December 27 2024 18:00:04
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IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
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IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (pilot help)
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IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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YouTube Video

Tady je zbytek tutoriálů pro novou A-10C II

GBU-54 JDAM/ laser - moving target
YouTube Video

GBU-31/38 JDAM/ laser - static target
YouTube Video

YouTube Video

MAV-L (aka E2)
YouTube Video

Zajímali by mě ještě ty postupy na INS/GPS odhoz ..
Takže na upgrade jde aplikovat MILES. I když je 10 USD prakticky nic, tak mám 4 USD slevu.
GAU-8/A Updated Gun Sounds

Updated A-10 GAU-8/A Gun Sounds

With the recent release of A-10C II Tank Killer, we have further updated and improved the sound effects for the GAU-8/A gun to take advantage of better Doppler shifting, sound delays between round impact, round flight, and cannon fire effects. This will apply to all of our A-10 products. We hope you enjoy.

YouTube Video

Flight Model improvements

We have recently fine tuned the A-10C flight model characteristics and we have taken this opportunity of presenting Dima Yo-yo’s A-10C Flight Improvements report for your consideration.

The instantaneous turn rate was tested and improved. It was noticed during this test that maintaining near-stall AoA was a bit tricky due to buffeting.

We have tuned our buffeting model to match the reference charts and then, the tests were conducted again in the same conditions. Load factor fluctuations are now gone, resulting in the ability to maintain near-stall AoA.

Report on A-10C Flight Improvements (, .pdf).

A-10C II Tank Killer Tutorial with Wags from Eagle Dynamics

* Wags učí C. W. Lemoine aka Mover (mj. bývalý pilot Hornetu) jak na Warthog

What's better than reading the manual? Having a developer walk you through employing the mighty A-10C. In this episode (Part 1 of 2 of my flight with Wags in DCS), Wags walks me through some of the features of the A-10C and shows me how to use the Scorpion Helmet, APKWS rockets, and SOI/SPI management.

YouTube Video

A-10C II Tank Killer | November 2020 Update

For the November 5, 2020 DCS World Open Beta update, we have several new and corrected features coming for the A-10C II Tank Killer. This video demonstrates some of most important changes. A complete list of changes will be provided in the upcoming change log.

YouTube Video

zapomněl zmínit šponovací gumu Šklebící se Btw ona tam fakt asi z nějakých důvodů je .. mopžná na upevňování věcí, mapy atd ..
Magote - první pravidlo logistiky, automobilistů, vodáků, apod.: Gumicuků není nikdy dost!
"Zapomněli jste na syny Vorvénovy. Ztratili jste Greptrovo kladivo. Vás nikdo mstít nebude." Dr. Lazarus
Další aktualizace průvodcem A-10C od Chucka Owla:

Hi folks,

The A-10C II "Tank Killer" Expansion update to the Warthog guide is now live! The ARC-210 V/UHF radio is still not implemented by Eagle Dynamics, so I'll add it in when it's ready. Throughout the guide, you will see certain sections that refer to the A-10C “Legacy” and A-10C II “Tank Killer” versions. The “Legacy” is the original version of the DCS A-10 released back in 2011. An expansion to the module was released in 2020, which includes new weapons, a Helmet-Mounted Cueing System (HMCS), a new 3D model, new HOTAS functions and various improvements to different systems across the board. Green and red tags as shown below specify whether a section is applicable exclusively to a version, and the absence of a tag means that the section is applicable to either version.

Changelog (11/11/2020):
• Functions grouped by "Legacy" vs "Tank Killer" variants
• HOTAS functions updated
• Updated targeting pod section with clarifications of existing functions (Steerpoint Slaving, Boresight, etc.)
• Added Scorpion HMCS (Helmet-Mounted Cueing System) section
• Included new GBU-38 JDAM HUD symbology for "Tank Killer" expansion
• Added GBU-54 Laser JDAM tutorial
• Added APKWS (Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System) laser-guided rockets tutorial
• Added AGM-65L Laser Maverick air-to-ground missile tutorial
• Fixed typos and mistakes across the whole document

Přímý odkaz ke stažení (, .pdf)
Iron Flag Teaser #1 & #2

The IRON FLAG training campaing will be set in the NTTR and will be aimed mainly at new players, containing around 20 missions with all the basic information and instructions required to master all the systems that would be useful in mostly (but not only) single player flying in the A-10.

Apart from the instructions and interactive trainings each mission will contain a part in which you will have to put the newly acquired knowledge to use and fulfil different tasks given to you by your Instructor Pilot (IP). Last few missions will simulate a complex battlefield where once again you will have to prove that you know how to effectively use the Hog. 
Moreover, the campaign will have its own storyline and will be first in series of linked campaigns sharing the same background (international situation) as well as some of the characters (from M-2000C stock campaign, M-2000C Red Flag and M-2000C Coup d'Etat campaigns).

More info:

Release date: fall 2021

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

Edit: Přidán "Teaser #2".
Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 26-10-2021 16:08
The Iron Flag campaign trailer

Iron Flag is a training campaign for the A-10C II Tank Killer module / Digital Combat Simulator. The goal of Iron Flag is to expand on the training missions that come with it and teach you new things not found there. Also, go more in-depth on some of the things that are included with the module and explain some of the tactics and rationale behind employing the A-10 C, its systems, and weapons so that you and your Hog emerge more lethal!

Baltic Dragon and Nicholas Barnwell, authors of the campaign, tried to make Iron Flag as realistic as possible, given the limitations within DCS and their knowledge. They have leaned on real civilian and USAF pilots, including a few A-10 drivers, other subject matter experts, and many within the DCS community to help them bring you the definitive A-10 training experience.

Iron Flag Part 1 is split into 10 Training missions that focus heavily on many of the systems used for flight, navigation, and emergencies, including CDU functionality and usage, TACAN navigation, ILS landing, emergency flight control (MRFCS) usage, TAD/SADL functionality, and everyone's favorite: Aerial Refueling.

Part 1 of the campaign also introduces you to effective employment of the A-10C and its weapons, with missions focusing on DSMS and CMSP systems, TGP usage/functionality, Air-to-Air application of the gun, and AIM-9M and of course using the GAU-8/A in its intended Air-to-Ground role! The combat employment will be covered in more depth in the second part of the campaign.

The campaign features:
- 10 fully voiced-over missions
- almost 3800 voiceovers (totaling nearly 9 hours of audio)
- custom made maps, briefings, and kneeboards that will help you immerse into the missions and follow the training

YouTube Video

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24-12-2024 12:49
vesele vanoce a štastny novy rok vam všem

24-12-2024 11:15
Pohodové Vánoce a šťastný nový rok přejí Vencourovi

08-12-2024 13:02
Vypadá to, že Nvidia definitivně ruší GeForce Experience. Už se mi aktualizuje na Nvidia App.

06-12-2024 19:02
Viděl jsem jen prvních 8 sekund videa. Stačilo mi.

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Vlastně jako by miliony mozkových buněk vykřikly hrůzou a náhle utichly.

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03-12-2024 15:48
Zase po letech jsem zaskočil a tak vás všechny zdravím...borci Mrknutí

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ČTK: Z dosud nezjištěných příčin se dnes v noci zřídilo letadlo na solární pohon.

21-10-2024 20:04
Intel vydal novou aktualizaci mikrokódu.

02-10-2024 14:07
To není dobrá myšlenka. Belzebub každého stáhne do pekel a přes zvolené zástupce i nás obyčejné lidi. Vyděšený

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