December 27 2024 18:09:42
IL-2 BoS Návody
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IL-2 BoS FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 BoS FAQ (SW help)
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IL-2 Návody
IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
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IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (SW help)
Pilotovatelná letadla
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· Hosté on-line: 5

· Piloti on-line: 0

· Registrovaní piloti: 2,751
· Nejnovější pilot: VGR-Spawn
IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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DCS Mig-21Bis
Klidně přijď,jsou tam i větší zelenáči, např. jáÚsměv
základna Loc: 49°43'52.703"N, 16°26'5.3"E
Rapier napsal:

F-5 mám zakoupenou ale necítím se na to utkat se na nebi s takovými esy jako jste Vy.

Hele lítáme pro zábavu. Učíme se stále. Neboj Přiď. poradíme.
Zítra tj. neděle +-16h opět spustíme misi.
2.5.6.xxxxx - 2020 May xx

* připravovaný seznam změn do další aktualizace:

• Added VR device tracking support (WIP)
• Corrected ASP fixed net and piper illumination levels for day and night operations.
• Decreased radio-altimeter hot-start value from 200 m to 100 m.
• Tuned SAU and autopilot.
• Fixed landing gear lock sound.
• Fixed lights' switch axis in clickables.lua by adding 2 new commands for light controls.
• Added switch operation for air conditioning. (no use in game, visual only)
• Phase 1 Livery Template released.

Phase 1 External Model Changes Include:

• Added overwing vapor effects. (WIP)
• Updated GSH-23 muzzle flash, smoke, tracer effects. (WIP)
• Updated canopy & windscreen.
• Updated PVD-7, DUAS-5 pitot tubes.
• Updated gear bay upper fuselage blisters.
• Updated dorsal fuel tank.
• Updated vertical stabilizer.
• Updated lower wing root covers.
• Updated SPRD-99 / POMIG mounts.
• Updated taxi/landing light glass lenses.
• Added afterburner volumetric light effects. (WIP)
• Adjusted afterburner flame to be seen in daylight hours and added shock diamonds.
• Adjusted landing / taxi light brightness
• Fixed AI non-retracting landing / taxi lights.
• Fixed gear strut lights to turn off when the battery is switched off.
• Fixed nav lights from turning white at long distances.
• Adjusted drag chute animation and associated collision shell.
• Unlinked several parts from Argument 114 dummy to make whole airframe visible from cockpit.
• Fixed TacNumbers from all changing at the same time.
• Converted all 8K livery textures to separate numerous 1, 2, and 4K textures.
• Adjusted all livery camouflages to match Phase 1 airframe. (courtesy of Joshua Pemberton)
• Adjusted & added RoughMet textures to numerous areas.
• Adjusted & added Normal Map textures to numerous areas.
• Corrected Russian spelling of livery stenciling. (courtesy of LazySeal [P61]).
• Removed Croatian 2014 and Hungarian liveries. (Unable to contact original artist for PSD files)
• Merged cockpit textures into atlas.
• Merged pilot textures into atlas.
• Updated SPRD-99's 3d mesh & added RoughMet texture.
• Added RoughMet textures to missile launcher rails.
• Added RoughMet texture to POMIG chaff & flare dispensers.
• Corrected size of external 490L drop tank. (courtesy of SVKSniper & GumidekCZ)
• Corrected size of external 800L drop tank.
• Created new drop tank textures.
• Reduced destroyed 3d mesh's 8K textures to 4K.
• Adjusted damage table properties.


Updated normal map textures inbound! Will we make it in time?! 🛫💨
Chuck Owl aktualizoval průvodce Fishbedem:

Hi folks!

I've been wanting to re-do the MiG-21 guide for a long, long time. The MiG-21 was the first third-party aircraft I bought for DCS back in 2014 and I remember fondly the first time I experienced the awesome kick and roar of the afterburner... with the sense of sheer terror as you approach for a landing at breakneck speeds. It's a real trip back in the time of interceptors, smoky engines and terrible missiles. I can't recommend it enough.

The module itself hasn't changed much system-wise since then, but I thought that the ongoing efforts of Leatherneck Simulations (now Magnitude) to keep improving the cockpit and optimize the module deserved some extra effort from my part to give the MiG-21 a worthy guide. Pretty much every section was re-written almost from scratch. I've taken special care to expand the radar, weapon, autopilot and navigation sections, and I think the overall result will be much more helpful than it initially was. I've corrected many small (and not so small) mistakes across the document. The page count increased from 130 to 325+ pages... I hope you enjoy reading them!

Přímý odkaz ke stažení (, .pdf)
Mig-21 mi nikdy nepřišel úplně dodělaný. Byl to vlastně první addon třetí strany a zároveň, když pominu hawk, tak s nejvíce komplikacemi ve vývoji.
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To není dobrá myšlenka. Belzebub každého stáhne do pekel a přes zvolené zástupce i nás obyčejné lidi. Vyděšený

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