Je to známý český lets player. Ale vždycky on a jeho "letka" (myslím, že mají marking cws nebo tak nějak) dělali na serveru neskutečný bordel. RTFM mu moc neříká.
Naštěstí to aktuálně vypadá, že jeho železo má problém s DCS, tak aktuálně moc neprudí.
O tomhle člověk jsem poprvé v životě slyšel, respektive četl, v časopise Computer Březen 2018. Vyšel mu tam článek, a už tehdy jsem si tak v duchu říkal co, že je to za experta na létání. Článek nebyl nic moc, nicméně mě to nedalo a podíval se na autora: Jiřího Olšanského na ten jeho slavný twitch a prakticky nenašel jediné jeho video z DCS, s výjimkou jednoho pokusu!
Rozhodně mě to nepřišlo, že by byl nějaký expert na letecké simulátory. Když to srovnám se svým článkem co jsem psal pro https://www.zing....imulatoru/ tak si dovolím říci, že můj článek je lepší.
Ale pravda měl bych začít s tím twitchem. Už delší dobu koketuji s myšlenou psát své zážitky s létání v kampaních na blog. Na zingu jsem skončil, nikoho a ničeho si tam neváží a jinde už nepíšu na rozdíl od Fuciho
Jo, ten tvůj článek jsem četl a je super.
Jinak jsem diskutoval s Nineline na steamu a prej opravdu dělají na dedikáči.
ty Falklandy jsou zatím jen nepotvrzená spekulace, naštěstí
snad nikoho reálně nenapadne udělat tak nesmyslnou mapu...
No je fakt že jediný stroj k Falklandské válce je UH-1H pro Argentinu a RAF ... ale nebyl ve výrobě náhodou IAI Nesher? (Potažmo Dagger)
Za Brity by se muselo lítat s modernějším Harrierem, modernější výsadkovou lodí což není úplně košér a není tam jádro pudla - minimálně AI Vulcan ..
Tak sme si vcera struhli online v DCS... Lietali sme MiG21 a Mirage2000. Nadhera. Ked sme skoncili (okolo 23,00) nevydrzal som a struhol som si Viggena. No, a stvrdol som v nom do 02,00 Asi emigrujem do Svedska a vstupim do tej ich Flygflotil Strucne - Vigous je zlaticko z najzlatickovanejsich, v tesnom zavese s francuzskou kraskou Miraz a mojim oblubenym Harrierom). Uz sa neviem dockat Horneta. A keby tak este chceli fakt urobit aj Vajpra, jooo to by bylo neco (nesmiem zabudnut na Mig-19 a predovsetkym na Mil-24).
...ozaj, zacul.som nejake sumy ohladne Ah-64. Viete niekto nieco o tom?
Upravil/a Baron dne 24-04-2018 15:01
AH-64 (verzi A) bastlili před mnoha lety s zároveň s Mi-24P, teď obnovili práce na Mi-24P. Tak kdo ví jestli časem neobnoví i práce na apache, ale jestli ano tak už budeme stejně starý a šediví
Viggen je dobrej na probřežní a protilodní operace, případně jako bitevník.
Jeho hlavní nevýhodu vidím nemožnost přeplánování cílů během operace aneb co není na cartridge, prostě nelze navést. (Protilodní střely). A na mavericky se musí dost nebezpečně přiblížit k cíli .. tajže nejefektivnější je se naučit s 135mm raketnicema a lítat 20m nad stromama .. Ja-37D uměl i aim-120 amraam, ale ten v DCS není.
U Švédů bys už neuspěl, odstavili Viggena v r. 2005 ..
Každopádně Viggen je nádherný lítající muzeum, stejně jako Mig-21
Upravil/a magot dne 24-04-2018 15:28
K tomu videu mám malou poznámku. S těmu súčky startujícími z letadlovky....tak se to přece nedělá. Když jsem moc těžkej, tak startuji s malým množstvím paliva a dotankuji za letu.
Já jen potichu doufám, že opravili ten zásadní problém modelu, kdy při každém vzletu je 50% šance na havárii díky prapodivně (ne)nasimulovaném tření mezi zemí a lyžinami.
The first version of the video memory manager is presented, which will purge the video memory when the video memory budget allocated by Windows is reached. The resources that were not used in the last 10 seconds are first to be purged.
New OFFLINE mode is now implemented. User can turn on OFFLINE mode that allows the game to be used without internet identification and without a time limit. Note: user must turn off OFFLINE mode on the same PC. OFFLINE mode cannot be turned off from another PC even with the same user's login.
DCS World
* Kh-25 and Kh-29 will follow the laser beam target point of the Su-25/25T optical station when player to shift the target point after launch.
* Aircraft AI will be changing altitude between waypoints less aggressively.
* Removing scenery objects via trigger will not be stay in the invisible mode, they will be removed completely.
* MP. Added additional list of checkboxes for advanced IC server options: require pure textures, require pure models and require pure clients.
* If an airbase has multiple runways in parallel the ATC will indicate which runway the player should take.
* GUI. Input window. Device names in Input table can be customized.
* Added China Asset Pack.
* AI helo crew will not sink into FARP surface.
* StaticObject.destroy() on cargo object will removes the cargo instead of killing it.
* MP. Client will not gets wrong briefing from last played single player mission instead of the right briefing from current MP mission.
* Fixed crash with Transport.dll
* F10 map. labels in high resolution (1440p, 2160p etc) with turned on Scale GUI option will be in correct position on the map.
* Fixed crash when briefing is set by trigger.
* LAU-61 and LAU-3 rocket launcher will not looks empty when rockets in the tubes.
* Multi Display. Fixed some frizes in 140 degrees FOV.
* Deferred Shading render locked in the game and can not be turned off. DCS ceased support of old graphic render without Deferred Shading.
* The SF key linked to user's account can't be activated with another account.
DCS Flaming Cliffs
* MiG-29. R-27R aligned on launcher.
* MiG-29A fuel tanks position corrected.
* MiG-29. External light adjustments, headlight color tuned.
DCS Hawk T1 by VEAO
* First round of changes to the FM behaviour.
* Improvements to departure from flight logic.
* Improvements to electrical system logic.
* Fix for the taxi bug.
* Improvements to AoA calculations.
* System damage improvements.
* PBR improvements to the external model and skins.
* EHSD Moving Map Enabled
* EHSD Data pages
* DMT axis control enabled
* ECS System operational (oxygen and cabin pressure logic)
* Hypoxia modeling enabled
* Auto-start functional (deployed with EHSD updates)
* Auto-stop functional (deployed with EHSD updates)
* SAS Pitch, Roll, Yaw WCA indications functional
* DEP RES WCA indication functional
* Radios functional in non-easy comm (only controllable from UFC/ODU currently)
* Added 9 Training Missions for NTTR from Baltic Dragon
* Corrected overall hydraulic logic and fix loss of control when engine going off and using emergency hydraulics
* Corrected control surface hard-over when on ground for high AOA (tail wind on aircraft when sitting on deck)
* Corrected fuel pump switch being able to move when engine start cover it
* Corrected Gun ARM, else SAFE joystick abstraction not working when going back into SAFE
* Corrected transfer light not coming on during refuel
DCS SA342 by Polychop Simulations
* Added SA342Minigun module
* Added SA342Minigun addendum.txt file in module Doc folder
* Corrected PBR textures, no more "roughmet" textures are used, according to particular light conditions some issues may still show
* Multicrew mode, Nadir use has been moved to copilot, pilot is no more able to use the Nadir if a copilot is aboard.
* Corrected Rockets range and effect
* Corrected Mistral missile, now it's all aspects and 7km range
* Corrected HOT3 effect regarding unarmoured vehicles (infantry, trucks ...)
* Added Copilot Intercom functionality
* Corrected Cockpit glasses
* Reworked Gyro and AP logic
* In order to prevent conflicts between the main joystick and a possible second joystick when targeting with the camera, a new option has been added in Options/Special/SA342 named "SECOND JOYSTICK FOR CAMERA", it has to be unchecked if you don't use a second joystick for the Camera (Viviane or else) and it has to be checked if you use a second joystick.
* Due to latency issues, ability for the copilot to pilot the helicopter in multicrew mode has been removed.
* Added missing keyboard or joystick assignments in controls, Warning, Due to new input additions, it could be needed to re-assign some inputs.
* Restored behavior at ground, the helicopter will begin to roll or pitch around 45% torque
* Corrected controls position for FFB or non-FFB sticks, including diamond, 3d stick in cockpit view, 3d stick in external view
* Corrected ADF guage CAP flag
* Cockpit lights have been fixed including writings flickering, issues may persist under specific light conditions
* Replaced "Improve your skill" mission 2.5.0 version
* Corrected sun glasses
* A new document has been added to the module doc folder, named "Gazelle Multicrew 24-04-2018.txt" talking about multicrew limitations.
* Damages due to negative g has been added
* FM has been refined in some areas
* Corrected camera control when in slaved mode
* NADIR, Auxiliaries will display continuously i.e "AUX 1-6". Pressing AUX key again or using the EFF long key press will revert to previous display.
* Weapons training missions changed for Caucasus and Nevada.
* Minigun gunner animation is still WIP and will be corrected
* The Gazelle module goes out of beta state, potential still existing issues will be corrected in time.
* Adjusted default VR View.
DCS Combined Arms
* UNCONTROLLED checkbox will disabled control of ground forces from F10 map for all roles except Game Master.
DCS Ka-50
* Fixed crash in the Beslan airport when user asked taxiing.
* Taxi/Landing lights corrected.
* Corrected missions: training F-86F Bomb and 4 singleplayer Street Sweeper, Flight Suit Attitude, Sabre Strike, First Jet Strike Fighter.
* fixed backwards scrolling breaks autofill/info for App/Dep
* fixed NRST USR WPT screen not working.
* fixed Night time kills pop out window.
* A-10C BFT Campaign
* BFT01 - Some minor vehicle updates.
* BFT02 - Corrected voice over.
* BFT04, BFT09 - Corrected bug after missed approach.
* F-15C The Georgian War - missions 2, 11, 12 updated.
* Mi-8MTV2 The Border - missions 6, 11, 13 updated.
* A-10C Sturmovik - mission 10 fixed.
New Skins:
F-86F IIAF Imperial Iranian by carss.
KC-135 Turkish Air Force by c@sper.
F-5E IRIAF 43rd Tactical Fighter Squadron by jponti.
F-5E IRIAF by drPhibes.
MiG-29A IRIAF Sand-Blue skin by bounj.
Mi-8MTV2 NAJA Special Police by OfficerAMR.
Mi-8MTV2 Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Blue by OfficerAMR.
Mi-8MTV2 Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Sand by OfficerAMR.
Known Issues
The some radio points in the radio menu is broken: Ка-50 do not works request to night goggles and helmet sight, Bf 109 do not work request for inertial starter.
Maverick picture on A-10A MFD is corrupted.
The names of cities on F10 map broken when map moved or zoomed.
SA342 TV sight is inoperative.
Saburo, prostě HDR= starý engine, DS=Nový engine. Spravovat obsah pro obě jádra je zřejmě komplikované. Mohli to tak udělat rovnou. Divím se, že to neudělali už dávno.
IL-2 Sturmovik™, Cliffs of Dover™, Pacific Fighters™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of 1C EUROPE, 1C-Multimedia, 1C ONLINE GAMES.
Other marks used herein are those of their respective owners.