I recommend skipping to the time-stamped sections as listed below. This video ended up being far longer than I expected and not everyone will be interested in all the content:
1. Visuals - 2:16
2. Lighting - 10:57
3. Sound - 13:13
4. Ground handling - 26:10
5. Take-off - 28:59
6. Landing - 31:16
7. Low altitude handling - 34:05
8. High altitude handling - 41:43
9. Armament - 49:42
MUSIC: "Thunderbolt" composed and arranged by me, I reserve all rights to this piece of music.
Tady jeden devítiřádkův koment týkající se velikosti nové mapy:
"We are looking at adding some more airfields, but due to the vast amount of details, we only have those airfields right now. I believe this map has the largest most detailed area as we have seen in DCS yet. One of the reasons why cutting down on the undetailed area makes sense performance-wise."
Vychází mi z toho, že další rozšiřování v budoucnu (dlouhodobém!) je velmi pravděpodobné.
Vypadá to nadějně. Je fakt, že ostatní existující mapy, zejména Nevada a PG jsou samá pustina a sem tam něco. Tady to je mapa hustě obydlené oblasti střední Evropy, což je vzhledem k dopadu na výkon asi jiná liga. Možná si proto na rozšiřování mapy budeme muset počkat až přejdou na Vulkan, aby to DCS utáhnul...
Just a quick little mission I kind of made for myself to practice some air to ground stuff, thought you guys might want to watch it unfold, thanks for watching and hope you're all having a great week thank you again for all the support on the channel, love you guys.
After a bit of time getting familiar with the P-47, this is my initial video looking at the module. Time stamps below
Big thanks to Waggs and ED for inviting me in, and to you guys for the continued support of the channel :)
0:05 - External model and textures 1:28 - Cockpit model and familiarisation 4:54 - Cold Start 8:12 - Taxi and Take off 10:19 - Gear animation 11:44 - External sounds 12:30 - Landing Downwind leg
A quick look at what has been provided with this version of the EA P-47D followed by a quick blast through one of the instant action missions
More monotone drone
A bit of air to air testing just to get a feel for the Jug
Seems very stable and controllable, and that big engine can get you out of a sticky situation quite nicely
Stall FM characteristics are being worked on, as are the engine management bits (overstress/over heating)
Jo toho se bojím, že mu na výkonu uberou. Ale takhle z první dobré musím říct, že na mě působí hodně věrohodně a dá se označit za Thunderbolta. Co si i porovnávám s reálnýma P47 D. A působí to živě, že to letadlo umí nabrat rychlost a neletí to jak cihla.
Ono na druhou stranu ta plná nádrž nic neznamená ne? Jelikož v reálu také nebojovali při plné.
Jo máš pravdu. V Bosku máme zrovna verzi D, která je snad nejhorší verze D jako stíhač. Má nějakou jinou vrtuli, která se moc dole neosvědčila .. a je o proti jiným D línější
A ty mu to snad zeres aj s navijakom.
Kolko rokov trvalo nez vydali to co je tam teraz a kolko to bolo stale v beta?
Jeho "not so distant future" je asi 15 rokov na to co posluboval.
The P-47d Thunderbolt nicknamed the 'Jug' Going over all the features at release along with the beautiful Channel map for DCS World coming soon!
YouTube Video
A Phil Style se podíval na mapu Kanálu:
CORRECTION: At 23:04 into the video I mention that the building was not in blackout. This was an error on my part as I forgot to set the map date to during the war. The buildings will observe the blackout if the correct time is set.
Here is Dover at night, with the mission date set to the war period: https://i.imgur.com/2yXiVqm.png
I recommend skipping to the time-stamped sections as listed below.
PART 1: 2:27 Map limits and coverage 7:38 Time period/ setting * 11:37 Airfield that ARE in 19:33 Details/ modelling/ visuals & Viewer suggestions 31:13 Performance
PART 2: 34:18 Historian and Geographer's corner 41:03 Special unsolicited tip
MUSIC: "Thunderbolt" composed and arranged by me, I reserve all rights to this piece of music.
Tak jsem se na Discordu právě dozvěděl, že nám zítra nabídnou balíček "P-47 + Channel Map" za asi lepší cenu (údajně 67$), případně tedy počkejte s nákupem.
IL-2 Sturmovik™, Cliffs of Dover™, Pacific Fighters™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of 1C EUROPE, 1C-Multimedia, 1C ONLINE GAMES.
Other marks used herein are those of their respective owners.