Bignewy na ED foru dnes odpoledne : Master server should be back at full speed.
Mě už se taky načítají servery s rychlostí na jako normálně.
Nyní funguje přechod do menu jako dříve.
[img][/img] is not a valid Image.[img][/img] is not a valid Image.
Tak po poslední aktualizaci to je nehratelný.Stáhnul jsem si Mig-19.Po narození jsem měl 80-90 fps.Než jsem si to nastavil a odstartoval,
tak fps spadly na 8-10 a vytížení grafiky spadlo na cca 10%.Když jsem hru pauznul tak znova vyskočily na cca 90.
Když jsem použil aktivní pauzu tak byly zase dole.Mapa Kavkaz off line mise.
Ano tak jsem registroval. Udělal jsem misi WWII FPS bylo kolem 16 start Bf-109K. Po chvíli se srovnalo zhruba na 60 FPS.
Když jsem misi restartoval bylo FPS hned 60. Ne 16. Něco tam hraje na pozadí co to brzdí a po chvíli to přestane ..
Má někdo supercareer? Mohu se zeptat kolik zabírá místa a kolik F-18 a F-16 po instalaci?
Mám DCS na 250GB disku (je to jediná složka na tom disku), ale už teď mi DCS zabírá 167 GB.... :( Tři mapy a pár letadel...
Supercareer odložen na konec dubna nebo někdy na květen. Konkrétní datum zatím neoznámeno.
U mě DCS ( celkem 182GB, z toho F/A-18C 781MB a F-16C 974MB.
Poslední update vůbec nenaplnil jejich očekávání a je třeba OB ještě "krapet poladit". Uživatelé stabilní verze DCS si s aktualizací počkají až na květen.
Dear All,
Thank you for all your comments.
I have to admit that the release of the update last week didn't meet our expectations at all.
We still have a lot of work to do with performance issues before we will be able to release it to the Stable branch.
Please do not expect it to be released in April.
All your comments, suggestions, ideas and, of course, critics are taken into account. We cannot make it happen all at once but we want to be more transparent for you and improve the DCS World together with you.
I apologize if we are unable to meet some of your expectations.
I think that this thread can be closed and we all need to move on.
Thank you for your support,
Kate Perederko
COO, Eagle Dynamics
This is a small patch to address the landing crash.
Work on performance is ongoing and more patches to follow.
DCS World
• Reducing the CPU load when pathfinding a group of infantry.
• Fix for liveries names of A-20G
• Fixed crash at second landing.
DCS F-16C Viper by ED
• FPS dropped several times when gear UP on the ground - fixed.
A-10C The Enemy Within 3.0 campaign by Baltic Dragon.
• Mission 2: added safeguard allowing players to skip the mission in case of bugs (AI ground units pathfinding problems)
• Mission 8: removed landing flight of A-10s that got stuck at the end of runway, preventing Player's wingman from taxiing.
Known issues
• Torpedoes from U-boat or S-boat could be fired to unmoved targets only
• MP: Ship speed calculated with errors and drifted, so aircraft can slide on the deck
• PLAT camera view missing from the Stennis
* o tom jak bude pokračovat vývoj Horneta informuje Wags:
Dear Community and Hornet Pilots,
Today I would like to discuss with you our DCS: F/A-18C Hornet roadmap. We look forward to working with you in a constructive and efficient manner to create an achievable and transparent roadmap that covers the features to be delivered by the end of 2020 that will bring the Hornet out of Early Access.
I have also included the features that we plan to work on in 2021 to sustain the Hornet after Early Access completion.
DCS: F/A-18C Out of Early Access Features:
1. Completion of the Litening Targeting Pod (to be delivered with next update)
2. Dynamic launch zone, AUTO mode for JDAM (to be delivered with next update)
3. AG radar. MAP + Fixed Target Track (FTT) (to be delivered with next update)
4. SLAM air-to-surface missile (to be delivered in next update)
5. [ complex ] AG radar. EXP modes (1-2-3), GMT and GMTT modes, and SEA search mode
6. [ difficult ] Azimuth / Elevation air-to-air radar mode with AUTO IFF modes
7. [ difficult ] Coupled autopilot modes
8. [ difficult ] ACLS mode
9. [ difficult ] Datalink symbols, EW symbols, and AG mode for JHMCS
10. [ normal ] Correct possible flare number loaded
11. [ normal ] ASPJ ECM jammer
12. [ normal ] Adjust countermeasure programs when on ground
13. [ normal ] Mark points
14. [ normal ] Offset waypoints
15. [ difficult ] SLAM-ER air-to-surface missile
16. [ difficult ] Harpoon, SEA radar directed mode (FTT)
17. [ iterations during 2020 until completed] Update flight model for ground effect, takeoff pitch effects, auto-pilot based on FPM, touch and go handling, and other remaining flight model issues
Complex - 12-20 weeks of development
Difficult - 4-8 weeks of development
Normal - 2-3 weeks of development
DCS: F/A-18C Hornet Improvements in 2021:
1. Jamming targets not displayed on radar, should be in dugout
2. Aircraft Setup Card in Options
3. Mission Card for 60 waypoints with properties (Sequence 1, 2, 3, PP, PB, Initial, etc.)
4. RWS RAID air-to-air radar sub-mode missing
5. Radar SPOT mode
6. AG radar interleaved mode (SEA and GMT)
7. AG radar. AGR (air to ground ranging) mode
8. HARM Pre-Briefed mode
9. GBU-32 JDAM
10. Select AA and AG on ground
11. TALD decoy
12. AIM-7P
13. Mk-77 firebomb
14. GBU-24 Paveway III LGB
15. IN LAR cue is missing
16. The missing function of WIDE radar auto acquisition mode, cannot slew it
17. UFC BU page
18. Flight member TGT ground target SA page symbol missing
19. Fuel BIT (FLBIT) Page
20. MUMI Page
21. Gun sparks at night
22. INS / GPS full simulation and alignment (carrier and ground)
23. LOFT modes, ARM, JPF, and other JDAM and JSOW remaining functions
24. BDU-45 Training Bomb
25. GEN-X decoy
26. S/A and AUTO countermeasure modes
We decided to first focus on the most difficult features to develop and finish them this year. This, however, will slow down our F-16C Viper development efforts. However, F-16C will continue to be updated in 2020, and it will receive updates to the targeting pod, updates for HUD and HSD, steerpoint creation, and the addition of more weapons.
We are open and look forward to your comments and requests. Let’s discuss it and finalize the plan!
jaká je inteligence lodí?
slepě plují po předem určené trase a stílejí skrze kopce vším co mají na nepřítele za ním nebo je zde nějaký pokrok vůči jiným simům? (předcházení kolizím, udržování formací, palebná logika atd.)
Porazit nepřítele a dát mu život může vypadat jako projev laskavosti,
ale ve skutečnosti to je to nejkrutější, co poraženého může potkat. [samurajský pohled na zajetí]
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