Modeláře maj v TF šikovné. A ten Welouš je lákavej..
Jen nevím jestli budu mít chuť znovu kupovat ten mizernej engine. Asi ne. Nemám důvěru že to vše hladce poběží. Radši se budu placatit v BOX.
Ale třeba si to někdo koupí, no nehlaste se všichni
Osobně bych také Afriku raději viděl v BOX. I přes občasné pěkné grafické efekty je žel vidět, že tenhle sim je už starší věc. Alespoň, že slibují generátor dynamických kampaní... Ale proč třebas stále nic neudělali s těmi hobbity v kabinách, ti malí piloti vypadaj fakt divně...
Yes I know... its now December and I missed getting you all an update last month. For this I of course offer sincere apologies. I won't trouble you with the details suffice just to say that real work life has been unexpectedly frantic and family comes before anything else, i.e. getting the balance right is key. Contrary to what some may postulate, I am still alive and no, I didn't drop my phone down the toilet again 😄.
For the reasons stated above, this is a shorter update than normal but I will continue to answer questions etc. in later updates when things have settled down. Let's start straight away then with a video:
YouTube Video
As you can see, a lot of work has been done on object modelling for the environment. The new ships we hope to include in TF 5.0 are as follows:
S-28 E Boat
Type VII U-Boat
1936 Type Destroyer
Leipzig Class Light Cruiser: KMS Nurnberg
Admiral Hipper Class Heavy Cruiser: KMS Prinz Eugen
Deutschland Class Heavy Cruiser: KMS Admiral Scheer
Scharnhorst Class Battlecruiser: KMS Scharnhorst
Spica Class Patrol/Destroyer Escort: RM Spica
Zara Class Heavy Cruiser: RM Gorizia
San Giorgio Class Armoured Cruiser/Tobruk Harbour Defense ship: RM San Giorgio
Vosper Class MTB
Tribal Class Destroyer: HMS Cossack
Leander Class Light Cruiser: HMS Ajax
Renown Class Battlecruiser: HMS Repulse
Revenge Class Battleship: HMS Ramillies
Queen Elizabeth Class Battleship: HMS Warspite
Merchant Ships:
Large Freighter
Older Freighter
Medium size Coastal Freighter
Small Coastal Freighter
Hopefully you watched the video before reading to this point because I didn't want to spoil the surprise content. It is very important to stress that the map textures are all in alpha form at the moment. Neither do they include vegetation, grass, shrubs or rock formations - or dust effects for low flight. This is all work in progress and hopefully you can now see that we have solid foundations - all created with the map tool I mentioned in earlier updates. Don't forget either that we are always looking for new members who are interested in working on map development. Coding skills are not necessary, but Photoshop would be helpful. Please get in touch if you think you could help.
Other work that is underway right now is the beta testing of the AI changes that have been made. The team is getting valuable feedback from the testers and this is being used to make further refinements.
A big thank-you to all who supported the server test. Changes have now been made and we would like to repeat the exercise - so once again we call on your support to help us stress the server. This time it will be on ATAG Server 1 on Saturday December 8th at 1900 GMT for approximately 1 hour.
Thank you for your continued support, patience and understanding.
Season's greetings and a very festive "Yo! Ho! Ho!" to you all. I can't believe we're almost at year end again. Does time accelerate as we get older? It certainly seems that way. There is quite a lot to cover this month so I'll get straight on with it.
We've had some new members join us recently. These are predominantly members with mission building skills who will be using their talents to develop single player missions. Other than that the team numbers remains stable and the motivation high. There are things going on (which I can only tell you about in the new year), which have got many of us, myself included, extremely excited.
Although things are ramping up it is inevitable that at this time of year there will be a natural pause. On the whole, the project maturity is a little short of where it was predicted to be at this point in time, mainly due to the complexities of the import process and the integration between modeller, coder and skin maker required.
Progress Map
We gave you a sneak preview in the last update which illustrated one part of the map and the terrain elevations. Still lots going on - particularly in texture refinement since North Africa has a larger variety of terrain than some may think. Regrettably, from some of the feedback received, a few people didn't understand what we meant by "alpha" texture. To be clear on this, an "alpha" texture by our definition is a first pass texture which represents, roughly, the terrain texture. It has not undergone a detailed refinement (to look good at any altitude) and does not represent the final look.
Are mostly complete and either imported or still in the import process, with the following exceptions still in the 3D modelling stage:
• Bf-110C Tropical versions (minor air intake changes)
• Ju-87B Tropical version (minor air intake changes)
• Ju-88A-4/A-5 including Tropical version.
• Ju-88C-1/C-2/C-4/C-6 including Tropical version.
• Heinkel He-111H-6
• Macchi C-202 Series III and VIII
• Wellington IC
Audio work (alpha update) is in test. Visual effects are being further refined.
Alpha work has been in test for a while now. Mostly positive feedback but further refinements are necessary.
Happy New Year everybody. TFS is pleased to announce that Patch v4.54 is now on Steam. This is a bug fix and enhancements release (no new content) and although it is a patch, it is a full 8GB download. This is because we are also introducing a new release and patch procedure - which we will use to roll out further patches between now and the release of TF 5.0.
The list of fixes and enhancements is as follows:
• Enhanced grass rendering (Fix for the grass popping up).
• Fixed parachutes disappearing in the distance.
• Fixed steam lobby creation.
• Removed “Jump Points“ aka 'Long Grass Traps' on the airfields. Note, this does not fix the spawn points off the airfields, yet (Bugtracker: #562, #774, #867, #869).
• Fixed wrong GUI font messing up cursor position and input fields in chat and Full Mission Builder.
• Implemented radiator over-pressure valve for aircraft with pressurised radiators.
• Water radiator only vents as long as there's a reserve.
• Various changes in Blenheim MkIV top gunner cabin animations.
• Separated sight illumination control for multi-crew aircraft.
• Smooth lever/switches cockpit animations for Bf110 versions, Blenheim MkIV, BR.20, Tiger Moth, G.50, He 111, Hurricane Mk1, Ju 87B2, Bf 109 versions, Spitfire versions and Su 26.
• JU88-A1 turrets B and C must now be unlocked with the "Toggle Park Position" key (as with other turrets), (Bugtracker: #737).
• If markings were switched off (in plane options), they no longer show in tracks (Bugtracker: #1009).
• Smoke tracers.
• Hurricane MkI FB bomb switch display error when dropping bombs from external view (Bugtracker: #1021).
• Bf 109 trim indicator display and range corrected (Bugtracker: #560, #990, #1004).
• Shaders optimisations.
- proč nejde myší přepnout (zapnout) vyhřívání pitotky ? pitotka
- proč při odsunutí překrytu kabiny se objeví text "Dvířka poklopu" ? dvirka
- jaký je rozdíl mezi normálním Hurikánem a nočním Hurikánem ? (samo kromě kamo)
A takové povzdechnutí - kdyby tak šlo zčitelnit tabulku přepočtů vlevo od zaměřovače aby ji mohl pilot používat... tabulka
Porazit nepřítele a dát mu život může vypadat jako projev laskavosti,
ale ve skutečnosti to je to nejkrutější, co poraženého může potkat. [samurajský pohled na zajetí]
my křečci leteckou nekázeň děláme zásadně a jedině dle vrozených předností
Porazit nepřítele a dát mu život může vypadat jako projev laskavosti,
ale ve skutečnosti to je to nejkrutější, co poraženého může potkat. [samurajský pohled na zajetí]
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[img][/img] is not a valid Image.[img][/img] is not a valid Image.
* Fix for 1080Ti cards not loading correct texture mipmaps
* Revised 4.5 quick missions
* 109s have historically correct two radiator circuits
* Fiat BR-20 engine control lever bug... numbering texture has the "7" and "6" reversed
* Spitfire Mk I, Mk Ia, and Mk IIa: Wheel brake lever now animated
* Bug causing hit to the right water radiator to damage the left water radiator fixed
* Beaufighter cockpit glass more transparent for pilot and observer
* Gladiator enhancements to its external model
* Hurricane control column chain animation corrected
* Enhanced English field textures
* Disabled Anthropomorphic Control, option not available.
* Aircrafts of air groups marked as scramble (Full Mission Builder) now start with pre-warmed and running engines. To prevent planes from rolling ahead on spawn-in, chocks are initially set and a message is shown in the info window.
* Fixes to enable track record compatibility between game versions
* Oxygen tank damage now in effect
* Removed vehicles from plane select listing
* Smoother grass rendering
* Weapons/smoke effects revised
* CR-42 aileron wire animation bug fixed
* Ju88 Bottom gunner: annoying moving dot removed from the cockpit.
1. As usual, please be sure to delete your cache folder (in your 'Documents/1C SoftClub/il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover' folder) before running the game again.
2. Unfortunately Avast and AVG Antivirus (and only those, belonging to the same company) have repeatedly and falsely considered Cliffs of Dover's Launcher64.exe as a possible virus. There's nothing we currently can do about this. If you are using one of the two and are having trouble starting Cliffs, please set the Launcher64.exe on their whitelist. Sorry for the inconveniences.
IL-2 Sturmovik™, Cliffs of Dover™, Pacific Fighters™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of 1C EUROPE, 1C-Multimedia, 1C ONLINE GAMES.
Other marks used herein are those of their respective owners.