Fix rain reflected light intensity
• Add specular reflections for dynamic lights

DCS F-18C by ED

• Litening pod
° Add on HUD No-Action Slewing indication (segmented TD box)
• HUD Conflict Between FLIR and TMR/IN RNG/MAV LKD - fixed
• SLAM video not switching on sometimes - fixed
• AIM-120 launch in LTWS or TWS gives RWR launch warning to the target in MP - fixed
• AGM-65F When uncaged slew close to designated point but not close enough - fixed
• TDC scan altitude readout changes as the radar goes through each individual bar - fixed
• Fixed the azimuthal scan indication in MAP mode after a hot start
• Add The sounds for throttle (throttle lims/throttle transition from Idle to Off and back/from mil to AB and back)
• SLAM TOO data from TPOD can be transferred to PP - fixed
• If user uses ground power only no stores information is shown in DDI - fixed

DCS F-16C by ED

• Radar elevation coverage is wrong - fixed
• No HUD steerpoint indications for preset steerpoints - fixed
• TDC range numbers don't change when antenna elevation changes - fixed
• HUD symbology is barely visible in daylight - fixed
• Added french F-16 localization
• TGP TV picture has extremely high brightness - fixed

DCS P-47D Thunderbolt by ED

• Fixed language in the Fast missions

DCS A-10C by ED

• Lights inside "FIRE <eng> PULL", "FIRE <APU> PULL" & landing gear handles were too dim - corrected
• Brightness of some lights in the cockpit was too high - corrected

DCS Combined Arms by ED

• Added multichannel tracking radar for SAM + Aegis for navy
• Fixed ineffectiveness SAM Sea RAM to ASM

Flaming Cliffs by ED

• Corrected lights in the cockpits of next aircraft: Yak-52, Su-25, Su-25T, MiG-29, A-10A, F-86F, L-39C, L-39ZA, A-10C, MiG-15bis, P-51D-25NA, P-51D-30NA, TF-51D, UH-1H, F-15C, F-5E
• F-15C cockpit. Warning lights animation corrected
• Added adaptive self-illuminating materials in the cockpit of A-10A, Su-25T, Su-25


Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger, P-51D Mustang Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney and Spitfire IX The Big Show campaigns by Reflected Simulations:

• Campaigns updated to include the AI P-47 Thunderbolt
hmmm, jak to bude asi u tomcatu fungovat?
Added Ticonderoga and Arleigh Burke as NTDS (datalink host) capable
Pravděpodobně vypustili jiný build než měli v plánu... Od BIGNEWY:
We have reported the issues to the team and they are discussing and working out what went wrong. At this point a hot fix is being considered and as soon as I know more I will let you all know.

NineLine na Discordu:
Looks guys, we royally messed this one up, we are working to fix the issues and get them out to you, as well as figure out how this went so far out of whack again.

NineLine na Hoggitu:
I'm sorry guys, its totally unacceptable, you guys have heard it hear before I know. We are working on getting a hotfix, soon as we know what can and will be done, we will let you know. Again, all I can do is apologize. We are putting new checks and balances in, but obviously they are not anywhere where they need to be yet. Thanks guys.

We have been working on a new regression testing system for the EA products like the Hornet and Viper, obviously, something majorly misfired on this one, I can't say anything more than sorry and we are working on getting a hotfix for this.

Cobra na Hoggitu:
Sorry everyone - these patchnotes are inaccurate and represent a newer build that we hoped to include.

We're rebuilding all of the lighting in the F-14 and Viggen to make it look nice again. It will be done by the next patch - but these last two patches have just been too quick for us to keep up. Some lighting changes are included in this (temporary, so you can at least see some of the lights..)

We'll see if we can publish a hotfix on the forums.

A IronMike na ED fóru:
Dear all, our apologies for a bit of a confusion, these three items about light changes in the changelog are wrong:

• Temporary fix to make annunciator lights visible for DCS lighting changes
• Tweaked flood light intensity
• Fixed AOA indexer visibility

They were meant for the next build that did not make it into this patch anymore. My apologies for that. It was an oversight of mine to not remove them in time.

The good news is, that despite this patch appearing maybe even slightly worse, we are closing in on a lighting fix, which will hopefully come with the next patch. Thank you all for your very kind patience, as always.

Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 10-06-2020 22:10
ale tenhle development pokračuje bez chyb ..
[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/544224332709232660/719253014992519250/Skype-20200607-121133.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/544224332709232660/719253021430906991/Skype-20200607-121850.jpeg[/img] is not a valid Image.

ještě cosi ..
[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/544224332709232660/720069757914578964/WhatsApp_Image_2020-06-09_at_18.55.26.jpeg[/img] is not a valid Image.
[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/544224332709232660/720069760934608896/WhatsApp_Image_2020-06-09_at_18.50.20.jpeg[/img] is not a valid Image.
DCS Open Beta

DCS World

• S-3B unable to launch SLAM - fixed
• Embarking group disappears from F10 map - fixed
• DM. Aircraft insensibility to damage by weapons - fixed
• MP. Improved integrity check reports

DCS F/A-18C Hornet by ED

• Radar elevation coverage is incorrect - fixed

DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3

• Added wheel chock function
• Fixed external glass material name
• Fixed nose cone animation
• Fixed ejection seat visibility
• Fixed aircraft covers showing during ejection sequence
• Fixed artificial horizon pitch animation
• Fixed ASP glass texture z-fighting its frame
• Fixed 'English - Metric' and 'Chinese' cockpit liveries
• Fixed key bindings for the RSBN / PRMG channel selectors
• Fixed key bindings for the ARU and landing light switches
Heatblur Simulations

We're overhauling all internal and external lighting for both the Viggen and Tomcat to fit the new DCS lighting system! Hang tight.

Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 12-06-2020 15:57
Ugra-Media Syria Map

* BIGNEWY nedávno na Discordu zmínil, že mapa je v interním testování



Community Superbug Mod. Úsměv
YouTube Video

[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.img33.rajce.idnes.cz/d3302/16/16984/16984634_736d48680dbea871c244e75c34d27f32/images/SClogom.jpg
To je zajímavý .. SkateZilla dělal několik let na AI verzi superhornetu ... a jeho práce vypadá celkem solidně. O létatelné verzi si nedělá iluze
A-4E v1.4 & chyby renderování v poslední OB
Hi fellow DCS pilots,

I would like to post a mini update addressing the lighting-related issues in the Community A-4E in the latest Open Beta of DCS World. I’m sure most of you who are using the Open Beta branch of the DCS World are aware of the light issue plaguing a number of modules, particularly lighting and annunciator elements in various modules. The Community A-4E is no exception. The annunciators on the glare shield and the caution panel are significantly harder to read in the sunlight.

Our preliminary analysis shows that the issue is plaguing 3D elements that are marked with the "transparent_self_illum" material property. This material type was used in the elements mentioned above in the A-4E. The rendering of elements tagged with this material property has changed in the recent OB patches and we are unsure if this is an intentional renderer change or if this is a rendering bug. If this is indeed a bug, we believe that an official patch for DCS is on its way so that everyone can experience the hard work of all the various DCS developers once again. For the benefit of community information, negating this issue in the A-4E would require switching the material property used to another which could achieve similar results and several texture updates to adapt to the requirements of the newly chosen material type. While this might not seem like an unachievable task, it does still require the time of the development team to code, repaint the textures and for testers to verify the changes.
As we are unsure if this is a temporary or permanent change, we do not wish to issue an official patch at the moment and only to roll it back next week. If this is indeed a temporary issue, this would be an unnecessary inconvenience placed on the users of the A-4E when some patience would have served us well. Not to mention that due to the mode of distribution available to use, each patch would involve the user to manually undertake several steps to have their A-4E installation kept up to date. We would, therefore, try to minimise the number of patches issued to reduce the opportunity for version disparities among users. This would also assist in managing the workload on the team and allow us to pursue more features instead of this constant task of rendering tweaks.

We hope this information would help provide more insight into the Community A-4E development process and we will keep you updated should there be more information to be made available.
Deka Ironwork Simulations - China Asset Pack

More units coming to ChinaAssetPack



RAZBAM Simulations AV-8B N/A - Harrier Easy Landing

How I land the AV-8B Harrier on the USS Tarawa in DCS World (CASE I pattern).

YouTube Video

Další aktualizace až 15.7.2020, viz. Patch Status.
Mapa Sýrie
[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/541584176759963660/722377542954385458/HR3wFXY.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
DCS Open Beta

DCS World

• Crash on Server Stop - fixed.

DCS C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

• Mirror toggles now correctly on/off with keyboard or joystick button when the option is set to OFF in the game UI. Previously it was only working correctly when using clickable cockpit.
• Added default key combination for Trigger Safety Catch UNLOCK, Trigger Safety Catch LOCK, Stores Release Guard OPEN and Stores Release Guard CLOSE of front cockpit for both C-101EB and C-101CC.
• Fixed C-101EB-Nevada-takeoff mission. There should be no AI mid-air collision.

DCS F/A-18C Hornet by ED

• Possible fix for crash in CLC.
• Laser Maverick does not see Laser spot on a building - fixed.

DCS Yak-52 by ED

• Merged Reverted trim descriptions for Yak-52 in localization (RU).

DCS F-5E Tiger II by ED

• RWR buttons not properly lit - fixed.

DCS F-14B by Heatblur Simulations

• Complete lighting overhaul and readjustment.
• Fixed annunciator lights not being visible.
• Fixed green dot showing in HUD.
• Tweaked flood light intensity.
• Tweaked value of remaining daylight required to spawn with cockpit lights on - will be generally later in the day now.
• Fixed vertical panels not changing light intensity in sync with other panels.
• Changed red flood lights to dim per default when spawning at dusk or night.
• HSD, ECMD and TID brightness start with lower values when spawning at dusk or night.
• Fixed Lantirn panel lights appearing without the Lantirn stick being visible.
• Fixed exterior lighting bugs.
• Tweaked canopy glass cockpit and exterior.
• Fixed Jester infinite input loop during TWS-A.
• Added possibility to load 10 Mk20 Rockeyes. Note: MAK-79 is still WIP and not visible atm.
• Finished Kneel Switch solenoid behavior.
• Minor tweaks to flaps overspeed/overG and flaps jamming.
• Tweaked asymmetric flap roll.
• Adjusted fine trim single step intensity (trim should be more precise now).
Known issue: ACM Panel SW Cool, Gun rate, Missile Prep and Missile Mode lights do not change intensity with ACM panel lighting intensity setting - WIP.

DCS AJS37 by Heatblur Simulations

• Fixes to internal and external lights - tweaked all lighting levels and emissive materials for new DCS lighting system.
• Turned down hud brightness knob at night-start.
• Probable fix to out-of-memory problem in ELINT analysis.
• Fix to proximity fuse for Rb05.
• Fixed weapon selector knobs not being readable at lower texture settings.

DCS Mirage 2000c by RAZBAM

• Cockpit lighting material change for indicator lights


• TDC lag bug fix
• Gunpod ammo causing gunsight to "jump" bug fix
• MPCD video brightness and contrast control enabled.
• HUD video brightness and contrast control enabled.
• Cockpit interior lights fixed.
• Cockpit lighting material change for indicator lights
Heatblur Simulations - F-14 and Viggen FREE Trial! June 19th - 25th

* od 19.6. do 25.6. zdarma na vyzkoušení Viggen a Tomcat

We're proud of our simulation products! Try them out for free between the 19th and 25th, and ENJOY the Tomcat and Viggen!!! :) Make sure to let us know what you think!! Trial event in partnership with Eagle Dynamics and DCS World.

YouTube Video

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01-01-2025 10:10
Štěstí, zdraví, spokojenost a mnoho potěšení duchovních i tělesných, přeju všem!

24-12-2024 12:49
vesele vanoce a štastny novy rok vam všem

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Pohodové Vánoce a šťastný nový rok přejí Vencourovi

08-12-2024 13:02
Vypadá to, že Nvidia definitivně ruší GeForce Experience. Už se mi aktualizuje na Nvidia App.

06-12-2024 19:02
Viděl jsem jen prvních 8 sekund videa. Stačilo mi.

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Vlastně jako by miliony mozkových buněk vykřikly hrůzou a náhle utichly.

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Zase po letech jsem zaskočil a tak vás všechny zdravím...borci Mrknutí

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21-10-2024 20:04
Intel vydal novou aktualizaci mikrokódu.

36,168,715 návštěv