Pořád není v možnostech nastavení Supercarrier volba vypnout otravné FLOLS overlay okno.
Naštěstí lze manuálně snadno odstranit a navíc už projdete kontrolou integrity.
Zdroj: https://forums.ea...s-overlay/
If you want to remove the FLOLS overlay which pops in your cockpit just before landing:
- close DCS
- go here C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\tech\Supercarrier\PLATCameraUI
- open FLOLS.lua in admin mod (with Notepad++ for example)
- line 41, replace "FLOLS:setVisible(val)" by "FLOLS:setVisible(false)"
- save, close and restart DCS
And put "false" to "val" to revert
Fuj overlay...
[img]https://dcs-docs.lordvesel.win/en/sc/img/sc--024-118.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Our DCS Team is working REALLY hard to fill any gap in the MB-339 simulation and add any feature that was missing in the freeware mod. For one, we now have a fully animated (meaning it can be folded and unfolded) canopy hood for IFR training in place.
We believe that DCS MB-339 will be an extremely complete and realistic rendition of the aircraft.
Dear DCS users,
We are happy to announce you the development of Mirage F1 by Aerges Engineering SL.
We can imagine your surprise for such news, but you shouldn’t be concerned, we have decided to work on Mirage F1 with Aerges instead of AvioDev for business reasons. Aerges Engineering is formed, mainly, by the same highly experienced Team components that have been developing the advanced version of the C-101. We are, basically, the same people. Some of the members have left and some are new, though they have already been working on C-101 for some time, but we keep the same core, the same or even more experience, know-how, enthusiasm and general technical knowledge. Furthermore, all the Team members are engineers and/or pilots.
All this means that you can expect to get a Mirage F1 module with same or even higher level of precision, quality, attention to detail and professionalism than our previous module, the C-101.
In this preview, we show you some screenshots of the Mirage F1-CE cockpit, with accurate and detailed 3D model and PBR textures, including some external AI models. And, in the coming weeks or months, we will continue presenting you screenshots and/or videos, as well as development news. (Please, take into account that it is all WIP).
We have been working on advanced flight model, engine and main aircraft systems coding for a year and a half. We can say it is, basically, completed, and we now have to work on systems interaction with cockpit, clickable cockpit, and specific aircraft systems.
Our module is absolutely based on real data, that means that what you will get is the most accurate simulation that can be done of the real Mirage F1, with professional quality. What you will see is the real airplane with real data. Obviously, since what we use is real data, any real performance charts, like time to climb, energy-maneuverability, etc. will be fulfilled.
The versions we are working on are all the Spanish Air Force versions, since those are the ones we have real info for, that is, Mirage F1-CE, Mirage F1-EE, Mirage F1-BE and Mirage F1-M, though the latter will take longer to be finished as it includes new avionics, which require a huge amount of additional work. We estimate to have first version, Mirage F1-CE, ready in Early Access in about half a year. We would think about doing other countries versions if we get real data for them, but it’s not part of our main target right now.
For those of you who are not totally familiarized with this aircraft: The Mirage F1-CE is the basic single cockpit version, the Mirage F1-EE is the refuelling (multi-role) version, the Mirage F1-BE is the two seater and the Mirage F1-M is the modernized version with new avionics.
We hope you enjoy the pictures.
Best regards,
The Aerges Team
Ako som uz pisal mam I5 7600, 16gb RAM a GTX 1060 6gb. Na F-14 Case 1 single misii mi to drzi okolo 50fps s texturami high a tienmi nejakymi lepsimi a dohladnost na max. Procesor si frci na 100% s roznymi vykyvmi, grafika naplno 6gb a RAMka raz takmer 100%, inokedy na 80%. Pri skumani moznosti procesora som zistil ze gtx 1060 6gb si s nim na 1080p rozumie. Rozmyslal som o gtx 1070 alebo 1070Ti. Niekde som sa docital ze I5 7600 sice vela hier s 1070kou stiha, ale su nejake ktore nedava optimalne a ze si az tak nerozumeju. Ini zas maju aj GTX 1080 ci GTX 1080Ti a su velice spokojni. A tak si rozmyslam ci zohnat bazarovu 1070 alebo 1070Ti. Ci ma to posunie k lepsej kvalite obrazu alebo naopak ci to sposobi ten onyci šutering. Ale asi to nezistim inak ako zakupenim karty a ked to bude naprd tak ju pustim k vode. Aky mate nazor, skusenosti? Nateraz nemam v plane komplet upgrade, overkill v podobe rtx kariet nema asi zmysel a ta gtx 1080 je asi na ten procesor moc.
Alebo zostanem na zeleze co mam a budem suchat nohami. Ale to sa da aj ked skusim tu gtx 1070 a ked to nepo, pojde ona. Uz som pri cold starte na bode kedy RIO zaklapne kabinu. To je asi 5ty bod z grizzliona
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Jako by to bylo včera... vzpomínám na film Fire Birds, který jsem před mnoha lety viděl ještě v kině Ládví.
Právě tenhle film s vrtulníkovou tématikou na mě zapůsobil mnohem víc než slavnější Top Gun protějšek. YouTube Video
YouTube Video
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Ako som uz pisal mam I5 7600, 16gb RAM a GTX 1060 6gb. Na F-14 Case 1 single misii mi to drzi okolo 50fps s texturami high a tienmi nejakymi lepsimi a dohladnost na max. Procesor si frci na 100% s roznymi vykyvmi, grafika naplno 6gb a RAMka raz takmer 100%, inokedy na 80%. Pri skumani moznosti procesora som zistil ze gtx 1060 6gb si s nim na 1080p rozumie. Rozmyslal som o gtx 1070 alebo 1070Ti. Niekde som sa docital ze I5 7600 sice vela hier s 1070kou stiha, ale su nejake ktore nedava optimalne a ze si az tak nerozumeju. Ini zas maju aj GTX 1080 ci GTX 1080Ti a su velice spokojni. A tak si rozmyslam ci zohnat bazarovu 1070 alebo 1070Ti. Ci ma to posunie k lepsej kvalite obrazu alebo naopak ci to sposobi ten onyci šutering. Ale asi to nezistim inak ako zakupenim karty a ked to bude naprd tak ju pustim k vode. Aky mate nazor, skusenosti? Nateraz nemam v plane komplet upgrade, overkill v podobe rtx kariet nema asi zmysel a ta gtx 1080 je asi na ten procesor moc.
Alebo zostanem na zeleze co mam a budem suchat nohami. Ale to sa da aj ked skusim tu gtx 1070 a ked to nepo, pojde ona. Uz som pri cold starte na bode kedy RIO zaklapne kabinu. To je asi 5ty bod z grizzliona
1070ti jed tak raritní karta že se nedala sehnat ani v době svého uvedení na trh
Kukulo je teď je tak extrémně špatná situace, že stěží seženeš jakoukkoliv GTX či RTX kartu. Ber co bude od 1070 nahoru.
Prodáš to asi vždycky ..
Ano, alza je takmer prazdna. Na bazare sa denne najde nejaka gtx 1070, a je tam aj viacero gtx 1070ti, viacero gtx 1080 hlavne vodne chladenie a niekolko gtx 1080ti. Zato mraky roznych rtx je tam, aj zaujimavych radeonov je tam niekolko. Narazil som na pojem bottleneck. Ukazuje sa ze moj i5 7600 nie je ideal ani pre gtx 1070 za urcitych podmienok. Vychadza mi ze najrozumnejsie riesenie vzhladom na rozpocet je prave gtx 1070, skusit s tym mojim i5 a ked to nebude robit problem, bude to ok a pripadne si neskor zadovazim bazarovu i7 7700. Ale tych je tiez malo. Nove zelezo je na nejaky cas tabu. A pravdaze radsej by som bol gtx 1080, ale tych je ako safranu a predavajuci to prirodzene vedia a zapytaju si.
Mam 24 palcovy monitor a 60hz ci co to tam je. Ak to spravne chapem nezobrazi mi viac ako 60 fps. V dcs ked dam zobrazit fps tak mi to na medium hadze aj cez 70fps. Ako si to mam vysvetlit?
Pojem "bottleneck" je bullshit, to vůbec neřeš, tím se ohánějí jen nějaký pomatenci, který nepochopili, že každá aplikace má zcela jinou architekturu, engine a správu využívání CPU a GPU a že tento pojem je úplně mimo.
To zase někdo hledal nějakej addidas proužek, stejně jako raytracing a v dobách 90s třeba 64bit
Pokud můžeš kup 1080ti, pokud ti to dovolí peněženka. Je to stále vynikající karta. I kdyby si ji 100% nevyužil nyní, využiješ ji později v jiném pc.
Upravil/a magot dne 19-01-2021 20:55
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