Team Fusion 5.0 a Oculus Rift? Na 90% ano, tvrdí ATAG_Colander v tomto příspěvku. Demo zde.
A nejen to. Aby OR rozjeli (a že to prý nebylo vůbec nic lehkého), museli donutit CloD pracovat s DirectX 11.
Team Fusion Update March 11th 2016
Team Fusion needs you! If you have the following skills please get in touch
Bit of a different update but it's the best way for us to attract new blood into Team Fusion, so here goes (and info. regarding a livestream at the bottom of the message too Emotikona smile ).
Over the past few years we have made considerable inroads in our understanding of the game files, but we are a small team and to make timely progress on our Mods for Cliffs of Dover, and particularly so as to speed up releases we really could do with expanding our team.
1. Coders: We need C# coders. People who are proficient in C# & who can take already known information & write the software utilities needed to perform the many & various file manipulations required to progress quickly. Manipulating the game files using a software interface for ease of further development.
2. External model and Cockpit model enablers - Creating new aircraft for CoD is not just a matter of building 3D models, these files require both writing and linking C# and text files with the 3D files to bring them into the game. Our existing members have already determined methods and means for this work. What we need now are more people who can write the C# files which are crucial. This person does not need to be a 3D artist, and would not be actually building any 3D objects, but they should be competent in opening, viewing and understanding 3D files using the relevant software, while communicating with the original 3D artist. Getting a new cockpit/external in-game requires the coordinated work of both a coder person & the artist, both needing to be competent in 3D Max, and one competent in writing C# files.
As you know from the outset, we are all just volunteers spending ridiculous amounts of our spare time to try and create reams of free content for the wider flight-sim community to enjoy.
The above work is to be honest, going to be challenging but ultimately a huge amount of people will be grateful for your dedication and input.
In addition, I'd ask for people who have time to dedicate & who will follow through on the work needed. The work is time-consuming & tedious & we don't want anyone who's cannot commit to it. We appreciate everyone has real lives (honestly some of us already in Team Fusion heard rumour we had them too!) but as we push for the release of v5.00 this-year we need the help of our community to progress at a greater pace and also move on the process after v5.00 is released towards v6.00 (and onwards).
Please understand you wont be just dropped in at the deep-end, we already have members who are very skilled and knowledgeable in what we are requesting....but they only have so much spare time in which to devote to the mod work and so under their guidance and instruction we'll teach you the necessary methodology to work through the development process.
If you have a selection of the following;
Enthusiasm, an analytical mind, persistence, programming skills, computer & software literacy and one or both of the assets listed in section 1 and 2 above, please get in touch by email to:
Thanks for any help you can offer....but please, this could involve spending hours of your free time each week digging deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole that we call Cliffs of Dover. If you don't think you can realistically invest free time into the project, please understand we appreciate your interest, but Team Fusion exists currently for 'those that do' rather than 'those that view'.
PS. One of our modding team will be giving a live broadcast at 08:00 on 13 Mar AEST, which is 21:00 12 Mar GMT (Zulu), the stream page is at https://www.youtu...SDBESMY6lU , showing some of the 'simple' mod work involved in locating the nose-art bug and showing how it was fixed as a demo and talk online via Teamspeak (ATAG) to discuss the process.
Cheers, MP
Má-li problém řešení nemá cenu se trápit, nemá-li řešení trápení je zbytečné.
Přihlašuji magota ;-)
Upravil/a 310_cibule dne 11-03-2016 22:55
"Máte právo říkat cokoli. ... Právo být na veřejnosti za hlupáka je u nás garantováno ústavou. Ale právo něco vyslovit nedělá z toho výroku pravdu. Pravda se prokazuje nebo vyvrací porovnáním s fakty. Kdo tenhle princip nerespektuje, s tím je těžká řeč. Všichni smíme takovou diskusi odmítnout. To není zbabělost ani povýšenost, to je jen rozumné hospodaření se silami a časem."
Tak studuj
Upravil/a 310_cibule dne 11-03-2016 19:48
"Máte právo říkat cokoli. ... Právo být na veřejnosti za hlupáka je u nás garantováno ústavou. Ale právo něco vyslovit nedělá z toho výroku pravdu. Pravda se prokazuje nebo vyvrací porovnáním s fakty. Kdo tenhle princip nerespektuje, s tím je těžká řeč. Všichni smíme takovou diskusi odmítnout. To není zbabělost ani povýšenost, to je jen rozumné hospodaření se silami a časem."
IL-2 Sturmovik™, Cliffs of Dover™, Pacific Fighters™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of 1C EUROPE, 1C-Multimedia, 1C ONLINE GAMES.
Other marks used herein are those of their respective owners.