Plenty of cursing, mistakes, the occasional bug. I had a blast flying the WIP build of the Kiowa Warrior from Polychop Simulations. The release is set for sometime in 2020.
I do not work for/represent Polychop Simulations. I am simply here to show the module and have a good time with it.
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Some in-sim tests, the FRS.1 is absolutely very early WiP (Also aware of the wrong ordinance etc) but in general showing what's going on with the South Atlantic map
* kampaň zdarma pro Harrier od Baltic Dragon v přípravě, vydání někdy v květnu:
Happy to say that the groundwork for the upcoming free campaign for the AV-8B Harrier has been all done: all 5 missions are built, I am waiting for final voiceovers and moving to briefings and documentation.
This means that testing can begin shortly and if all goes well, the campaign will be released in May.
Some staticstics: 5 missions (most include takeoff and recovery onboard Tarawa), around 850 custom voiceovers, 20 voice actors plus custom kneeboards, FRAGOs, spins, maps.. you know the drill.
As every summer, US, UK and other allies conduct a joint military exercise with Georgia, a NATO aspiring country, parts of which are under control of Russian forces.
This year's exercise goes by the name "Ottoman Courier". This year the backbone of training troops is formed around the 14th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) with USS Tarawa and VMA-513 "Flying Nightmares", and the goal is to practice amphibious landings, JTAC coordination, as well as setting up and operating from FOBs. This is the first time when US Navy ship of this size has crossed the Bosphorus.
As usual, Russian, Abkhaz and South Ossetian forces conduct their own military drills on the other side of the border. With such a concentration of adversaries in a small region, no wonder things don't go exactly as planned...
This is a free, 5-mission part of the longer campaign, introducing the background and main characters. The story will continued during additional 10 missions added at a later stage in the Ottoman Courier DLC.
Developed jointly with Sierra 99 (USAF retired boom operator) and in coordination with former USMC JTAC, this campaign focuses on realistic procedures and radio comms. On the other hand, it offers an interesting storyline with hundreds of custom voiceovers, briefing documents, kneeboards and others.
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Mají rozjetý multiplayer, vážnější chyba odhalena během víkendového testování. Bez opravy Supercarrier nebude. Kdysi se nechal na Hoggitu Nick Grey slyšet, že v těch 4,3 miliónech řádcích kódu mají bubáky z dob LOMACu, které jsou třeba přepsat.
Mě teda zklamalo oznámení Vulkan API, to vypadá na další rok.
Supercarrier bude odstraněn z buildu a zítra prý bude aktualizace:
Hi all,
quick update we are planning a patch for tomorrow the 16th
One of the biggest new items in development for the Hornet is the Air-to-Ground (AG) radar. We will start with the Real Beam MAP mode, and then implement other modes that include Ground Moving Target (GMT), Sea Search (SEA), and Terrain Avoidance (TA).
Today was a milestone in that we introduced the AG radar rendering into our internal development version (what we term the trunk). This is still very much work-in-progress, but as we flesh it out, I’ll be sure to bring you updates.
To jsem rád že práce na 23tce pokračuje. Zatím mé nejočekávanější letadlo. Docela by mě zajímalo jak dlouho na ní budou dělat. Nevíte někdo jak dlouho jim trvala Mirage?
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