"During World War II the United Kingdom was the only country to develop and widely employ purpose-built armoured command vehicles. Those were essentially armoured buses based on truck chassis.
The most common ACV of the British Army was the AEC 4x4 ACV. The vehicle, based on AEC Matador chassis, entered production in 1941. A total of about 415 units were built. The vehicle was used for the first time in the North African Campaign and remained in service until the end of the war. Big and comfortable, it was nicknamed Dorchester by the troops, after the luxury hotel in London. Three ACVs of this type were captured by the German Afrika Korps. Two of them, named "Max" and "Moritz", were employed by Rommel and his staff throughout the campaign."
Armoured command vehicle - a small WiP video - Feb 21st 2017 YouTube Video
Small selection of images of the ongoing work on the P-40E. First two without paintscheme, second two with a basic paint-scheme (no texture, detail, bump map, etc, etc)
Hello chaps.
The modeller creating the 3D model.of the 109 F/F2 and F4 is having trouble finding detailed images of the Oil Cooler.
He is looking for detailed construction drawings or close pictures of the early flat oil cooler and small air intake variant of the F-1, F-2 and the first (not tropical) F-4 variants?
I wonder if any of you may be able to help? I appreciate that if these images are in your private collections you may not wish to post them publicly so if you want to send me a PM that is fine (and of-course just as appreciated)
Thanks for any help and assistance, cheers, Mysticpuma
1C Game Studios Signs Agreement with Team Fusion on IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover
A je podepsáno.
1C Game Studios is excited to announce that we have signed an agreement to cooperate with Team Fusion on future commercial development of IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover. Months of negotiations and legal work to create this opportunity is now over and now we can proceed in a commercial manner pursuant to our previous announcement about cooperation. As we previously stated, this includes giving Team Fusion access to the Cliffs of Dover source code so they may continue their work to fix and improve Cliffs of Dover and build commercial add-ons for the base title.
In the coming weeks and months, Team Fusion’s work will be offered as an official content update and patch for Cliffs of Dover on Steam. This update will merge all the current changes and fixes into one update. The update will initially be optional. Not long thereafter, the update will be codified by Team Fusion and officially entered into the source code and file system for the product itself. The title will then be permanently updated through Steam negating the need for a separate patch.
Later in 2017, the first commercial add-on for Cliffs of Dover will be released. The add-on will be focused on the North Africa theater and will update the engine to DirectX 11 and include new airplanes, a new map and other content and improvements. There is a possibility that other theaters will be developed in the future pending the outcome of this first add-on. More information about the North Africa add-on will be made public in the coming weeks.
Congratulations to Team Fusion on this agreement and we all look forward to their work.
Citat z fakbuku TF :
Well now the news that we have signed the deal has gone public, get ready for the all-in-one patch to go live!
Initially our patches from v3.00 to v4.312 will be made into a single download patch and available via Steam. This should be available in the next few-days and do away with the need to download multiple patches. Just head to Steam and download the single patch (although if you already have our patches installed there is no-need as it's the same version).
One thing you will need to do is turn 'Beta' downloads on in Steam as that is what the official v4.312 patch is listed under. Here's a picture to show how to do it:
Tak jsem po douhém čase nainstaloval CloDa. Normálně ze steamu s tím, že se tam zapne ta beta. Fakt to jede, je to TF patch. Při startu se ukazuje ten mod a opravdu na úvodní obrazovce svítí 4.312.
No letěl jsem. Ale připadal jsem si úplně na nic. Jeden je zvyklej na reakce BOSka a tohle je zkrátka trochu jiné. Taky jsem si připomněl propady FPS nad městem a jiné vylomeniny. Nakonec jsem nějak špatně vytáhnul podvozek a plácnul s sebou na břicho. Napsalo to "total seizure", to asi jako že to nebylo úplně špatný, a šel jsem na kafe.
Tak tedy uvidíme tu expanzi na TF5. Co to přinese. Jinak by to bylo hezký. Pohled na tu barevnou Francii byl osvěžující. Přeci jen ty BOSkový mapy jsou takový míň pastelkový.
Zifi, já jsem lítával CloD každej den. Na trubce jsou i nějaký videa mejch taškařic .. třeba zde https://www.youtu...giyy6S1r-0. Dokonce jsem pro TF napsal nějaký program. Jestli o CloDu něco píšu, pak rozhodně proto, abych to haněl. Z mé strany je to upřímná zvědavost a taky možná návrat o pár let zpátky.
Zájem je jedna věc, reálné vlastnosti simu druhá. CloD má krom některých hezkých momentů bezesporu taky svoje slabiny. Třeba s tím TF pohnul a v 5 nás čeká sim zbavený alespoň některých těch otravných prvků. A to si přejeme asi všichni, ne?
Tajně, opravdu tajně v koutku duše jsem doufal, že ofiko patch mi pomůže..Marně..po chvilce letu opět " launcher přestal pracovat " ..tak si ještě počkám na tu DX11 podporu co letos slíbili..
Miro, skontroluj si, či mas zapnuté automatické akualizacie - je to v položke Vlastnosti a hlavne si nezabudni nastaviť Team Fusion Patch Beta (alebo tak nejak) do okna s aktualizaciami. Ja som to spravil tak, že som dal skontrolovať integritu (samozrejme mi poslalo pôvodné patche TF do p...preč) potom som zadal TF Beta patch a všetko beží bez najmenších problémov. Ak máš korektne stiahnuté patche, v zozname hier uvidiíš IL2: Cliffs of Dover (Team Fusion Patch).
Tu je výpis z oficiálneho textu k aplikácii patchu:
The update is optional for now. To enable it, right-click on IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover entry in your Steam library and choose Properties. Once there, go to the Betas tab and choose 'teamfusionupdate' entry from the drop-down list. That's it - Steam should start the download shortly. When it finishes, your version of the game is updated with the latest Team Fusion patch (version 4.312).
P.S: Používam Windows 10 64bit, ako sa bude CoD správať s W7 neviem.
Upravil/a Baron dne 28-03-2017 09:40
Ano, je to stále ten stejný problém dokola s tou zas...nou aktualizací. Prostě kombinace W7, Nvidia 1060, aktualizace KB xxxxxx si těžce nerozumí.
Pln zoufalství jsem se včera rozhodnul nejdřív upgradovat W7 na W10 a pak následně provést čistou instalaci W10..
Bohužel při startu upgradu a kontrole systému mi to hodí chybovou hlášku u procesoru..nějaký NX nebo co..místo abych blbnul na Randomu tak jsem to do jedenácti řešil s kamaradem. Našli jsme nějaky velký balik aktualizací, který by ten problém měl vyřešit ale ten mi zas nešel spustit že mi něco nepodporuje muj systém Takže mam dvě možnosti..bud prachy šetřené na Normandii obětovat za W10 a doufat že na nich ten CloD pojede, nebo si holt počkat až bude CloD podporovat i DX11 a to by už snad mohlo pomoci..
IL-2 Sturmovik™, Cliffs of Dover™, Pacific Fighters™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of 1C EUROPE, 1C-Multimedia, 1C ONLINE GAMES.
Other marks used herein are those of their respective owners.