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DCS World 2017
ještě jsem HB připomněl aby nezapomněli na "yaw string" u kocoura Úsměv
Koukal jsem že na harriera lze namontovat až 3 kusy AN/AAQ-28V LITENING targeting pod.
Nevíte jestli dokáže systém harrieru pracovat s více těmito pody najednou? Trackovat více cílů nezávisle? Je to možné?
FLIR se mi zobrazuje v kokpitu vždy jen jednou ..
Upravil/a magot dne 08-05-2018 17:06
Eagle Dynamics/Belsimtek F/A-18C Hornet

Od Wagse.

YouTube Video

Open Beta DCS 2.5.1 Update 1

Added new L-39 Kursant Campaign
dcs_updater added with locale support (EN, RU, DE, and CN)

DCS World

* A-10A, A-10C. Corrupted TV display fixed.
* Fixed CTD when Helicopter AI group landing on the ground..
* The sun will not shine through the rearview mirrors.
* ME maps. Fixed the captions that could be corrupted by zoom and moving.
* MP. Changed the order of server IC options on client.
* The player will not have the opportunity to see the usermarks of the opposite coalition.
* Added option to use built-in to VR device mic and speakers or not.
* The aircraft will not ignores the task via triggered action for changing waypoint.
* Restored moonlight in the night.
* ME. MLRS FDDM vehicle has been moved to Artillery category.
* ME. Fixed GUI Error after deleting a unit when using the list box.
* MiG-29S. The old R-77 launcher replaced with corrected new one.
* ARM Kh-25MP. Minimum range was increased.
* ARM AGM-45. Minimum range was increased.
* Added new warning window with switching to OFFLINE mode.
* AA missile R-77. Corrected data for launch zone calculation, turn off the loft maneuver.
* Fixed incockpit heavy breath sound at high G.
* ME. Fixed error caused using the list box of vehicles with appointed target mark.

DCS Flaming Cliffs

* Corrected carrier arresting cables physics. Su-33 will not explodes if arresting hook contact with cable in backward move.
* J-11A. Corrected pilot suit skin. Different skins will have its own pilot skin in F1 view.
* J-11A. The HUD symbols will not place out of glass borders.
* J-11A. The HUD language will depend by selected language in the options.
* J-11A. Will be displayed on the RWRs of western aircraft as Su-27.
* J-11A. Added customized cockpit support for J-11A
* J-11A. AI and Flyable have no Su-27 sound effect fixed.


* A-10A, A-10C. Corrupted TV display fixed.
* Datalink restored.

DCS MiG-21Bis by Magnitude 3 LLC

* Updated instrument needles to stop Z buffering.
* Fixed ADI tape’s animation and 3D mesh.
* Adjusted phosphor green glow to be brighter.
* Fixed cockpit lights.
* Chinese cockpit added by uboats.
* HUD glass changed for visual enjoyment.
* Canopy glass alpha channel adjusted.
* Fixed landing gear strut lights from being on constantly.
* Fixed material attributes on RN-24/28 bombs and APU-13MT rail.
* Fixed 3D mesh vertical tail top section to be more curved.
* Fixed non-rotating compressor blades.
* Added PLAAF white livery by uboats.
* Added Chinese localization for missions.


* Corrected training mission MI-8MTV2-Training-Weapons.
* Corrected instant missions Mi-8MTV2-QS-Convoy Raid and Mi-8MTV2-QS-Target Practice.

DCS NS430 by BST

* Right Knob scrolling through letters randomly - fixed.

DCS MiG-15bis by BST

* Corrected cockpit white lamps.
* Corrected training missions.

DCS L-39

* The behaviour of CB "МРП-РВ" when mission started first time corrected.

DCS C-101 by AvioDev

* Fixed helmet glass in VR.


* Added KC-135 Drogue Tanker AI
* AG master mode selection improvements
* USS Tarawa TACAN enabled
* Armament control panel improvements and corrections
* STRS Page update
* Laser code input updated
* AGM-65E handler enabled (WIP)
* IRMV Sensor select bug fixed
* TPOD THC select bug fixed
* DMT sensor movement in LSS
* Vapor effects initial implementation
* ACNIP and Radio Control Set (Backup Radio Control functionality)
* Cold cockpit switch position corrections
* MPCD brightness glow/reflection added
* EDP brightness knob functional
* Cleaned up cockpit command params of unused duplicates
* Engine stress damage overhaul (better indications as damage occurs, correct resetting of damage, more dynamic modeling of damage through RPM range)
* Corrected inertia modeling of weight and balance with respect to fuel consumption and refueling
* Corrected actuator movement rate of flight controls actuators
* Corrected aileron effectiveness coefficients
* Corrected COMM2 UFC knob not animating correctly and tied with water flow light on EDP
* Added LODs for external model for optimization
* Optimized collision model


* Vortices/vapor effects
* Cockpit clock bug fix.


* A-10C The Enemy Within Campaign - missions 7 and 17 corrected.
* UH-1H Argo Campaign - some missions corrected.
* A-10C Advanced Campaign - corrected missions AAT10 - AG Missile Employment.
* A-10C BFT Campaign - adjusted the altitude triggers make them work better.
* Mi-8MTV2 Oilfield Campaign - fixed conditions of landing in missions 10 and 14.
* Mi-8MTV2 Spring Tension Campaign - fixed condition of landing in missions 1 and 9.


L-39 Albatros: Kursant campaign

The L-39 Albatros: Kursant Campaign is a single-player campaign for the L-39C/ZA aircraft. You will learning basic and advanced points: Low altitude navigation training - Learning aerial reconnaissance using real-life tactics - Detailed instruction on bomb, rocket, and gun weapon delivery against ground targets, following realistic ingress maneuvers - Interception of aerial targets with R-60 air-to-air missiles. All flights are performed under the supervision of a virtual-instructor. After each flight, he will decide whether or not you progress to the next mission based on your performance. At the conclusion to the training missions, an evaluation flight will be performed to determine how well you have learned the skills of L-39 navigation and combat employment. Main features of this campaign: - 11 highly-detailed and realistic missions that are based on actual L-39 training requirements. - Missions start and end on the parking ramp, which creates an immersive atmosphere of being a “kursant” (cadet) at the flight school. - Detailed briefings, flight plans, and virtual instructor pilot help you successfully complete this training course.

YouTube Video

Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 12-05-2018 23:54
- Zrcátko prostě ne…
- Divné mapování os jen u Spitu
- L-39 možná i Mig-21 kanón GŠ23 bez zvuku a to vyšla nová kampaň
jo Gš-23 nemá zvuk. Zadáš jim tam bug? ... Má to vůbec někde konec?
Když se spitu rozbije zrcátko, tak to trvá 7 let než se opraví, tak to prostě je.
Mate na Viggenovi zrkadla?
Hals - und Beinbruch!
Co si mohu představit pod pojmem FC4 ? Předpokládám, že Rafale, Eurofighter a další podobné moderny asi těžko..Holt sny některých uživatelů fora, jsou opravdu i za hranou mojí fanzatie Šklebící se
A mozno budes prekvapeny Úsměv
Hals - und Beinbruch!
Baron napsal:

A mozno budes prekvapeny Úsměv

Neříkej mi, že do toho vidíš stejně jak do BoX Úsměv
To nie Šklebící se Na druhej strane sa ponuka prilezitost pre nove FC, predpokladam so zjednodusenou avionikou a zbranovymi systemami tak ako FC3. Jednoducho pre sirsiu hracsku verejnost, nielen pre hardcordakov ako sme my Úsměv Mozno iba zbozne zelanie Úsměv
Hals - und Beinbruch!
Já osobně s FC nemám problém, pokud bude lítat F-15C vs Su-27, jen míchat to online s "regulérníma" modulama mě přijde krapet ujetý ..
magot napsal:

jo Gš-23 nemá zvuk. Zadáš jim tam bug? ... Má to vůbec někde konec?
Když se spitu rozbije zrcátko, tak to trvá 7 let než se opraví, tak to prostě je.

Zvuk byl nahlášen posledně.
HMS Sheffield ve výstavbě (Ten co potopili argentinci v bitvě o Falklandy)
Upravil/a magot dne 12-05-2018 00:41
Já vám nevím, ale mně ta obratnost přijde až nějak moc ujetá Úsměv
YouTube Video

Konečně něco od ralfidude. Ještě mi tam chybá frooglesim a bunyap sim.
Další videa ohledně Hornetu/mapy Perského zálivu

MagzTV - Storm Hornet (F/A-18C Alpha) (mj. ukázka efektu dešťových kapek)
YouTube Video


Hellreign82 - Persian Gulf - F/A-18C - First Flights - Early Access Fun
YouTube Video


504Smudge - Hornet Pre-release test flight!

YouTube Video

Eagle Dynamics/Belsimtek F/A-18C Hornet - Episode 8: Rockets and AG Gun

In this Hornet academic video, we'll look at employment of unguided rockets and the gun in air-to-ground mode. This is based on a work-in-progress build of the Hornet.

YouTube Video

Eagle Dynamics/Belsimtek F/A-18C Hornet - Episode 9: CASE I Carrier Landing

In this Hornet academic video,we'll look at CASE I landing procedures for the Hornet. CASE I is for daytime, good weather landings. Much of this will be like the airfield VFR landing, but with some key differences. Carrier landings are one of the must fun parts of the Hornet!

YouTube Video

prej "academic video", lítá s tím jak kdyby to ukradl akademik .. Šklebící se
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A toto je noční můra Troubek: https://hydro.chm.

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