December 21 2024 14:09:12
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Ovládání FCR z pozice pilota.

YouTube Video

In this DCS: AH-64D video I’d like to offer an example of using the FCR with radar-guided Hellfire from only the backseat.
I understand that most players will primarily be using the AH-64D from just the backseat. This video builds upon the earlier FCR videos like FCR controls.
I’ll continue the series of more detailed instructional videos on the FCR, but this video is designed for those of you that simply wish to run-and-gun from the backseat while raining down Hellfire.

NOTE 1. Yes, we plan to allow George to engage with the FCR, but only after we complete FCR development.
NOTE 2. We will later add LINK mode that will slave the TADS to the FCR NTS.
NOTE 3. We will add the FCR to the reloading pop-up.
NOTE 4. As always, these videos provide a preview of an upcoming feature to assist you in understanding a new feature. Later,
it is quite possible that the feature will change, and the feature functionality has changed. As much as I’d like to, I lack the time re-record these videos.

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Open Beta changelog pro AH-64D

• Added Ground Targeting Mode (GTM) of the Fire Control Radar. (Work in progress). Other modes and functions will come later like LINK, C-SCOPE, ZOOM, ATM, TPM, and RMAP.
◦ DCS: AH-64D | Fire Zones
◦ DCS: AH-64D | Fire Control Radar Introduction (COMING SOON)
◦ DCS: AH-64D | Fire Control Radar Pages & Controls (COMING SOON)
◦ DCS: AH-64D | FCR Prioritization & Weapons Engagement (COMING SOON)
◦ DCS: AH-64D | Backseat FCR and Radar Hellfire (COMING SOON)
• Slight improvements to Attitude Hold (ATT-Hold) behaviour.
• Added Shot Page. Video coming, Wags needs a video break.
• COORD page corrections.
• Added FLIR texture for the pilot models.
• Added user livery - 12th Combat Aviation Brigade Weathered by ouky1991
• Updated DCS AH-64D: Early Access Guide EN - Added Datalink chapter.
• Fixed: CPG HDU and TDU video source and symbology format.
• Fixed: George refused to close his canopy out of spite for players poking fun at him.
• Fixed: TSD range 25000 (When starting up from cold and dark, the AH64 TSD range starts at 25 000).
• Fixed: Set Map AC and ELEV Altitude Control.
• Fixed: Autostart procedure IHADSS alignment stage.
• Fixed: TSD map forgets map scale, it should retain the chosen scale.
• Fixed: TADS "footprint" should be based on CPG range source not raw laser distance.
• Fixed: TEDAC FREEZE not boxed when active.
• Fixed: TSD Ownship and IDM Subscriber symbols should have a black underlay.
• Fixed: Present Position report ID Control Measure symbols are showing more than 3 characters.
• Fixed: TADS is not slaving correctly to a TSD point.
• Fixed: TSD persists as background in black and white after restart of acft.
• Fixed: Bob-Up Box Chaotic movement.
• Fixed: Misrepresentation of threat positions in TSD when N-Up.
• Fixed: AUDIO PANEL - NDB Audio not silenced when ADF's knob is pulled.
• Fixed: TSD FRZ should be disabled when CAQ or BAM are exited if FRZ was not selected prior.
• Fixed: MPD button text mis-alignment.
• Fixed: Text options along the top row of MSG-REC page should be hidden when DEL "YES"/"NO" options are displayed.
• Fixed: Setting ACQ to "PHS" or "GHS" on the TSD page is changing the TSD scale.
• Fixed: Blurred main rotor animation is broken.
• Fixed: TAD page zoom button blinks on radar turn right button press.
• Fixed: Dynamic color banding based on Ghostship and set elevation.
• Fixed: Missing Bleed Air Indication.
• Fixed: TSD Range Scale Increment-Decrement.
• Fixed: NVS Mode control binds for gunner say PLT.
• Fixed: Mirror image zooms out when user moves closer to mirror.
• Fixed: IHADSS + NVG Third Person animation is wrong.
• Fixed: SAI knob wrongly named in keybinding/SAI knob incorrect operation with keybinds.
• Fixed: George continues to press the slave button after shutdown. George being spiteful, again.
• Fixed: Misaligned fuel tank after reload.
• Fixed: Auto start will activate windshield wipers on both cockpits.
• Fixed: Control sync with HOСAS is not recognized with CMWS panel.
• Fixed: DL TARGET DATA and RF HANDOVER message sizing on TDU FCR page.
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Další lekce FCR:
TADS to FCR Target Slaving, SHOT Page, and FCR Target Points

YouTube Video

NOTE 1. Yes, we plan to allow George to engage with the FCR, but only after we complete FCR development.
Also, once the FCR is complete, we will add new datalink functions between aircraft. For now, AH-64D to AH-64D datalink is multiplayer-only.

NOTE 2. We will later add LINK mode that will slave the TADS to the FCR NTS.

NOTE 3. We will add the FCR to the reloading/refueling pop-up. This is currently planned for the January 2024 Open Beta update but is subject to change based on testing.

NOTE 4. As always, these videos provide a preview of an upcoming feature to assist you in understanding a new feature. Later, it is quite possible that the feature will change,
and the feature functionality has changed. As much as I’d like to, I lack the time re-record these videos.

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Budoucí funkce pro Apache:

• Data Transfer Cartridge
• Remaining FCR Modes and Functions
• Anti-Ice System
• Radar Frequency Interferometer (RFI) (after early access)
• Radar Jammer (after early access)
• Selectable Pilot Patches (after early access)
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Sdílení cílů, zatím funkční jen pro živé posádky multiplayeru:
YouTube Video

So, to start with, let’s get some FCR target data by doing a single scanburst.
I’m also going to switch my TSD to Attack phase so that it displays all the targets that I detect, not just the 16 high priority targets and display shot symbols.
Now that we have some targets, we can decide how we want to engage them.
As seen in my earlier Fire Zones video, see card above, we can use fire zones to separate the battlefield into areas of responsibility for each flight member,
so that we don’t waste missiles by shooting at the same target as our teammates.

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Changelog DCS pro AH-64D

• Adding the FCR Mast-Mounted Assembly as a loadout option in the Rearm/Refuel menu.
• Fixed: Dedicated server doesn't start mission with AH-64D.
• Fixed: Crash on PLT when CPG activates AutoTrack in multicrew.
• Fixed: Setting the NVS to FIXED and pressing SLAVE crashes the game.
• Fixed: Crash while using FCR and alternate cursor trigger on FCR page.
• George AI tuning.
• Fixed: Gun - bullets go missing 3000m.
• Fixed: FCR will not operate after repair.
• Fixed: AI AH-64D gun position.
• Fixed: Missile RATE LIMIT and ROLL LIMIT are only occurring when rolling right.
• Fixed: ECS temperature errors.
• Fixed: RLWR and ADF audio channels are not synced in multicrew.
• Fixed: Inner cockpit element intersects with pilot wiper blade.
• Fixed: Renamed the rocker label on the EUFD to "DL".
• Fixed: IHADSS symbology text size is too small.
• Fixed: CPG range source is not repeated in Pilot symbology when in COOP rocket mode.
• Fixed: Switching distance from KM to NM will freeze TSD scale.
• Fixed: FCR symbology elements are not affected by the Symbology (SYM) brightness setting.
• Fixed: Command Heading chevron is not referenced to aircraft heading when Bob-Up mode is entered.
• Fixed: AGM-114L will not launch below 38 feet on Sinai map.
• Fixed: HSI Ownship reference errors.
• Fixed: AGM-114L is tracking a target but ACQ is displayed as "?SKR" in white.
• Fixed: HDG> on PAN page should be referenced to Magnetic North.
• Fixed: Leading zeros in Lat/Long Minutes are not displayed in Point Review status windows.
• Fixed: ENDR status window on TSD should be hidden when fuel flow is 0 LB/HR.
• Fixed: AUTOPAGE - OFF cannot be chosen on ASE page.
• Fixed: Activation/deactivation logic for C AUX, L AUX, and R AUX on FUEL pages.
• Fixed: Power interruption is triggering ENTR INU 1 BRST and ENTR INU 2 BRST advisories.
• Fixed: POINT ADD/EDIT is using MPD cursor position on TSD instead of coordinates on KU.
• Fixed: Nav range is not being entered when the SLAVE button is pressed if Laser range is present.
• Fixed: RFHO message should not have a LOCATION option on COM>MSG-REC page.
• Fixed: IAT messages are appearing in Pilot symbology.
• Fixed: CPG's Target STORE message not displayed on VID page in Pilot crewstation.
• Fixed: Target data from FCR TGT Report is used by FCR aircraft as its own if a scan was already performed.
• Fixed: AZ LIMIT is appearing in place of EL LIMIT when the gun turret is near the aircraft centerline.
• Fixed: AZ LIMIT, EL LIMIT, and COINCIDENCE are not interrupting the gun from firing.
• Fixed: AZ LIMIT from an inboard missile launch is being removed before the missile actually launches.
• Fixed: TEDAC "CAGE" and "LMC" lettering switched.
• Fixed: Hold mode indicator behavior when enabled/disabled.
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V příští aktualizaci přibude užitečná funkce FCR ZOOM and C-SCOPE.

YouTube Video

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Ještě přídavek budoucí funkce FCR/TADS LINK.

In this DCS: AH-64D video, we’ll discuss the LINK sight select that allows the TADS to be slaved to the Fire Control Radar’s Next-To-Shoot target, also called the FCR NTS target; or slave the FCR centerline to the TADS line-of-sight location.
When linking the TADS to an FCR NTS, it is a valuable tool to visually identify the target and determine its state prior to an engagement, or perform Battle Damage Assessment, or BDA, after an engagement.

YouTube Video

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Changelog DCS pro AH-64D

• Added modelling and animation of equipment behind “service hatches”. Keybind to open and close are unbound to “service hatches”.
• Added FCR C-Scope and FCR Zoom.
• Added FCR/TADS LINK function.
• Added C-Scope, Zoom, and LINK descriptions to FCR chapter in Early Access Guide EN.
• Added FCR multicrew sync (Work-In-Progress).
• Fixed: Client CPG instals FCR but FCR page for host in pilot seat indicates FCR is not installed.
• Fixed: FCR installation and power-on indications on FCR-UTIL and WPN-UTIL pages.
• Fixed: FCR NTS/ANTS are not sequencing for opposite crew members in multicrew.
• Fixed: FCR NTS/ANTS are sequencing when rockets are fired at FCR targets.
• Fixed: FCR NTS should not be cursor-selectable if FCR is not the selected sight in the crewstation.
• Fixed: A single ghost target is appearing in the centre of the FCR page.
• Fixed: FCR should not autopage on CPG MPD if TDU displays FCR page.
• Fixed: FCR moving target symbol errors.
• Fixed: Cannot exit TGT format on FCR page by de-selecting TGT (L4) button.
• Fixed: Cursor-selecting a target on the TGT format of the FCR page is setting it as an NTS target.
• Fixed: Missile Constraints Box not displayed on Pilot's FCR page if video underlay from CPG is displayed.
• Fixed: Firing AGM-114L missile at FCR target causes a crash.
• Fixed: Additional X symbol is appearing in HMD symbology when a missile is fired at an FCR target.
• Fixed: Client/CPG weapon usage in multi-crew not synced with Pilot crewstation.
• Fixed: Auto start sequence doesn't work.
• Fixed: Engine starters are non-functional above 3500 feet / 1070 metres or low air densities.
• Fixed: CPG TADS control still possible when using PNVS as NVS sensor.
• Fixed: TADS FOV and Sensor Select settings when NVS switched off.
• Fixed: PNVS and TADS video underlay in helmet display should not be roll-stabilised to horizon.
• Fixed: Edge of HDU combiner lens is not limiting IHADSS video.
• Fixed: Syncing missing entity.
• Fixed: Training missions are missing from the game menu.
• Fixed: Pilot and CPG views are out of place and are limited in movement.
• Fixed: NAV Fly-To Cue symbol is displayed on TDU when symbology mode is in Hover or Bob-Up.
• Fixed: If the CPG's TDU knob is set to OFF, "TEDAC Unavailable" is displayed when George is commanded to search
◦ George will use HDU if enabled, otherwise will turn on TDU to employ TADS
◦ If NVS Mode switch in CPG crewstation is set to NORM or FIXED, George will set it to OFF to employ TADS
• Fixed: During Cold Start in day time, George should set up the cockpit for day time use.
• Fixed: PP coordinates are slightly off in the TSD.
• Fixed: TSD threat rings are not displayed when enabled on the THRT SHOW page.
• Fixed: TSD FRZ (R4) is becoming de-selected if CAQ is used after PAN.
• Fixed: User's Guide. Incorrect list numbering on page 336-337.
Known issues AH-64D. Will fix ASAP.
CPG WPN page and TSD page desync in multicrew.
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Changelog DCS pro AH-64D

• Fixed: MP. SP. CTD at attempt to enter hot AH-64D slot
• Fixed: CPG WPN page desync in multicrew
• Fixed: TADS desync in multicrew
• Fixed: TSD desync in multicrew
• Fixed: FMC desync for CPG in multicrew
• Fixed: Synchronization ACQs, Txx and TRN points
• Fixed: Missiles Shot-At Data Synchronization
• Fixed: Automatic route point sequencing corrections
• Corrected route sequencing errors when selecting a different route on the Route Menu (RTM) sub-page or when reversing the current route.
• WPT APPROACHING and WAYPOINT PASSED advisories corrected. Will only be displayed if neither crewstation is displaying an un-frozen TSD.
• Distance and direction requirements for automatic route sequencing corrected.
• When travelling along a route in the same direction as the route sequence, the next point in the route will automatically be selected when within 5 kilometers and passing abeam the currently selected point in the route.
• When travelling along a route in the opposite direction as the route sequence, the next point in the route will automatically be selected when within 1 kilometer of the currently selected point in the route.
• When arriving at a point that is not part of the current route but has been selected using the Direct route (DIR) function, the Navigation Fly-To will remain set to that point and will not sequence back to the route selected from the RTM sub-page.
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V následující aktualizaci nejspíš 3.července, vyjde zbrusu nová placená kampaň s názvem The Four Horsemen, inspirací je reálná operace Shader.
Kampaň je zasazena do Sýrie v boji proti IS teroristické organizaci, rozdělena do 12 napínavých misí, lišící se od sebe pestrostí úkolů.
Docela mě motivuje, že jsou mise založeny (sláva) na skutečných událostech.
Na druhou stranu, britská 664 peruť létá s vlastní verzí Apache AH MK 1.
Která disponuje nejen silnější pohonnou jednotkou, lepším integrovaným obranným systémem HIDAS, dokonalejší avionikou s možnost operovat i na moři.
Ve výsledku dobrý nápad s mírně ohnutou technokou no.

Pokud se chystáte pořídit kampaň a znáte nějaké zajímavosti prosím doplňte.
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Changelog DCS pro AH-64D

• Fixed: Burst limit inoperative - multicrew (Burst limit appears to be inoperative/bugged when set by CPG in multicrew setting.
 CPG reports the gun fires a maximum of 5 rounds per pull of trigger, regardless of burst limit setting.  Pilot only hears one shot for each pull of trigger).
• Fixed: Some desync when CPG joins after start.
• Fixed: If the WCA sub-page is entered from the ENG page, it should return to the ENG page if de-selected.
• Fixed: Client/CPG weapon usage in multicrew not synced with Pilot crewstation.
• Fixed: CTR TANK EMPTY is being removed from EUFD without the FUEL page displayed.
• Fixed: Multicrew client in CPG seat receives ECS DEGRADED AFT advisory on EUFD.
• Fixed: Pilot models twitch in a multicrew when viewed from the CPG seat.
• Fixed: Synchronisation of IDM advisories on EUFD.
• Fixed: CMWS desync in multicrew.
• Fixed: ME data fields won't accept compatible Keyboard Unit characters.
• Fixed: Squelch desync in multicrew.
• Fixed: Chaff CONTINUOUS salvo count option.
• Fixed: Synchronisation of TGT by IDM.
• Fixed: Power Lever in CPG cockpit jittering.
• Fixed: Need to set NAV system precision threshold so DL won't break.
• Fixed: Payloads should be updated with MMA.
• Fixed: Cannot start APU after shutdown and repair.
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Nyní dostupná nová kampaň pro Apache The Four Horsemen: https://www.digit..._campaign/
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Přidání funkce C-Scope sice nevydržela fungovat dlouho, tady je aktualizace roadmaps.

Our roadmap features are as follows:
• FCR RMAP Mode 
• FCR Air-to-Air Mode 
• FCR Multicrew Synch

After Early Access:
• Campaign
• Data Transfer Cartridge
• Flight Model and Flight Control System Tuning
• TPM FCR Mode
• Anti-Ice System
• Radar Frequency Interferometer (RFI)
• Radar Jammer
• Selectable Pilot Patches 
• Automatic Pedal-Input Assist Option
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Changelog DCS pro AH-64D

• Added RMAP Mode. Manuál: https://forum.dcs...b44e0d11df
• Fixed: AG radar contacts are not shown on TEDAC and HMCS displays in C-Scope mode.
• Fixed: Datalink does not work if Cold Start is performed.
• Fixed: FCR Near bar, Far bar, and Elevation control corrections.
• Fixed: Image Auto Track (IAT) errors.
• Fixed: TADS optics mode indication is missing.
• Fixed: NTS and ANTS targets are being designated before the first FCR scan is complete.
• Fixed: Datalink acknowledgements not processed if DL protocols are not enabled on VHF radio.
• Fixed: Gun not firing if CPG sight is HMD and range source is laser.
• Fixed: RFHO selection menu not closing.
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Radar Map Mode
In this DCS: AH-64D video, we’re back to the Fire Control Radar, or FCR. We’re going to go over the Radar Map, or RMAP, mode.
Like the FCR GTM mode we discussed earlier, we can still use the FCR to detect and classify ground targets and low-flying aircraft,
but we’ll also be able to generate a radar-image of the terrain to provide target reference and situational awareness.

YouTube Video

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Changelog DCS pro AH-64D

• Added radar shadows for ground radar.
• Fixed Gun mount spring model is badly textured.
• Fixed Laser beam-rider warning not present when engaged by 9M119 missile from T-72/T-80/T-90.
• Fixed R-MAP has difficulties to draw ground in flight, not hover.
• Fixed FCR Moving target velocity is zero for gun and rocket solutions.
• Fixed RFHO selection menu not closing properly when RFHO transmitted or aborted.
• Fixed George AI CPG - Slave/De-slave delay/bug.
• Fixed FCR declutter when TSD >25 KM scale.
• Fixed REMOVE MESSAGE should be removed when pressed or IHADSS is boresighted.
• Fixed Actioning Gun on TEDAC grip while CPG sight is HMD is not changing CPG range source to Manual.
• Fixed Infinite ammunition setting makes George ignore burst count.
• Fixed FCR XMIT should take priority over FIXED in High Action Display if FCR is transmitting.
• Fixed Either elevation arrow should be hidden if FCR is at a max/min elevation setting.
• Fixed George is unable to land in the Tarawa.
• Fixed TSD paging corrections:
◦ Implemented missing 3rd level TSD paging for certain combinations of TSD sub-pages,
which allows some TSD sub-pages to be entered and exited from an existing TSD sub-page without returning to the "top-level" TSD page.
◦ Example: If interacting with routes, points, or fire zones on the RTE, POINT,
or BAM sub-pages respectively, the PAN or MAP sub-pages may be selected to pan the TSD, change the orientation of the TSD,
or change the TSD map type, then de-select PAN or MAP to return directly back to the RTE, POINT,
or BAM sub-pages to resume interacting with routes, points, or fire zones.
• Fixed Hazards (Hxx) are displayed as Waypoints (Wxx) on TSD PAN page when Route Panning.
• Fixed CROSSFEED should remain in NORM when Engine 2 is commanded to START.
• Fixed Alternate Sensor Bearing and TADS video Command Heading in Pilot crewstation follow CPG helmet azimuth when CPG's selected sight is TADS.
• Fixed VID page on left MPD shows wrong FOR Box format for opposite crewmember.
• Fixed TADS sensor indication removed from left MPD if right MPD set to different video source and VSEL (T6) selected.
• Fixed VR only - Wiper blades do not clear rain.
• Fixed Preset data not synced in multicrew when COM Preset entered into STBY slot.
• Fixed AIRCRAFT pages (ENG, FLT, FUEL, PERF, UTIL) cannot be de-selected by MPD cursor.
• Fixed Incorrect rendering on TEDAC of priority target in RMAP.
• Fixed FCR Moving target symbol regression.
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Chystaná nová funkce - Radar Air Targeting Mode

In this DCS: AH-64D video, we’ll discuss the next mode for the Fire Control Radar, or FCR: The Air Targeting Mode, or ATM.
When in ATM mode, the FCR will scan for and prioritize fixed wing aircraft and helicopters with as much as 360-degree coverage. Like all FCR modes,
ATM can be used from either the Pilot or CP/G seat. In this video, we’ll do so from the Pilot seat.
ATM mode is a helpful way to detect aerial threats and even attack other helicopters with Hellfires or the gun.

YouTube Video

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Příští větší update přidá pro Apache, další placenou kampaň.

Kampaň vydaná, za krásných ani né 17$...

Campaign by StoneSky
The campaign features 15 meticulously crafted missions based on real events. You will participate in deployments at Incirlik Air Base,
King Hussein Air Base in Jordan, and  strategic locations in northern Syria like the well-known cement plant and the formidable Tal Saman base.
Engage in battles for the Tishrin Dam and the city of Tishrin; and take part in the intense fights for Manbij, Tabqa, and the legendary city of Raqqa.
These missions will showcase the full might of CJTF–OIR joint combat operations.

Key Features:
• 15 missions based on real events.
• JTAC and FAC operations, Medevac missions, and special assignments.
• Interaction with U.S. Air Force UAVs, A-10, F/A-18, and B-1Bs.
• Over 2,500 radio dialogues.
• More than 200 pages of documentation and kneeboard.
Upravil/a petsild dne 30-10-2024 15:24
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Changelog DCS pro AH-64D

• Added Air Targeting Mode
• Updated AH-64D Early Access Guide.
◦ Please refer to the two most recent entries on the Latest Changes page (which can be found after the Table of Contents) for updates that have been included in the latest version of the guide.
• Fixed: Crash in avionics Hellfire.
• Fixed: AGM-114L cannot lock onto static units placed via ME.
• Fixed: Instant Action mission: SA-5 Elimination.
• Fixed: SCUD Busters Mission Kneeboard coord.
• Fixed: IAFS fuel incorrect on rearm. When installed, the IAFS will be correctly refueled along with the main fuel tanks.
• Fixed: C-Scope symbols not displayed for FCR data received via datalink.
• Fixed: Model glitches in the FCR items.

NOTE: Work continues on the Flight Model and SCAS with focus on stability and yaw control.
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Vypadá to, že Nvidia definitivně ruší GeForce Experience. Už se mi aktualizuje na Nvidia App.

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Viděl jsem jen prvních 8 sekund videa. Stačilo mi.

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Vlastně jako by miliony mozkových buněk vykřikly hrůzou a náhle utichly.

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ČTK: Z dosud nezjištěných příčin se dnes v noci zřídilo letadlo na solární pohon.

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To není dobrá myšlenka. Belzebub každého stáhne do pekel a přes zvolené zástupce i nás obyčejné lidi. Vyděšený

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36,114,858 návštěv