November 24 2024 13:03:09
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IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
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IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (SW help)
Pilotovatelná letadla
RoF Návody
Kdo je on-line
· Hosté on-line: 8

· Piloti on-line: 0

· Registrovaní piloti: 2,747
· Nejnovější pilot: carramba66
IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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DCS World 2017
Aermacchi, nové promo
YouTube Video

Heatblur Simulations F-14A&B Tomcat - AIM-54 Quick Tips (RIO, 6 Targets, ACM)

* od Jabberse

In this video we quickly go over how to employ the AIM-54 on 6 separate targets using TWS Auto, how to change the priority order using Next Launch, and how to employ an AIM-54 Phoenix in ACM mode so that it is Active right off the rail.

YouTube Video

Z FB Deka Ironwork Simulations.
Výzbroj chystaného JF 17. Chybí mi tam ty dva závěsníky navíc co má F16.
Heatblur Simulations F-14A&B Tomcat - Bombing Quick Tips (Jester, RIO, Computer Pilot/Target, Lofting)

* další díl ze série rad a tipů pro Tomcat od Jabberse

In this video we explore all of the different bombing options using both Jester and playing a RIO. We take a look at Computer Pilot (CCIP) and Computer Target (CCRP) modes and then we take a look at Lofting. Enjoy!

YouTube Video

mod French pack v2 rozšířen o další jednotky - import z Arma3
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RAZBAM Simulations AV-8B N/A

The ASL Line issue is now Fixed Úsměv
RAZBAM Simulations MiG-19 Farmer B

* MiG-19P Status update_First report

Stall Behavior
DCS MIG-19P stall behavior with the recent FM updates.

YouTube Video

Inverted Spin
DCS MiG-19P Inverted Spin behavior, recovery and Spins during turns

YouTube Video

Regular Spin
DCS MiG-19 Spin behavior and recovery

YouTube Video

Tak a teď ty vrtáky bych rád viděl. Při jednom zhasnutém motoru a po směru otáčení turbíny toho aktivního motoru ..
Test MP synchronisace Aim54
YouTube Video

DCS Open Beta

DCS World

* ME. Triggers. Added new field to message action with delay message in seconds.
* Fixed a crash when player left aircraft for AI control with scheduled two identical failures, which caused them to mess.
* Fixed a crash if player ejects himself in the middle of refueling procedure.
* Dedicated server. Log update now checks if lifecycle is enabled.
* Dedicated server. File selector: 'Saved Games' topmost folder. Only show relative path from it.


* Tpod Point track issue Fixed
* ASL line behavior fixed
* Fuel Probe Model Changed
* Training Missions Updated


* Added the following keybinds:

- Milpower and AB throttle buttons
- Canopy open and Canopy close discrete commands
- Landing gear lever lock on, off, on/off commands
- Landing gear lever neutral command
- RV-5 Radalt commands for each option
- Rocket salvo mode command for each option
- ASP-5 sight aiming mode command for each option
- Bomb release mode command for each option
- ASP-5 sight operation mode command for each option
- parachute deploy cover open and close
- cockpit temp selections
- emergency brake on and off
- nose gear brake on and off
- agi-1 cage and uncage
- ark 5 far/ndb band select
- ark 5 near band select
- ark5 function select
- ark5 receive mode
- ark5 near/far select
- main battery
- bomb arm
- asp5 sight cage
- rp5 radar telemetry

* Fixed Polish Skin
* Increased Cockpit Brightness
* Fixed Gun Arming button animation
* Instrument Textures Updated
* Adjusted Rocket pods (ORO-57K) coordinates

DCS F/A-18C Hornet

* Corrected heading values on radar page.
* F/A-18C missions: added HARM instant action mission, added more threats, added Hornet Nevada mission, updated sound trigger, updated SAMs, added waypoints, Added Hornet low alt recce mission for Normandy map, added new Hornet instant action caucasus mission, added voice-overs. Added French, Korean and Russian localization. Updated for datalink. The big part of Instant Action missions relocated to the Single missions.
* SA page with large number of threats will not causes significant FPS hit.
* Add TDC track.
* Hostile identification on SA fixed (WIP).
* INS alignment procedure fixed (WIP).

DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC

* Fixed flight model not reacting to damage values.

DCS F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

* Prevent “Iceman” from using throttle on the ground.
* Prevent NTDS datalink and CAINS on Kuznetsov carrier.
* Reduce engine thrust at extreme altitudes.
* Change sidewinder HUD movable reticle to show only center of scan pattern.
* New sidewinder lock tone based on SME feedback.
* Add Jester option to explicitly select some weapon station combinations.
* Added tape player volume controls.
* Significantly reduced F-14 RAM usage.
* Significantly reduced Disk IO & CPU usage at mission start.
* Reduced loading times.
* Fixed JESTER being silent at mission start.
* Rename input category HCU to Hand Control Unit for consistency.
* Add keybinds for speedbrake toggle, hook toggle, parking brake, emergency jettison, anti-skid spoiler brake.

DCS Campaigns
TEW 3.0 by Baltic Dragon

* Mission 13: Updated positions of some enemy units to decrease difficulty a little. Fixed occasional bug with allied helos not landing on the roof - now they will land beside the main building.

M-2000C Red Flag by Baltic Dragon

* Mission 06: Updated F-14 model and loadout. Reduced skill of Aggressor Phantoms.
Mission 11: Updated triggers for Hawg flights - they should RTB when task is complete. If AI flights crash after mission complete it won't affect the score.
Eagle Dynamics F/A-18C Hornet - Mini-Updates

LTWS Update

One of the big items we are working on for the Open Beta next week is the introduction of Latent Track While Scan (LTWS). This is a sub-mode of Range While Search (RWS) mode that can be selected from the DATA sub-level (LTWS and MSI).

Even in RWS mode, contacts are in fact track files, but much of the data is hidden unless LTWS mode is selected. When selected, you can:

* Soft lock a contact with a Target Under Cursor (TUC)
* Designate a target to become the Launch and Steering (L&S) track file with airspeed, altitude, and MSI indications. This has a star HAFU symbol.
* A second contact designation becomes the Designated Target 2 (DT2) and has the same information as the L&S but has a diamond HAFU symbol.
* You can TUC a third contact as well.

It will be important to remember that LTWS has rather poor update for the weapons, so it cannot support a weapons launch. To launch, you will need to designate the target again to an STT track. Also because of this, you will want to use a narrower radar azimuth setting and lower bar setting (like 80-degree azimuth and 2 bars). If not, the target updates will be too slow, and tracks may be lost.

On the HUD, the box/diamond indicates the L&S line of sight and the “X” indicates line of sight to DT2.

LTWS will start to form the foundation of Track While Scan (TWS) which will be coming afterwards.

Aces_Wild napsal:
* Hostile identification on SA fixed (WIP).
* INS alignment procedure fixed (WIP).

Za takovejhle changelog by mě v práci šéf urval hlavu a dal na hodinu výpověď Úsměv
Proc je u te devatenactky pod "inverted spin" normalni vyvrtka, tusi nekdo?
LesniHU napsal:

Proc je u te devatenactky pod "inverted spin" normalni vyvrtka, tusi nekdo?

Protože ho:
a) neuměj
b) FM ho nezvládne

.. zítra ho zkusím a reportnu ... :)

btw tady maj napsáno co vše na FM ladili
RAZBAM Simulations

Guys today an update was released by ED but the changelog was ment to be for the Wed 27th (every 2nd wed) unfortunately we were not informed the update was being brought forward to today.

As a result certain fixes were not updated and we can only send out an apology for this.

Razbam has recently moved to a new internal File structure and increased our internal testing team by 4 to prevent the errors of past changelog glitches reoccurring.

We are so very sorry for the missing changes and we will make sure this DOESN'T happen again.

Thank you for understanding.


MilTech-5 BO-105

Cockpit - Highpolyizing going on on my favourite BO Version ...lot stuff to do
Eagle Dynamics F/A-18C Hornet - Mini-Updates - Introduction to JDAM, LTWS and More


1- Update to IFF and D/L identification system

Next week we plan (not promise) a new Hornet Open Beta update that includes changes to the IFF/datalink identification system and introduction to Latent Track While Scan (LTWS) and the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM). JDAM in particularly is still very much work in progress with large elements to still add. This video is provided to provide you an initial understanding of these systems.

Please also note that the A/A radar is an iterative process from which LTWS will be built upon to create the Track While Scan (TWS) mode and the Azimuth / Elevation (AZ/EL) modes.

Once the AZ/EL page is created, then the various automatic IFF modes will be implemented.

Before you ask… the targeting pod will come after the HARM is complete.

Thanks, and have fun!

- Wags

YouTube Video

Netušíte jak je to s tou automatikou/ manual emer nastavení úhlu křídel u kocoura?
Nastavím úhel 20, mauálně tou pákou, je tam stav emer, pak ji zasunu dovnitř přepne se to na stav "auto" a v tuhle chvíli bych očekával že se toho chopí automatika a a při vyšší rychlosti začně měnit úhel. Ale to se neděje. Prostě se nic neděje. A když to samé udělám i v jiné pozici, třeba úhel 53 a stav dám auto tak zase nic.
Když pak přepnu na úhel 68 do modu emer, tak se to preventivně zasekne že už pak to nejde přepnout vůbec nikam. Dokonce už nejde hnout ani s tou krytkou skla.
Všechny ostatní systémy ale fungují ..
Jo master reset, já tuhle část ještě nečetl Šklebící se tak já se večer zastavím na TSku
Btw přistání na letadlovce mě přijde celkem příjemné, žádné tragédie jako s hornetem .. ale třetí lano ještě nedávám, jsem zatím rád za vůbec nějaký Šklebící se
ještě takovej postřeh, nevím jestli něco takového bylo i IRL, ale pokud se urve křídlo, dám úhel 86 (zbylého křídla, pokud funguje) a při vysoké rychlosti je kocour v podstatě řiditelný.
Tudíž se lze dostat z nějaké kritické oblasti a katapultovat se až na bezpečném území Úsměv

Jo a jester, docela zajímavě reaguje, když se omylem při pojíždění vjede jedním kolem do té do té boční nástavby pro pohyb posádky, tak se hned vystřelí.
Přitom stačí vylézt z kabiny přímo na palubu ..

a když dojde palivo, tak jsem zjistil že se není třeba štrésovat a sedat někam na úzkou silnici , prostě sedne s tím na louce jak s blaníkem, bez poškození ..
Upravil/a magot dne 24-03-2019 13:41
Dík, zas bude co v práci študovat Šklebící se
dostup 18km na forsáži, to není taky zlý ..
Přejít na fórum:
HANÁCKÉ SLET 14.6.-16.6.


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Pro přidání zprávy se musíte přihlásit.

31-10-2024 09:57
ČTK: Z dosud nezjištěných příčin se dnes v noci zřídilo letadlo na solární pohon.

21-10-2024 20:04
Intel vydal novou aktualizaci mikrokódu.

02-10-2024 14:07
To není dobrá myšlenka. Belzebub každého stáhne do pekel a přes zvolené zástupce i nás obyčejné lidi. Vyděšený

27-09-2024 11:19
Pokud ti co zvolím budou plnit svůj program, ať se klidně spojí i s Belzebubem.

26-09-2024 16:00
Kdokoliv bude v koalici s kýmkoliv. Jím nejde o smysl, ale o prachy a to politiky spojuje.

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Příští volby vyhraje ANO a bude v koalici s ODS. Ostatní strany budou v opozici.

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Prognostik z tebe už nebude. Úsměv

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Kroměříž a Olomouc - Pravděpodobnost 3. povodňového stupně >90%

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A toto je noční můra Troubek: https://hydro.chm.

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