[img]http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/3558/26641975.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
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no a když se mrknete na fotku, co postnul Stoupa, tak vidíte, že to trubka není...
Porazit nepřítele a dát mu život může vypadat jako projev laskavosti,
ale ve skutečnosti to je to nejkrutější, co poraženého může potkat. [samurajský pohled na zajetí]
No, jestli třeba u nás před březnem 1939 netestovali na stopětařicítce Srbu se Štysem a Bulhaři si na dovezené kousky foukli - či po březnu 1939 nechali namontovat třeba i výrobcem - Revi, které vyráběl v té době jejich německý spojenec (když je na té Stoupově fotce stopětatřicítka v bulharském markingu).
Jestli nakonec nebudete mít pravdu všichni, jak už to tak občas bývá....
Upravil/a 310_cibule dne 14-09-2011 23:06
"Máte právo říkat cokoli. ... Právo být na veřejnosti za hlupáka je u nás garantováno ústavou. Ale právo něco vyslovit nedělá z toho výroku pravdu. Pravda se prokazuje nebo vyvrací porovnáním s fakty. Kdo tenhle princip nerespektuje, s tím je těžká řeč. Všichni smíme takovou diskusi odmítnout. To není zbabělost ani povýšenost, to je jen rozumné hospodaření se silami a časem."
The Avia B-135 was a modern Czechoslovak fighter aircraft. It was the production version of the Avia B-35 developed shortly before the war, based on the B-35.3.
The B-135.1 prototype attracted the attention of Bulgarian Air Force officers visiting the Avia plant, and a production contract for 12 aircraft and 62 engines was signed, as well as a license to allow an additional 50 airframes to be constructed by DSF (State Airplane Factory) as the DAR-11 Lyastovitsa ("Swallow" ). Plans for production were stopped by Germany, supply of engines was reduced to 35 and cannons never be supplied. The Bulgarian Air Force was encouraged to purchase the Messerschmitt Bf 109 instead. These the 12 Czech-built planes were ever made.
B-135s without cannons were classified as unfit for combat. As a consequence, the decision was made to relegate the twelve B-135s to the fighter-training role and transfer them to the Fighter school based at Dolna Mitropoliya. There are probably four Avias managed to shoot down a B-24 (B-17?). It was only one kill during the war.
Their sad end came in 1946, when the last surviving aircraft were used as target during air-to-ground shooting practice.
The Avia B-135 was a modern Czechoslovak fighter aircraft. It was the production version of the Avia B-35 developed shortly before the war, based on the B-35.3.
The B-135.1 prototype attracted the attention of Bulgarian Air Force officers visiting the Avia plant, and a production contract for 12 aircraft and 62 engines was signed, as well as a license to allow an additional 50 airframes to be constructed by DSF (State Airplane Factory) as the DAR-11 Lyastovitsa ("Swallow" ). Plans for production were stopped by Germany, supply of engines was reduced to 35 and cannons never be supplied. The Bulgarian Air Force was encouraged to purchase the Messerschmitt Bf 109 instead. These the 12 Czech-built planes were ever made.
B-135s without cannons were classified as unfit for combat. As a consequence, the decision was made to relegate the twelve B-135s to the fighter-training role and transfer them to the Fighter school based at Dolna Mitropoliya. There are probably four Avias managed to shoot down a B-24 (B-17?). It was only one kill during the war.
Their sad end came in 1946, when the last surviving aircraft were used as target during air-to-ground shooting practice.
The Avia B-135 was a modern Czechoslovak fighter aircraft. It was the production version of the Avia B-35 developed shortly before the war, based on the B-35.3.
In 193x the prototype of B-135.1 attracted the attention of Bulgarian Air Force officers visiting the Avia plant. A contract for production of 12 aircrafts and 62 engines was signed, as well as a license to allow an additional 50 airframes to be constructed by DSF (State Airplane Factory) as the DAR-11 Lyastovitsa ("Swallow" ). Plans for production were stopped by Germany, supply of engines was reduced to 35 and cannons were never supplied. The Bulgarian Air Force was encouraged to purchase the Messerschmitt Bf 109 instead. These the 12 Czech-built planes were ever made.
B-135s without cannons were classified as unfit for combat service. As a consequence, the decision was made to relegate the twelve B-135s to the fighter-training role and transfer them to the Fighter school based at Dolna Mitropoliya. In 1944 a section of four Avias probably managed to shoot down a B-24 (B-17?). It was the only kill scored with B-135 during the war. Their sad end came in 1946, when the last surviving aircraft were used as target during air-to-ground shooting practice.
Jsou to jen drobnosti... Takhle to zní trochu učesaněji.
A znamená to že už přijde Avia brzy do hry ? Když se píše popisek do Objects ??
Gentlemen, mlha nad kanálem se zvedá.. Jo, a první sestřel se nepočítá. Tím se jen vyrovnává účet za sebe...
Climb to 500m: 44sec
Climb to 1000m: 1min 26sec
Climb to 2000m: 2min 47sec
Climb to 4000m: 5min 35sec
Climb to 5500m: 8min 40sec
Sea level: 440km/h
At 1000m: 456km/h
At 2000m: 473km/h
At 4000m: 506km/h
At 4800m: 521km/h
At 6000m: 499km/h
Max. allowed: 715km/h
2x7,9mm machine guns (ČZ vz.30)
20mm cannon (Oerlikon FFS-20 or Hiaspano Suiza HS 404)- in series never installed
100kg bombs (1x100kg, 2x50kg, 6x10kg, 6x20kg)- in series never installed
The Avia B-135 was a modern Czechoslovak fighter aircraft. It was the production version of the Avia B-35 developed shortly before the war, based on the B-35.3.
In 1939 the prototype of B-135.1 attracted the attention of Bulgarian Air Force officers visiting the Avia plant. A contract for production of 12 aircrafts and 62 engines was signed, as well as a license to allow an additional 50 airframes to be constructed by DSF (State Airplane Factory) as the DAR-11 Lyastovitsa ("Swallow" ). Plans for production were stopped by Germany, supply of engines was reduced to 35 and cannons were never supplied. The Bulgarian Air Force was encouraged to purchase the Messerschmitt Bf 109 instead. These the 12 Czech-built planes were ever made.
B-135s without cannons were classified as unfit for combat service. In 1943 as a consequence, the decision was made to relegate the twelve B-135s to the fighter-training role and transfer them to the Fighter school based at Dolna Mitropoliya. In 1944 a section of four Avias probably managed to shoot down a B-24. It was the only kill scored with B-135 during the war. Their sad end came in 1946, when the last surviving aircraft were used as target during air-to-ground shooting practice.
Avie stále neni hotová, kromě kokpitu je potřeba toho udělat ještě hodně na externálu (předělat podvozek-zase, upravit mapování abych tolik neplýtval místem, je třeba udělat lody, model poškození D2 a vyladit FM) rád bych to vše stihnul do patche 4.12.
Upravil/a Stoupa dne 20-09-2011 01:21
K čemu slouží ta stupnice 960....950....
A jak funguje to nastavování nulové výšky letiště, co když potřeboval pilot za letu udat výšku od hladiny moře, to si musel pamatovat jakou má nadmořskou výšku letiště ze kterého startoval?
Chtěl bych to použít na klávesu přidat/ubrat výšku jako u bomb. zaměřovače. Pokud to ovšem mé programovací shopnosti dovolí.
P.S. Na fotu neni výškoměr z avie 135.
Upravil/a Stoupa dne 02-01-2012 02:35
Na té stupnici se právě nastavuje tlak vzduchu v jednotkách hPa.
Nastavování výšky :
QNH - tlak přepočítaný na hladinu moře - výškoměr ukazuje výšku nad mořem
QFE - tlak přepočítaný na výšku letiště - výškoměr ukazuje výšku nad letištěm
výhoda QNH - znáš svoji nadmořskou výšku, tj. víš jak jsi na tom vzhledem k okolnímu terénu
výhoda QFE - jdeš na přistání na letišti a víš kolik výšky nad ním máš, nemusíš si nic přepočítávat a podle toho si uděláš rozpočet
Vysvětleno zjednodušenou formou.
Nastavení na klávesu zní zajímavě, ale bude to ovlivňovat pouze přístroj a nebo i hodnoty SpeedBaru v levém dolním rohu ?
IL-2 Sturmovik™, Cliffs of Dover™, Pacific Fighters™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of 1C EUROPE, 1C-Multimedia, 1C ONLINE GAMES.
Other marks used herein are those of their respective owners.