[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Šimpáňo začíná být značně přechlazené, to dnes spíš vyjde patch 3.12 pro SC.
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DCS.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.[img]https://img25.rajce.idnes.cz/d2502/15/15475/15475408_671c3d189a72430840e88702444950a4/images/DR_2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Neskutečně nádherná je oblačnost !!! Hodně moc uvěřitelná. Apache super. Toho si určitě jednou koupím! Fakt jsem si z toho málem cvrknul do textilu.. Tyhle videa mají opravdu vymakaná.
Upravil/a Alan Grey dne 18-12-2020 19:26
Tak jestli se koukáte, tak prý bude Apache Longbow.
nj verze D
Počítej že pozice pilota bez VR nebude úplně košér. Monitor nepobere ten "stereo" one-eye zaměřovací systém ..
[img]https://c8.alamy.com/comp/GE4EX9/the-ah-64-apache-helicopter-simulator-with-intergrated-helmet-amp-GE4EX9.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Upravil/a magot dne 18-12-2020 23:14
Our Christmas Sale 2020 has started and will run until the 11th of January.
On Steam, the sale will start on the 22nd of December and end on the 5th of January.
We are also pleased to announce a ‘Free to Play’ period starting on the 22nd of December. Enjoy free access to all aircraft and terrains from our e-Shop and Steam for two weeks.
The 'Free to Play' event will end on January 5th 2021.
Free to play akce již krom A-10C a viggenu funguje i na steamu. Je třeba v obchodu steam otevřít stránku daného DLC, které chcete vyzkoušet a tam kliknout na tlačítko "hrát hru". Jenom poznámka, některé addony vyžadují mít nainstalovanou betaverzi hry.
• MP. Barrage Balloon does not show for clients - fixed.
• AIM-120. Midcourse guidance - fixed unwanted target id reset, fixed seeker los rotation in midcourse phase and restored protection from LOS rate surge.
• AIM-7. Loft trajectory initialization corrected.
• After ejecting player can still control aircraft - fixed.
• net.lua2json generates error if table indexed numerically has missing index - fixed.
DCS F-16C Viper by ED
• Update of the Taxi and Take-Off Mission.
• HARM POS/RUK does not track SA-2 track radar - fixed.
• No TOT in CCRP mode after firing off 2 Harms - fixed.
• Post-release CCIP point is no longer there with the weapon release button still held down - fixed.
F/A-18C Hornet by ED
• Not losing lock on STT When turning off the radar, Guides missile all the way. Still an issue if radar set to standby - fixed.
• GBU-24 does not explode on impact - fixed.
• AIM-7MH not lofting when LOFT is turned on - fixed.
DCS P-47D by ED
• Aircraft will continue to climb on dead engine - fixed.
• Updated PG, Caucasus and Channel IA Missions.
DCS Bf 109 K-4 by ED
• Updated Channel IA Missions.
DCS Spitfire IX by ED
• Updated Spitfire Channel and Caucasus IA Missions.
DCS P-51D Mustang by ED
• Updated Channel, PG and Caucasus IA Missions.
DCS Fw 190 D-9 by ED
• Updated Channel and Caucasus IA Missions.
DCS Fw 190 A-8 by ED
• Updated Channel IA Missions.
DCS SA342 Gazelle by Polychop
• Added possibility to enable/disable NS430 in mission (additional tab in SA342 properties in ME).
DCS F-14A/B Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations
• NEW! Added F-14B Campaign “Operation Reforger - The Iron Heel”.
• Fixed TWS tracks clashing with datalink in multicrew.
• Added TGTS size keybinds for RIO.
• Updated AIM-7 to parity with ED’s AIM-7.
• Fixed AIM-7 dogfight LTE to 0.7s (was accidentally immediate).
• Prevent AIM-54 continuing to track target if TWS track was deleted and later re-acquired (new track technically).
• Fix: ensure that AIM-54 active command is only sent while radar is transmitting.
• Livery fixes for VF-102 and 103 Hi Vis.
• Small fixes to A liveries.
• Added hog to VF-11 droptank on B version.
• Fixed mirroring issues on Last Ride and Grim Reapers liveries.
• Fix for engine fire at continued M1.1.
• Adjusted transonic drag for F-14A.
DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3
• Fixed radar causing a huge FPS loss when turned on.
Chalani, mam betu. Mam vazny zaujem o Kocura. Chcem sa spytat ci ku kocurovi potrebujem stable alebo beta staci. Zaroven ako by som si mohol vyzkusat free to play na bete - alebo to vyzaduje stable. Minule free to play bolo a slo mi to a teraz volaky som z toho zmateny. Nemam prakticky vobec skusenost s DCS, resp. len velmi malu.
Mame nejake info o Forestale? Za peniaze ci nejak inak ho budu ponukat? Panakov a externy model som videl davno pred supercarrierom ale potom som uz nejaky progres na Forestale nezaznamenal.
Ide mi o to ci pockat na Forestal alebo uz terajsi Supercarrier je nakym sposobom must have pre palubnych onychci. Viem ze nazory na supercarrier sa vcelku lisili ked som tak sledoval.
IL-2 Sturmovik™, Cliffs of Dover™, Pacific Fighters™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of 1C EUROPE, 1C-Multimedia, 1C ONLINE GAMES.
Other marks used herein are those of their respective owners.