Každým dnem se blíží vydání CH-47F a zde jsou nejčastější dotazy a odpovědi.
Dear all, thank you for your interest and questions on the DCS: CH-47. To address all those questions and concerns we have created this FAQ.
We hope it will help give you some ideas of what to expect from this exciting new module.
What Variant is the DCS: CH-47F? Currently, we are doing the CH-47F Block 1.
How much is the DCS: CH-47F?
During Pre-purchase you can save 30% on this module. Once it moves to Early Access it will move to an Early Access DIscount and on final release will be 69.99 USD.
When will the module be released?
The current planned release is June 2024.
Will there be a pre-order on Steam?
Currently no, we will continue to try working with Steam to make something happen, but right now this product doesn't meet Steam's pre-order requirements.
Why is the feature list so light?
We wanted to be sure we correctly listed features and when they will come out, either at EA release or during EA.
We will continue to update the list here and on the store page as we have more info.
This is an important module to DCS and needs to bring all the things you might expect from such a famous helicopter.
Will ED support and update Logisics for this module?
We can say that we are developing a novel logistics system for the CH-47F that dynamically allows the player to determine what is loaded and unloaded from the aircraft based on weight and area.
Whilst this will not be available at early access release, it is a high priority for the CH-47F and other cargo/transport aircraft.
What about Multicrew?
Pilot multicrew is certainly planned for the early access release, but door or rear-gunner multicrew support is planned for after the early access release.
Why is only an M-60 gun shown in the video?
We will have options for this where you can choose either the M-60 or the M-240H.
What about water landings?
We most certainly want to do this as an iconic aspect of this helicopter. Water landing physics needs to be added to DCS to support this and other aircraft in the future.
As such this will come later on in EA development.
Will 'Fat Cow' (FARP) missions be possible?
Yes, this is planned for the DCS: CH-47F.
How will transporting work on the DCS: CH-47F? Can we pick up downed pilots, player-controlled vehicles, cows?
We stated above we will be developing a novel logistics system for the CH-47 and other cargo/transport aircraft, when we have more details to share on what this will entail we will be sure to share.
Will our CH-47F have CMWS (Common Missile Warning System)?
This is currently planned, but as with any defensive system for any aircraft, we need to carefully consider this system and implement it in a way that will not dip too close to a controlled and classified system.
As such this will come later on in development.
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Měl by umět odvézt 2x více nákladu a pěchoty na větší vzdálenost, vyšší rychlostí, snad i do větší výšky a lepší výbavu pro noční mise oproti Mi-8 či o něco menší Huy. Fyzikalizovaný náklad je zatím v nedohlednu čímž mi soudruzi z ED lezou na nervy a tak musíme aspoň vystačit se skripty od třetích stran, kdy se dá s náklady všemožně čarovat. Efko bohužel nenese žádnou útočnou výzbroj, já vím, že čas od času se i logistika musí zapojit do boje a podpořit svůj tým-mít po ruce zásobník s raketami či kanony se prostě počítá. Hook se bude spoléhat pouze na obrannou výzbroj, ale i s tou se dají čistit měkké cíle, či vstoupit do souboje s nepřátelským vrtulníkem...I přes klady je otázka zdali bude tak oblíbený a to se ještě uvidí. Těším se na novou zkušenost a doufám že bude co nejvíce pozitivní.
Ozbrojenej chinook se ukázal být jako úplně na hovno, ve vietnamu existoval pár modifikací s otočnou padesátkou na čumáku a blokama hyder 70mm, jenže manévrovat se velkou těžkou dvouvrtulovou kraksnou je prostě na prd. Takže se skončilo jen s padesátkama v oknech pro krytí nastupujících. Naopak jako čistej transport se ukázal úspěšnej a stále nemá konkurenci.
Byť Mi-6 a později Mi-26 byla konkurence silná. Mi-8 není konkurence Chinooku.
Pokud ED zvládne výlov živého pilota, pak to bude milník DCS. Pokud zvládne hratelného vojáka co vystoupí z transportu bude to milník na druhou. Moc šancí tomu ale nedávám.
Nějaké info od člověka co prý pilotoval Chinooka. Létá se s automatem AFCS, který činí ovládání snadné, pokud to vypnete, tak to nechcete zažít, to snad nelze ani simulovat co se s tím pak děje...kolektivu se neříká kolektiv, ale páka ovládání tahu, protože mění i rozteče listů. Taky se zmiňuje o tom, že spolupráce s palubním inženýrem je natolik důležitá, že by si to ve hře dovedl představit třeba jako rozhraní v Hindu mezi hráčem a Petrovičem.
Dnes měl vyjít Chinook, ale nestane se tak. Alespoň v tom mlžení pustili info, že statické objekty budou už součástí EA a tedy bude možné je umisťovat do nákladového prostoru, takže snad už za týden se dočkáme. Jinak nelze než očekávat dlouhý proces ke konečnému dokončení tohoto modulu a ještě se to pěkně natáhne.
Zveřejnili seznam fcí které dostaneme na začátku v EA a co později. Ty pokročilé režimy letu už avizovali předtím že nebudou, pro začátek to bude prostě v nějakém defaultním automatu jako klasický mixér . Slibují i přistání na vodu.
Current features expected for Early Access Release:
Highly detailed external and internal modelling, including cockpit and cargo hold.
Ability to load and unload cargo from the internal bay based on weight and volume.
Single-point sling loading.
Unmatched helicopter flight dynamics that only DCS can provide.
Basic trim system and AI helper.
Fully interactive, VR-ready cockpit.
Highly detailed pilots and animations.
Two 6DOF highly detailed cockpits and external model.
Fully clickable cockpits with mouse interactive control.
AI-side gunners equipped with M60D machine guns.
High-level Multi-Function Displays (MFD) and sub-pages with the ability to build flight plans in flight.
Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) and pilot-controlled Countermeasures Dispenser System with chaff and flares.
Integrated ARC-186 radio with Voice Chat.
U.S. Army Paint Schemes.
Early Access Manual.
Features to come during Early Access:
DAFCS trim system and force trim.
Multi-crew. A second crew member can be another player or the AI.
Flight engineer functionality on different stations.
Gunner on the ramp.
Different machine gun models for side and ramp gunners.
Night Vision Goggles.
Heads Up Display System.
Missile Warning System (MWS).
Completed MFD pages.
Multi-point sling loading.
Engine fire extinguishers and EAPS system.
Extended range fuel system (ERFS II).
Autopilot Hold Modes.
More Paint Schemes.
Training Missions.
Additional Missions.
Full manual.
Upravil/a saldy dne 29-06-2024 11:45
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
teď jsem si uvědomil, že to vlastně nebude ten chinook s nádherným analogovým kokpitem, ale létající notebook s widlema ..
no škoda Déčko mohlo to mít větší Vietnam feeling a jestli jednou mapa Vietnamu vyjde, tak Fko do ní pasovat nebude.
Aspoň že ta Kiowa je trochu ještě z dřevních dob ..
jak by vypadal Chinook D
CH-47F Taxi and Takeoff (COMING SOON) YouTube Video
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
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• 3D models
◦ Highly detailed external and internal modelling, including cockpit and cargo hold.
◦ Fully interactive, VR-ready cockpit.
◦ Highly detailed pilots and animations (3rd person view).
◦ U.S. Army Paint Schemes.
• Avionics and other features
◦ Unmatched helicopter flight dynamics that only DCS can provide.
◦ Basic trim system and AI helper.
◦ High-level Multi-Function Displays (MFD)
▪ VSD page
▪ HSD full/half pages with digital map support
▪ Engine and Power Train full/half pages
▪ Fuel full/half pages
▪ Flight plan summary page
◦ Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) and pilot-controlled Countermeasures Dispenser System with chaff and flares.
◦ Common Missile Warning System (CMWS)
◦ Integrated ARC-186 radio with Voice Chat.
◦ Base Night Vision Goggles.
• Multi-crew
◦ AI-side gunners equipped with M60D machine guns.
◦ Base multi-crew for online games including pilot, co-pilot and two side gunners stations
• Cargo
◦ Ability to load and unload cargo from the internal bay based on weight and volume.
◦ Single-point sling loading.
◦ Supporting the new DCS warehouse to warehouse cargo transfering feature
• Early Access Manual.
• Quick action missions
• Training missions
Features to do during Early Access
• 3D models
◦ Pilot and co-pilot models for first person view
◦ More Paint Schemes.
• Avionics and other features
◦ DAFCS trim system and force trim.
◦ Autopilot Hold Modes.
◦ Completed MFD pages.
◦ Full support of the Night Vision Goggles.
◦ Heads Up Display System.
◦ Engine fire extinguishers and EAPS system.
• Multi-crew.
◦ A second crew member can be another player or the AI.
◦ Flight engineer functionality on different stations.
◦ Gunner on the ramp.
◦ Different machine gun models for side and ramp gunners.
• Cargo
◦ Multi-point sling loading.
◦ Extended range fuel system (ERFS II).
• Full manual.
• Extra training Missions.
• Additional Missions.
YouTube Video
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Zatím je cargo nakládání v MP problém, server postavený na dynamické Pretense není zatím kompatibilní.
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Jo, jsem zrovna vnesl dotaz, jestli to bude umět i MI-8. Když už tento systém zavádí, tak by ho mohli implementovat všude. Počítám, že bude i pro nákladní letadla.
• CH-47 Crash while entering ICAO code in DIR mode CDU - fixed
• IA missions update
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
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