December 27 2024 01:29:59
IL-2 BoS Návody
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IL-2 BoS FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 BoS FAQ (SW help)
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IL-2 Návody
IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
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3. nastavení ovladačů
IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (SW help)
Pilotovatelná letadla
RoF Návody
Kdo je on-line
· Hosté on-line: 2

· Piloti on-line: 0

· Registrovaní piloti: 2,751
· Nejnovější pilot: VGR-Spawn
IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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Pomalu se blíží vydání malého průzkumného vrtulníku, určeného operovat v zákrytu, ideálně pro podporu jednotek Apache, navíc Kiowa dokáže nést Air To Air Stinger!
Tím to speciálním zaměřením si vrtulník určitě najde své příznivce a proto zakládám samostatné vlákno.

Kiowa Warrior Module FAQ

Q: What version of the OH-58D Kiowa will we get?
A: OH-58D(R) CDS4, dating from around 2016. However, the mission editor has access to options to customize the aircraft to represent older airframes with systems such as AN/ALQ-144 Infra-red Countermeasures,
the Pilot Display Unit and the removal of the Mast Mounted Sight.

Q: Can I shoot the M4 out of the door?
A: Yes

Q: Is there going to be multicrew?
A: Yes

Q: Will there be a data link or similar?
A: The Improved Data Modem (IDM) is a similar system that allows for transmission of data between player aircraft.
This includes but is not limited to the following features: Free-text Messaging, Target Sharing and Remote Hellfire Missions.
The OH-58D is also equipped with the Level 2 Manned-Unmanned System (L2MUMS) which allows for video and data transmission between player controlled OH-58Ds and AI UAVs.

Q: What price tag is it going to have?
A: 69,99 USD

Q: Will it have a George AI?
A: The OH-58D will not have a ‘George’ AI on release but this feature is our highest priority after release.

Q: Will it be on Early Access or Pre-Purchase? If so, will there be a discount?
A: The OH-58D will not see an early access release or pre-purchase period.

Q: Will a paintkit be available on release?
A: This is very unlikely 

Q: What weapons will be available for this aircraft?
A: M3P .50-caliber machine gun, various 2.75 inch rockets (including laser guided APKWS), AGM-114K Hellfire, Air-To-Air-Stinger missiles and the trusty M4 carbine on the dash.

Q: Can we throw the smoke grenades that are on the dashboard?
A: Yes

Q: Does the Kiowa have a HMD (Helmet Mounted Display) or HUD?
A: The OH-58D has an Optical Display Assembly (ODA) (also referred to as Anvis Display Symbology System - ADSS) which is a helmet mounted sight for use with Night Vision Goggles.
Optionally the Pilot Display Unit (PDU) can be installed which provides a limited HUD for weapons symbology.

Q: Does the Kiowa have a data cartridge?
A: Yes - the Personal Computer Data Transfer System (PC-DTS) is a data cartridge system that can save and load data to/from a JSON file.
The saved data includes Routes, Waypoints, Target Points, Radio frequencies, Notepad data and more.

Q: Will the FARP Asset pack that was shown in 2019 be released with the Kiowa?
A: No, sadly it will not. While it seemed like a great idea back in 2019, the implications of having to support and maintain 30+ assets indefinitely have the potential to become a burden on our small team.

Q: Are force feedback controllers supported?
A: Testing this is in progress.

Q: Is the flight model of the Gazelle representative of the Kiowa’s flight model?
A: The flight model (and all other areas of development) of the OH-58D has undergone a rigorous testing process with both our internal SMEs and those from Eagle Dynamics.
During the entire development process we have had access to - and direct feedback from - experienced Kiowa pilots and crew chiefs who contribute directly to the validation of the flight model and systems of the OH-58D.
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když už tady máš to vlákno, zrovna nedávno jsem se díval na tohle:
den pilota Kiowy v Iráku v Samaře, zhruba rok po OIF
YouTube Video

Coffin Corner
Skoro pětihodinová mise a ještě v noci, to je pěkná darda...
...taky sem si nemyslel že bych mohl sestřelit německý letadlo. Dva roky po válce se mi to konečně podařilo.
Abraham Simpson
No, že byl Saddám už bylo mimo hru nic moc neznamenalo, byli 90km od Falúdži, kde toho času probíhaly těžké boje, takže vyčeprávající lety byly denní chléb.
Ochutnávka jak funguje ideální kooperace, Kiowa jsou zrak a Apache zase kladiva.

YouTube Video

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Kiowa bude trpasličí Indián s možností kousat letadla.

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YouTube Video

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Startup nicht deutsch…
YouTube Video

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YouTube Video

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Cool akční scéna Fire Birds ve 4k kvalitě, kde i Kiowa dostala vlastní prostor.
YouTube Video

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YouTube Video

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Skutečný pilot co má odlétáno 2000h s Kiowou a pomáhal s vývojem modulu od PS studia je opravdu ohromen.
YouTube Video

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Engine Start Tutorial

* od Casmo:
Comments at 10:17 no longer apply as this was solved after I made the video.

The engine start process is pretty straight forward. Dont forget the key or you’ll get yelled at!

Remember all footage and audio is pre release.

YouTube Video

Navigation Systems Basics

* Casmo pokračuje:
Navigating in the Kiowa Is fairly straight forward and simple to set up.

After I recorded this I was told that the module DOES have a way to use the Data cartridge so we will dive into that another time.

Remember that all content shown is pre release software as things are still being refined.

YouTube Video

Communications Set Up And Basic Use

A basic get-you-started with the communications system.

All footage and audio is pre release software.

YouTube Video

Trochu té germánštiny neuškodí. Úsměv
YouTube Video

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Hellfire Tutorial
YouTube Video

Použití AI
YouTube Video

Mast Mounted Sight
YouTube Video

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Dokonalá symbióza Davida s Goliášem.
YouTube Video

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Použití Air to Air Stinger
YouTube Video

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Running and Gunning

YouTube Video

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