December 22 2024 02:42:46
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IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
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IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (pilot help)
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IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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Povídání o IHADSS…
In this DCS: AH-64D video, we’ll discuss the symbology projected to the Helmet Display Unit, or HDU, that is part of the larger Integrated Helmet Display and Sighting System, or IHADSS. The HDU can be worn by either the pilot or Co-Pilot Gunner, or CPG, and it can display important navigation, sensor, and weapon system data to the crew member’s right eye. We will discuss the HDU early in this tutorial series as we’ll be referring to it in later lessons.

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Popis významné strategické Apačí mise v Pouštní Bouři.
Zdroj: https://www.digit...4jnno.html
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To by mohli obydlet Irák na mapě zálivu Úsměv
The Target Acquisition and Designation Sight (TADS) is equipped with a stabilised daylight television camera, a Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) camera, and a laser rangefinder / target designator for targeting by displaying video to crewmembers’ Helmet Display Unit (HDU) or TEDAC Display Unit (TDU). It can also be displayed on the Multi-Purpose Displays. The TADS FLIR can also be used as a Night Vision Sensor for night flying by either crewmember. This allows the TADS to be slaved to the helmet line of sight of either crew member for nap-of-earth flying under near total darkness. The TADS cameras have multiple fields of view that allow the operators to see large areas for enhanced situational awareness or zoomed in for precise targeting at long ranges.

The DCS: AH-64D TADS FLIR camera is also being developed to showcase our new FLIR rendering technology that will provide a much improved and more realistic portrayal of the world as seen through infrared. This same technology will also be used for other FLIR sensors in DCS targeting pods such as the infrared-guided Maverick missiles.

We look forward to providing you with a preview of the current progress in the very near future. Stay tuned!
Jak zkrotit MPD panely.
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Nepříjemná Smutný zpráva, vydání Apache se odkládá na zatím konec ledna 2022.

Dear Fighter Pilots, Partners and Friends,
Development on the AH-64D module is going well. However, due to progress on the “George” AI and flight control system components, we have decided to postpone the Early Access release to the end of January 2022. This additional time will allow us to further develop the flight control systems, hold modes, damage model, missions, skins and other items. As a token of our appreciation for your pre-orders, we are increasing your pre-order ED miles up to 8,500.
We would like to share progress on the current status of the AH-64D Flight Model. We have achieved a good simulation of the powerplant and flight dynamics behavior when compared to the real-world data numbers. This machine is truly sensational!
Please note that the Steam Autumn Sale 2021 has begun and will continue until the 1st of December. Come and enjoy up to 50% off most of our products. We kindly remind you that our eShop sale will continue until the 6th of December 15:00 GMT.
Thank you for your passion and support.

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Ajaj, já myslel, že byla sleva prodloužená do Mikuláše a ono asi ne ? (Na Steamu).
TSD základ…
In this week’s DCS: AH-64D instructional video, we explore the basics of the Tactical Situation Display, or TSD.
This TSD is a map-based Multi-Purpose Display (MPD) page that provides powerful navigation features, fast customization, and coordination with other flight members.
It can display various map types, prioritize data, and it is integrated with other defensive system to improve crew survivability. It also has an Automatic Direction Finding (ADF) function.

YouTube Video

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TSD Points

Coming Late-January 2022

Pre-Order and save 30%:

In an earlier video, we reviewed the basics of the AH-64D’s TSD. In this video, we’ll discuss TSD Points. The AH-64D provides a database of 149 points, with three separate “partitions” for waypoint/hazards, control measures, and target/threats. Waypoint/Hazards are numbered 1 to 50, Control Measures 51 to 99, and Target/Threats 1 to 50.

Points can be used to set navigation, targeting acquisition source, and sent to other flight members over the inter-flight datalink (once available).

Points are a powerful function to build battlefield situational awareness.

YouTube Video

TSD Navigation

Coming Late-January 2022

Pre-Order Now and Save 30%:

In this DCS: AH-64D video, we’ll look at using the TSD to create and edit routes, set a direct-to, and select an acquisition source.

YouTube Video

Status Report
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YouTube Video

We have made tremendous progress on the AH-64D. Release ready items include the external model and internal cockpit models, pilot and gunner high resolution models, external and internal lighting and sounds, IHADS , MPD pages, PNVS, TADS and sensors, 30mm cannon, Hydra unguided rockets, laser-guided Hellfire missiles, the ASE, CMWS, George AI pilot and phase one of the DM.

Despite suffering from the most recent variant of COVID-19 the team has accomplished a minor miracle and the Early Access is very close to being available for release. However, certain aspects still require extra polish notably; flight control system heading, attitude and altitude hold modes, MultiCrew, cold start, George AI co-pilot gunner, certain crew animations and system damage effects.

We understand that our decision to delay the early access release is frustrating and disappointing. Please accept our apologies. Our commitment is to deliver this exciting new aircraft to you in the nearest future, hopefully in February. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please remember that the 30% discount and extra ED Miles are still available all the way up to Early Access release.

Thank you for your passion and support,

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics Team

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Takže zřejmě půjde odmontovat radar ala útočná verze Úsměv
A trocha obrázků:

Today we completed one of the biggest gating items for early access release, multi-crew sync. When in networked multi-crew, this is a critical feature that allows both crew members to set the Direct To location, set a Terrain Point, and set a Waypoint/Hazard/Control Measure/Target Point. As you will discover, this is a rather unique aspect of the AH-64D and really shines in network play.

Work on the hold modes is going well, and heading hold us just about done. While you can certainly maintain a stable hover and very easily fly the helicopter without the attitude and altitude hold modes, the implementation of these will allow "hands free" operations and make concealed attacks that much easier.

The cold start procedure is proceeding well, and we can already bring a cold and dark AH-64D to life. Most of the work is now focused on the correct ENG page indications and fire suppression arming and test system.

Initial "George" as the CP/G is now integrated and undergoing initial tests. This allows the player to fly from the rear pilot seat and instruct "George" up front to search for and engage selected targets that it has located.

These are probably the biggest four to-do items for the early access launch, and all are making good progress.

Kind regards,


Funkce senzorů…
In this DCS: AH-64D video, we’ll talk about the primary sensor of the AH-64D: the Target Acquisition Designation Sight, or TADS.
The TADS is divided into two sides: The Day side, located on the left side of the turret, contains the Day Television, or Day TV,
Laser Range Finder Designator, or LRFD and Laser Spot Tracker, or LST. The Night Side, located on the right side of the turret contains the Forward Looking Infrared,
or FLIR. All controls discussed in this video are found in Options, Controls, AH-64D CP/G.

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TADS Part II...
YouTube Video

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Using Acquisition sources

* od Casmo:
To follow up on the recent DCS video I attempt to explain a little more in depth about the use of the Acquisition source and how to employ it in the Apache.

YouTube Video


In this DCS: AH-64D video, we’ll dig into use of the Area Weapon System, or AWS. The AWS consists of the M230E1 30mm chain gun that is mounted under the chin of the helicopter. The official rate of fire is 625 +/- 25 rounds per minute, but this is most often reduced in the field. The gun can transverse 86-degrees left and right, and it can elevate 9-degrees up when within +/- 10 degrees of the aircraft centerline and 11-degrees when outside of +/- 10 degrees of the aircraft centerline. It can traverse down up to 60-degrees.

Ammunition types include the M789 High-Explosive Dual Purpose and the M788 practice round. At early access release, the Robbie fuel tank will always be installed, and this results in a maximum gun load of 300 rounds. Later, after Early Access release, we plan to make the Robbie tank optional. This would allow a maximum gun load of 1,200 rounds. The software-supported maximum range is 4,200 meters.

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