Except for the presence of a naval administration on the island, pre-war Guam was basically a land of farmers and fishermen living a simple and peaceful life. The US territory of Guam and the Northern Islands, which are part of the Japanese World War I mandate, will be included in the initial Early Access release.
A number of Japanese settlements and local Chamorros regions, as well as agricultural pastures, predominantly sugar cane fields, are visible in the Development Screenshots.
The task of creating this map to match the visual quality and accuracy of the modern Marianas map includes new texturing to most of the land masses and creating countless new objects. It is a large task that is making steady progress and we look towards your comments.
Reflected Simulations New DCS Spitfire Mk.IX Campaign Announcement
I'm soon releasing 'Beware! Beware!', a brand new DCS Spitfire Mk.IX campaign. You'll fly 14 sorties with 611 Squadron. All missions are accurate recreation of historical events based on original squadron records and combat reports.
We are currently working on visual improvements to the external models and cockpits of the Thunderbolt, Anton and Mosquito. The Mossie is also receiving an updated set of Level of Details (LODs) that will improve performance.
Bugs that were present in controls, rearm and refuel procedures, radio and intercom have now been crushed. You can expect these fixes in the next Open Beta update. The Freya and Würzburg radars have also received more realistic behavior. Please find the set up procedures video here.
The Bedford and the Blitz trucks, which are both free with DCS can now be used in FARP setups. We are also currently fine tuning the new fuze system for WWII bombs and containers. Rest assured that more improvements to our warbirds and units will come in parallel with the continued development of DCS: Mosquito FB VI.
"Máte právo říkat cokoli. ... Právo být na veřejnosti za hlupáka je u nás garantováno ústavou. Ale právo něco vyslovit nedělá z toho výroku pravdu. Pravda se prokazuje nebo vyvrací porovnáním s fakty. Kdo tenhle princip nerespektuje, s tím je těžká řeč. Všichni smíme takovou diskusi odmítnout. To není zbabělost ani povýšenost, to je jen rozumné hospodaření se silami a časem."
mám problém s modulem I-16. Po nainstalování DCS na nový počítač mě nejede I-16, přitom ho mám koupený, na starém kompu jsem měl open betu a teď jsem si naistaloval stable. Nevíte někdo kde je chyba??
Problém byl v antiviru, píšu jen informativně, kdy by s tím měl taky někdo problém.
We are eager to provide you with a progress update of the DCS: WWII Marianas map. Based on original US Military and Navy pre-invasion maps, many more plantations, settlements, and other cultural features were discovered. This has allowed us to create a highly-accurate map of the Marians in the summer of 1944.
In order to accurately depict the Mariana Islands in the summer of 1944, the coastline textures and fields are being completely redone based on actual pre-invasion maps courtesy of the United States Navy and Military. On the island of Saipan, all three Haruji Matsue plantations: As Lito, Chacha, and Marpi Point are being recreated. They provided tons of cane that was processed in the nearby sugar mills and taken to the Sugar Dock to be shipped to Japan.
The entire island of Tinian is also being recreated in high detail, and it comprises the original Japanese airfields. This large and mostly flat area is also where the first napalm bombs were used against Japanese soldiers hiding in the surrounding jungle and outlying small islands. We are also making improvements to the coastline, settlements, and palm plantations. For more, please check out the Development Screenshots.
Shortly before the retaking of Guam by US forces in June 1944, the island was still under control of the Japanese, it consisted of very small villages occupied by the native Chamorro people. In the modern Marianas map, a lot of this area is covered by cities, but in the Second World War, the land was made up mostly of palm plantations.
To je výstup z toho rozhovoru? Ještě jsem ho neslyšel. To by bylo super.
"Máte právo říkat cokoli. ... Právo být na veřejnosti za hlupáka je u nás garantováno ústavou. Ale právo něco vyslovit nedělá z toho výroku pravdu. Pravda se prokazuje nebo vyvrací porovnáním s fakty. Kdo tenhle princip nerespektuje, s tím je těžká řeč. Všichni smíme takovou diskusi odmítnout. To není zbabělost ani povýšenost, to je jen rozumné hospodaření se silami a časem."
"Máte právo říkat cokoli. ... Právo být na veřejnosti za hlupáka je u nás garantováno ústavou. Ale právo něco vyslovit nedělá z toho výroku pravdu. Pravda se prokazuje nebo vyvrací porovnáním s fakty. Kdo tenhle princip nerespektuje, s tím je těžká řeč. Všichni smíme takovou diskusi odmítnout. To není zbabělost ani povýšenost, to je jen rozumné hospodaření se silami a časem."
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