A ještě citát: At Oculus Connect 6, Facebook’s chief VR researcher stated that the company won’t deliver a truly next generation VR headset “any time soon”.
Abrash has spoken about his predictions for when a next generation VR headset will arrive on multiple occasions. His first concrete vision of a next generation headset was delivered at Oculus Connect 3 in 2016. During his keynote, the researcher laid out his predictions for a headset with 4K resolution per eye, varifocal optics, eye tracking, wireless, and a 140 degrees field of view. He stated that he expected this to arrive by 2021.
But at Oculus Connect 6 today, Abrash rolled back his expectations even further:
“The honest truth is, I don’t know when you’re going to be able to buy the magical headset I described last year. VR will continue to evolve nicely, but my full vision for next generation VR is going to take longer. How much longer? I don’t know. Let’s just say not any time soon. Turning breakthrough technology into products is just hard.
Takže určitě "jednou budem dál", ale kdy to bude, to nikdo neví
Upravil/a Tapi dne 26-09-2019 16:00
When Oculus Touch controllers launched in late 2016, it ushered in a new era of consumer VR by introducing hand presence: the sensation that your own hands were actually there with you in a virtual environment. Today, we’re marking another important VR input milestone in the evolution of VR input with the announcement of hand tracking on Oculus Quest—enabling natural interaction in VR using your own hands on an all-in-one standalone device—no extra hardware required. All without the need for a controller, external sensors, gloves, or a PC to power it.
No nechci ti do toho mluvit, ale o FOCUS se mezi simulátrovými leteckými nadšenci zdá se moc (vůbec) nemluví. Na webu (YT) jsou poslední informace o FOCUSu staré nejméně půl roku.
Když se podíváš na fora VR u IL a DCS nikdo tento headset nemá ani ho netestoval.... https://forums.ea....php?f=497 https://forum.il2...ntrollers/
Osobně bych uvažoval raději o headsetech, se kterým někdo simy už hraje... Ono papírové info je často něco jiného než praktické používání a simulátory jsou z pohledu VR velmi specifické aplikace vyžadující "vyždímat" z headsetu maximum...
When Oculus Touch controllers launched in late 2016, it ushered in a new era of consumer VR by introducing hand presence: the sensation that your own hands were actually there with you in a virtual environment. Today, we’re marking another important VR input milestone in the evolution of VR input with the announcement of hand tracking on Oculus Quest—enabling natural interaction in VR using your own hands on an all-in-one standalone device—no extra hardware required. All without the need for a controller, external sensors, gloves, or a PC to power it.
Diky moc, s dovolenim sdilim tento vycerpavajici clanek dal.
Zrovna stavim novy pocitac, ke kteremu planuji koupit headset. Moc mi ty informace pomohly.
EDIT: Jak moc je VoiceAttack narocny na systemove prostredky?
Upravil/a rudidlo dne 18-10-2019 09:52
Jsem rád, když jsou mé články k užitku
VoiceAttack využívá nativní WSR (Windows Speech Recognition) a osobně jsem nezaznamenal žádný negativní dopad na výkon.
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