Battle of Stalingrad - žvanírna 2015
TozziFan |
Přidané 18-12-2012 13:36
Příspěvek: 1431
Založený: 05.05.08
Opitz napsal:
Stoprocentně s tebou souhlasím Pragře... jěště bych potvrdil to, co píše Horri - zapracovat na AIčkách, protože v CLODu jsou naprosto dementní...
Schválně já chci nějaký test třeba od Válce, který je starý harcovník, aby si vza Camela/Dreideckera a zkusil s ním dát duel s Ace AI tak v 3km a pak tu napsal, jestli se zapotil, případně na který pokus to AIčko konečně ukroutil...
Tím neříkám, že já ho dám... Já na lítání bohužel nemám stále čas... Ale asi to bude pro mnoho lidí navyklých na CLOD dost frustrující zkušenost... A to si ještě vemte, že to AI používá stejný FM jako ty... Ne jako v IL2 nebo CLODu...
Ty Májové to trefili. Bude konec světa. To je snad první post od opičky, ve kterém necítím rejpání a pruzení, ale jen snahu o komunikaci. Za to si opička zaslouží BANánek
Sry Opitz, to mi prostě nedalo. |
Opitze |
Přidané 18-12-2012 13:44
Příspěvek: 6346
Založený: 30.09.05
Netahej opičku za fousy nebo bude zle!
Válka a korupce se nedá oddělit.
Dosažení kritické meze korupce téměř vždy vyvolá občanskou válku. A válka vyvolá ještě větší korupci. A tato korupce vyvolá další nestabilitu, která oslabí již tak oslabené demokratické instituce. Oslabí demokratickou kontrolu elit, kontrolu vlády, kontrolu státní autority. Války vedou armády a jejich generálové. A armády z podstaty nejsou demokratické instituce. Pro generály armád je válka požehnání. Kdo podporuje válku vedenou zkorumpovaným státem, podporuje jak samotnou korupci, tak v důsledku i úplné zničení demokracie a svobody v tomto státě.
Saburo |
Přidané 18-12-2012 13:50
Příspěvek: 218
Založený: 22.12.08
U Falcona 4 byla pravděpodobně nejlepší kampaň off line mezi simulátory, ale nepomohlo tomu (výkonově) že engine hry vypočítával graficky jen jakousi "kouli" kolem hráče? Zatimco ve Flankeru, Il-2, LockOnu a i CLODu je v každém okamžiku zobrazována komplet mapa se všemi jednotkami.
Kdysi dávno jsem někde četl, že by nebylo lehké ty "koule" spojit nebo něco takového. |
WT_Horrido |
Přidané 18-12-2012 14:20
Příspěvek: 10264
Založený: 30.09.05
Bubliny ve Falconu byly všude, události v té hráčově se jen počítaly velmi detailně, bubliny vzdálené pak jen hrubě a rámcově, čím se šetřila ta Pentia... Ale umožňovalo to udržovat v chodu celou Koreu...
Pokud si to vybavuji správně tak autor Falcona někde říkal, že měli na dynamickou kampaň vyhrazeno 5% výkonu CPU.
313_Nevo |
Přidané 18-12-2012 14:53
Příspěvek: 1888
Založený: 13.08.06
Co sa tyka ofikos serveru, tiez som tajne dufal, ale asi nie. Asi toto nebude jednym z tahakov BOS. Takze opat (ako v IL2 alebo ROF) sa budeme musiet spolahnut na komunitu:
9) Will the developers host an official server? If so, whether the official draft of the war, the servers with other regimes, organizing tournaments?
No. Establishment and maintenance of servers - is the cost that we don't plan. We are not MMO project for which the creation and maintenance of the servers is the main tool. Carried away by the audience itself can create for yourself "project in the project" use of this opportunity.
Bolo by to super, ale tuto dieru plataju MMO simy
Upravil/a 313_Nevo dne 18-12-2012 14:56
CPU 4core 3.3GHz | GPU 1GB GDDR5 192bits | DDR3 4x4GB CL9 | SSD 250GB | Win7
311_Tank |
Přidané 20-12-2012 17:19
Příspěvek: 1021
Založený: 01.04.08
1) neslo by implementovat funkci Ignore ?
2) uzasna dokonala dynamicka kampan v F4 byla natolik dokonala ze i pres rozbombardovani vsech nepratelskych letistnich ploch byla obloha dalsi misi zase plna letadel, takze simulovali i opravy drah |
Pragr |
Přidané 21-12-2012 09:31
Příspěvek: 303
Založený: 11.12.09
Dva noví programátoři pro BoS z toho jeden přišel z Mikojanovi konstrukční kanceláře!!! Začínám být velmi zvědav |
1stCL_Novotny |
Přidané 21-12-2012 09:39
Příspěvek: 3174
Založený: 01.10.05
Tohle dobrá informace.
For our physics engine makes no difference to what belongs to the era of the plane - a WWI, WWII, or the modern aviation. The difference is only in terms of simulation equipment and systems - and on this we have enough time (and elaborated a plan of action) to complete CES all that distinguishes the airplane from the 40s of the last century airplanes.
Pro lenošný mongoli co frkaj že je to anglicky! Já taky neumím ani slovo! Ale chci tak vím.
Překlad zde.
Upravil/a 1stCL_Novotny dne 21-12-2012 09:43
Pragr |
Přidané 21-12-2012 09:56
Příspěvek: 303
Založený: 11.12.09
Další dávka pátečních informací od vývojářů, konkrétně od Lofta:
Hello dear friends!
Many thanks for your joining the BOS community and participating in the new forum. I ask you to be a little more reserved and cordial in your conversation. Sometimes comments are very disrespectful when there is a dispute that I think is not acceptable. All of us love the aviation and the flight simulation genre. We all want to see a lot of new players, continued development and overall success, but all this cannot be achieved by engaging in ugly verbal battles; please remember this. In the pointless noise of endless personal disputes sometimes I cannot hear some very important voices and opinions. After all, we are trying to create a product, not only for veterans of the genre, but for all those who are interested in general aviation and military history games. This is a big task for us, so please don't ask us to be focused only on your exact desires. It's very nice when new players come into the genre and enthusiastically talk about the huge world that they discover. Endless arguing over difficult decisions we need to make only scares off new users. We don’t expect every user to like every design decision we make, but once you we have stated your opinion it is enough and will remain on the forum forever for us to see. No need to endlessly vocalize your displeasure, over time it has a detrimental effect on the community. The flight simulation community has always been a wonderful example of friendship and mutual assistance; please remember this because this is what we need to build our common future.
1) What will be the system of skins in the game? I would not like in ROF, where I have to download the skin packs and I can use my skins only in special mode.
It will be similar to the ROF. We will give the tools and templates for skins. You will be able to draw them and see them in the game. But the custom skins will not available in all modes of play, but only in those where they don't affect the gameplay. Details will be later.
2) Do you plan to make a map editor? The fact is that in the presence of a set of the average aircraft in theory you can do a variety of scenarios for theater within the Eastern Front. There are enthusiasts certainly willing to make maps and static campaigns for them. In "IL-2" there was no map editor, at least for mere mortals. Can we hope for it to BoS?
No. There will not be a map building editor from us in the release. You already have the tools and available information on how to create a map with our DN technology today. If enthusiasts are interested, then everything will be just fine. The game has a special mode that allows you to easily run custom modifications and thus has no effect on the official game. Also, such modifications may affect multiplayer, such as maps.
3) If possible, please present the people who work on the project (presentation of the team) and talk about their responsibilities.
Maybe later we will do this.
4) Will it be possible to take the place of AI in the plane and to switch between aircraft operated AI (at any point in time, if it is allowed settings)?
5) Will you be able to leave the plane and then control the pilot (for example, to transfer to the other plane)?
No. Technically it is achievable, but we cannot at this stage to make it as good as it should.
6) Will there be implemented "multi crew"?
Yes, you can fly together in multiplayer on the multi-seat airplane.
7) Do you plan to fully animated pilot leaving the plane?
Parachute jump of course will be implemented, but how well it will do - we learn by the time the alpha version.
8) Do you plan to placement pilot's body in the cockpit similar to the display of the hands and feet of the pilot in DCS? We would like to see their boots on the pedals and gloves worn on the control stick.
9) Will career in BoS like a career in the RoF or it will be better? Personally, I'm at first glance at RoF impressed FM, the second - a career.
It will be similar, but not the same. It will be based on the same principles of the generation of historically correct and unique missions for each player’s campaign. But the interface and game sense will be completely different.
10) Do you plan any rewards, notes in the newspapers (possibly achieve) and other pleasures in the game?
Of course there will be awards. Premium System (achievements) will be different. There will be historical rewards for fans of history and role-playing moments and achievements and badges for those who like to play in the multiplayer and to demonstrate their skills. But all this is only part of the global system of achievements we want to do.
11) Do you plan to improve visualization of a cloud as compared to those that are available in the ROF? If so, how this problem is a priority in the context of other tasks on schedule?
Some works are planned, but nothing drastic. We will improve what we have at the moment.
12) Will we see movement control planes of other players in the multiplayer?
Yes and much more.
13) What are the system requirements? Do I understand correctly that the system requirements are as in the ROF?
It will be known when we make an alpha version of the project. Now I can say that we don't focus only on high-end and expensive computers and we hope with help of the settings to create different versions of the load and after that the player himself can decide.
14) Will there be somehow refined and improved terrain in visually separate for BoS compared to RoF? Or the fact that we now see in RoF, will be at BoS to remain the same?
There will be some changes. But as I said earlier, we will make a simulator and our priority is to map the surface with a certain height and not the creation of every bush with berries.
15) Will there be implement height map of landscape and with what accuracy?
Yes, will be used rather accurate satellite data with a resolution of 16 bit and 50 meters per pixel. But we will need to change much there, since the data is too modern and some geographical features in 1942 did not exist.
16) Will be improve support for multi-core processors in the new game engine? My computer has 6 cores, but ROF uses only 2.
No, the implementation of multi-core remains the same. The best would be a 4-core processor.
17) Will there be a dedicated server in the public domain or the online game will be available only at the company's servers?
Yes, a dedicated server will be available to the public. Performance Monitoring with such servers will be united, but in order for your server to participate in a single statistics system admins will be presented certain requirements that we will describe later.
18) Will we be able to create online missions of any length (not strictly fixed time)?
19) What if I bought all the existing content in your ROF store, how I can promote the development of the project now or within 2013?
In 2013 we will open pre-order for BoS, it will be the best help for the project.
20) What is the length of the map from west to east and from north to south? It is known that the bombing groups of Luftwaffe in August 1942 flew on Stalingrad from afar, such as KG27 flew from the airfield Kursk. Then there is a map should be large, mission should be long (not as in Stalingrad map for "IL-2", where Pitomnik was on the west end of the map). If you make airfield Kursk, then get on the map and Kharkov and Saratov.
We are preparing a map from east to west length of 360 km (Tatsinskaya - Stupino / Kapustin Yar) and north-south 230 km (Kletskaya - Kotelnikovo). We would like to reproduce the story as accurately as possible, but of course some simplification is possible due to technical limitations.
21) How do you plan to make airfields - to reconstruct each "as it was in reality" or the like in ROF (8 historical and 4 types, large / small, blue / red)?
Now it is difficult to answer. This will depend on the speed with which the development will go. Of course, we will try to reproduce the airfields quite accurately.
Dear friends, our staff would like to congratulate you on the coming New Year and wish you all the best. More answers to questions will appear after the holidays. I wish you success in all your endeavors, and health and welfare to your families.
The IL-2:BoS Team
Upravil/a Pragr dne 21-12-2012 10:03
Robo |
Přidané 21-12-2012 10:00
Příspěvek: 1836
Založený: 01.10.05
Velmi rozumne |
310_cibule |
Přidané 21-12-2012 10:20
Příspěvek: 15069
Založený: 29.09.05
Výborný úvod, zajímavé informace, řekl bych.
"Máte právo říkat cokoli. ... Právo být na veřejnosti za hlupáka je u nás garantováno ústavou. Ale právo něco vyslovit nedělá z toho výroku pravdu. Pravda se prokazuje nebo vyvrací porovnáním s fakty. Kdo tenhle princip nerespektuje, s tím je těžká řeč. Všichni smíme takovou diskusi odmítnout. To není zbabělost ani povýšenost, to je jen rozumné hospodaření se silami a časem."
Baron |
Přidané 21-12-2012 10:21
Příspěvek: 4840
Založený: 18.02.10
No teda.... Začínam byť sakramentsky zvedavý a ešte viac nedočkavý Veselé vianoce
... a ešte za triezva vyhlasujem, že budem medzi prvými čo budú preorderovať Jásoňoffci, držím vám palec
Upravil/a Baron dne 21-12-2012 10:37
Hals - und Beinbruch!
1stCL_Novotny |
Přidané 21-12-2012 11:12
Příspěvek: 3174
Založený: 01.10.05
Nevím jestli důležité,ale pro jistotu to sem dám.
Our naming system has changed in how it relates to user names. Your user name will be the same for online resources and in the game itself. In this regard, we have established limits on the length and the characters used in names. We ask you to check the suitability of your names under the new format, and if not, you'll need to change the name. You can do this in your profile under "Account"
On December 24th, the names that don't fit the new format will be automatically formatted so as not to violate the restrictions.
Also we are introducing a new optional Profile field called a “Squad Tag”. Your name in the forum will be made up of two parts, your squad tag + your name.
Name format:
Minimum number of characters - 3
Maximum number of characters - 16
You can use letters, numbers, hyphen-minus, the asterisk and the underscore. The first character must be a letter or digit.
Tag format:
Minimum number of characters - 2
Maximum number of characters - 10
You can use letters, numbers, hyphen-minus, dot, comma, equals sign, slash, brackets, and the underscore character (tags cannot begin with an underscore).
The maximum number of characters in the tag is increased to 10.
Upravil/a 1stCL_Novotny dne 21-12-2012 11:14
Pragr |
Přidané 21-12-2012 13:41
Příspěvek: 303
Založený: 11.12.09
Hehe funguje to Dal jsem si jako squad tag JG1_ a jako jméno Pragr a zobrazuje se to správně. To je divný, to bude určitě ten konec světa |
Alan Grey |
Přidané 23-12-2012 20:16
Příspěvek: 894
Založený: 30.09.05
[img][/img] is not a valid Image.
310_cibule |
Přidané 23-12-2012 21:09
Příspěvek: 15069
Založený: 29.09.05
To vůbec nevypadá zle
"Máte právo říkat cokoli. ... Právo být na veřejnosti za hlupáka je u nás garantováno ústavou. Ale právo něco vyslovit nedělá z toho výroku pravdu. Pravda se prokazuje nebo vyvrací porovnáním s fakty. Kdo tenhle princip nerespektuje, s tím je těžká řeč. Všichni smíme takovou diskusi odmítnout. To není zbabělost ani povýšenost, to je jen rozumné hospodaření se silami a časem."
313_Nevo |
Přidané 23-12-2012 21:44
Příspěvek: 1888
Založený: 13.08.06
313_Nevo napsal:
Ja neviem, ale pre istotu som si pustil ten ROF.
Supol som tam Quick Mission, vypol vsetky pomocky a serepeticky, dal Scramble a Spad XIII. Fakt musim cosi robit zle, bo mne to slo nahodit takto:
Zmacknut "E"
A motor bezal ako o zavod...
Tak som to skusil v CLODe, a ako uz bolo spomenute je to takto:
Palivovy kohut OPEN
Zmacknut "I"
A motor si pradie jedna radost.
Takze od dob IL2 kde stacilo jedno tlacitko, mame momentalne simy kde treba macknut dve tlacitka.
Dockame sa v BOS troj-krokovej startup procedury???
Hocico lepsie ako dvoj-krokova bude pre mna osobne skvelym zazitkom
Upravil/a 313_Nevo dne 23-12-2012 21:45
CPU 4core 3.3GHz | GPU 1GB GDDR5 192bits | DDR3 4x4GB CL9 | SSD 250GB | Win7
clone9cz |
Přidané 23-12-2012 22:03
Hlavní administrátor
Příspěvek: 5062
Založený: 09.10.05
Startovací procedůro, kohout paliva je docela zásadní, když chceš hasit motor.
Baron |
Přidané 23-12-2012 22:27
Příspěvek: 4840
Založený: 18.02.10
Tyyy kvaaavo ten kokpit vyzera sladucko! Mnam. MiG 3 je veru mozem, a ked v takej kvalite ako kokpit, tak si asi cvrknem od stastia
Hals - und Beinbruch!
cyberolas |
Přidané 23-12-2012 22:35
Příspěvek: 560
Založený: 24.04.08
MiG-3? Neni to spíš Lavočka? |