November 25 2024 19:22:22
IL-2 BoS Návody
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IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
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IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (SW help)
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· Registrovaní piloti: 2,747
· Nejnovější pilot: carramba66
IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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DCS World
F-18E od CD. Osobně se víc těším na verzi C od ED. Ale každopádně to je chvalitebný počin ...
YouTube Video

Joe Hallenbeck
Hmm pěkné Mrknutí
Pár obrázků z offline kampaně s UH-1
S doprovodem...
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Izraelský Medevac...
[img][/img] is not a valid Image.
Brzce ranní výlet.....
[img][/img] is not a valid Image.

A jedna ze cvičení s Krakenem...
[img][/img] is not a valid Image.
BP_Madvlk napsal:

Pár obrázků z offline kampaně s UH-1

Co to je za kampan? Nejaky stiahnuty doplnok? Alebo priamo ta kampan v hre?
Přímo ta ve hře...
Když tak koukám na toho je nějaká pozdější verze ?
Podle kamufláže by to mohla být fotoprůzkumná verze Spitfire Mk.X nebo XIX.
základna Loc: 49°43'52.703"N, 16°26'5.3"E
E-mail od TFC/ED:
DCS: Hawk T1A is available for pre-sell!

VEAO Simulations in cooperation with The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics are pleased to announce that DCS: Hawk T1A is available for pre-sell.

Store at ED shop

DCS: Hawk T1A will sell for $39.99 at end of November. Pre Purchase now for $31.99 and save 20%!

The Hawk first entered service with the RAF in 1976, both as an advanced flying-training aircraft and a weapons-training aircraft. The Hawk T1 version is currently used at RAF Valley for fast-jet pilot advanced flying training with No 208(R) Squadron, and at RAF Scampton by the RAF Aerobatic Team, the Red Arrows.

The T1A is used for weapons and tactical training on No 19(R) Squadron at RAF Valley, and by No 100 Squadron at RAF Leeming for advanced fast-jet weapons systems officer training and operational support- flying. In its weapons and tactical training role the Hawk is used to teach air combat, air-to-air firing, air-to-ground firing and low-flying techniques and operational procedures.

While the Hawk T1 is used solely in the advanced flying-training role, the Hawk T1A is equipped to an operational standard and is capable of undertaking a number of war roles.

The T1A has four under-wing pylons cleared to carry Sidewinder AIM-9L air-to-air missiles, rocket pods, practice bombs and bombs, and can carry a 30mm Aden cannon in a pod underneath the fuselage centre-line. The cannon can be fired at the same time as any of the pylon-mounted weapons are selected for release or firing.

Key Features:
•Accurate and highly detailed 3D interactive cockpit featuing six-degrees-of-freedom (6DOF) technology compatible with head-tracking devices and Oculus Rift.
•Accurate modeling of the Hawk HUD, instruments, gauges and dials.
•High fidelity accurate Advanced Systems Modelling (ASM) such as electrical, fuel, hydraulics, oxygen, pressurisation and air conditioning, temperature control, pitot-static, AHRS, lighting and weapons system modelled to detailed schematics.
•Highly detailed Hawk external 3D model and liveries.
•Fully interactive, comprehensive training missions make learning to fly the Hawk easier.
•Armament includes: AIM-9M Sidewinders, bombs, practice bombs, rocket pods and gun pod.
•Highly detailed damage model.
•Standard Flight Model (SFM) included.
hmmm tenhle koberec pořídím až ve slevě ...
prej kvůli TCmu (a Hoproj) udělaj F2, když už tam jsou tak nesmyslný lítadla
Porazit nepřítele a dát mu život může vypadat jako projev laskavosti,
ale ve skutečnosti to je to nejkrutější, co poraženého může potkat.

[samurajský pohled na zajetí]
??? To video je už 2 měsíce v éteru Úsměv
No a co?
Dnes v poště:
DCS World 1.2.11 and DCS World 2

The team has been working very hard with long hours on DCS World 2, including performance improvements, visual effects, updated GUI, and a lot of debugging. However, it may not be ready in time to launch several new projects in November and December: Su-27 for DCS World, DCS: Bf 109 K-4 Kurfürst, DCS: L39 Albatros, DCS: MiG-15bis and Hawk for DCS World. Yes, lots of new modules coming soon! As such, we will release 1.2.11 to support these releases. In addition to supporting the release of these new modules, 1.2.11 will also include several bug fixes.

DCS: Europe 1944

Most of the work on this front is currently focused on the Fw 190 D-9 and the Bf 109 K-4. In the next DCS World release (1.2.11), the Fw 190 D-9 will receive a campaign and additional fixes. At that point, the Dora will officially be out of beta. As for the Bf 109 K-4, a lot of work has gone into fleshing out the cockpit system, tuning the flight dynamics and creating skins for it. We are still shooting to make the beta available to pre-purchasers in November 2014. After the Bf 109 K-4 goes into open beta, more of our World War II staff will be moved on to the Spitfire.

DCS: MiG-15bis

The MiG-15bis has been moving at a very fast pace and the flight model and cockpit systems are already in an advanced state. DCS: MiG-15bis is on track to be released in mid-December 2014. If you have not already done so, you may wish to take a look at DCS: F-86F Sabre in preparation!

Su-27 for DCS World

This update to the aircraft that started it all for Eagle Dynamics is also nearing completion. Although initially planned to just include a 6 DOF cockpit and Professional Flight Model (PFM), the team has also now added a greatly updated and much more realistic Heads Down Display (HDD) that includes both the HUD repeater and Tactical Display (navigation and datalink). The Flanker is on final for a November 15th landing.

DCS: L-39 Albatros and DCS: F/A-18C Hornet

Work continues on the L-39 and we are shooting to make the pre-purchase available in November and the beta available in late December. Work also continues on the Hornet, but there is no new news to pass along at this time.

New DCS Maps

Both the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR) and Strait of Hormuz maps are making great progress. In fact, the NTTR map has been successfully integrated into DCS World 2 and is now undergoing extensive work to iron out issues. We hope to release the NTTR map in late December. This will be a free map to those that purchased the DCS: A-10C Warthog while it was in beta.

The images of this newsletter come from a very early, first pass of the NTTR map in DCS World 2. Please note that these are very much work in progress.
Na 15ku a na Albatrosa sa tesim. Hawk ma nejak nezaujal.
Hals - und Beinbruch!
Nechce se mi to překládat, sorry.

Pro neagličtináře - na UVP je to přeloženo - jinak v angličtině to dostal každý do mailu, takže... Mrknutí
magot napsal:

No a co?

O co že už v tomto topicu taky bude?

Edit - je a dokonce ho sem dal ten samý člověk Úsměv
Upravil/a Host dne 28-10-2014 18:51
mne to mailom nechodi, takze dik za info Úsměv
CPU 4core 3.3GHz | GPU 1GB GDDR5 192bits | DDR3 4x4GB CL9 | SSD 250GB | Win7
Pekne to je o tom zadna... Ale proti comu bude lietat? Proti Dore a Kurfurstovi? To si velmi neskrtne. Chcelo by to Zero alebo aspon nejakeho Japonca. Niekedy mi pripada, ze vyvojarom v DCS chyba nejaky aspon zakladny plan a robia veci tak nejak "od buka do buka". Skoda, pretoze kazda masina v DCS je skvele spravena.
Upravil/a Baron dne 04-11-2014 01:00
Hals - und Beinbruch!
To teda ... snad jen F-86 vs Mig-15 dopadne co má hlavu a patu. Nepočítaje scházející mapu Sev. Korey.
no magote, neber to osobně, ale logika TD je úplně stejná jak popsal baron výše

nespecifikují někde jaké fixy pro Doru mají na mysli ?
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HANÁCKÉ SLET 14.6.-16.6.


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31-10-2024 09:57
ČTK: Z dosud nezjištěných příčin se dnes v noci zřídilo letadlo na solární pohon.

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To není dobrá myšlenka. Belzebub každého stáhne do pekel a přes zvolené zástupce i nás obyčejné lidi. Vyděšený

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Pokud ti co zvolím budou plnit svůj program, ať se klidně spojí i s Belzebubem.

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Kdokoliv bude v koalici s kýmkoliv. Jím nejde o smysl, ale o prachy a to politiky spojuje.

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Prognostik z tebe už nebude. Úsměv

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Kroměříž a Olomouc - Pravděpodobnost 3. povodňového stupně >90%

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A toto je noční můra Troubek: https://hydro.chm.

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