December 29 2024 18:07:12
IL-2 BoS Návody
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IL-2 BoS FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 BoS FAQ (SW help)
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IL-2 Návody
IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
1. Začínáme s IL-2
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IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (SW help)
Pilotovatelná letadla
RoF Návody
Kdo je on-line
· Hosté on-line: 1

· Piloti on-line: 2
LesniHU, CSW_Rannisokol

· Registrovaní piloti: 2,751
· Nejnovější pilot: VGR-Spawn
IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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DCS World 2020
Staženo, vyzkoušeno, po přihlášení pád. Čekám na hotfix pro hotfix.

Open Beta Crash on startup
Crashing when logging in
Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 20-02-2020 19:03
Soundrack z F-14 na LP:
Kurfurst stále Smutný nekvoká.
Odlesky kokpitu v nočních Úsměv misích vypadají normálně.
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L-39 funguje!
základna Loc: 49°43'52.703"N, 16°26'5.3"E
DCS Open Beta hotfix

• Crash at login without authorization data fixed
• Multiplayer memory leak on carrier fixed
• A-10A and A-10C: taxi lights fixed
• Ka-50: IT-23 now can't be adjusted without electric power
Děkuji za upozornění mami. To víš, moc to tady už nečtu a na odkazy jinam neklikám..
Multiplayer bug fix focus

* na čem aktuálně pracují:

Hi all,

Nineline and I have been providing the development team and management with your multiplayer concerns. We have been listening and care deeply about improving DCS World multiplayer.
Thank you all for your constructive feedback and reports; it does help us.
We wanted to highlight some of the issues we are currently working on. This is not a full list, but it does cover the main issues.

• Wake turbulence doubles in MP
• Dedicated server statics above ground ( fixed internally already )
• Memory leak with stennis, catapult 3 problem
• Multiplayer -net.force_player_slot(playerID, 0, '')
• MP with warehouse empty users can rearm on the CV ( very important for non combat servers )
• PAI wait on CV if not already taxiing and client spawns on ship
• Multiplayer Sync multicrew
• FC3 Multiplayer data link ghost contacts
• Missiles flying underground & into Space
• F-18 2nd Player cant see first on RADAR on initial spawn into MP Server
• MP: Objects warp on spawn, can explode players
• Network Stability for Aircraft on Aircraft Carrier
• Deck Sliding while rearming
• Player's aircraft are sliding on deck when carrier turning
• Helicopters sliding on Carrier decks
• Deck Sliding - Hornet @ 15% RPM
• Helo sliding for client

We will update you via the change logs as issues are fixed.

Thank you for your passion and support.

Jako ED snad nečtou Smutný vlastní fórum, tam se probírají vážnější věci.
Postrádám řešení mnohem větších vad než mají na tom seznamu canců.
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Kate Perederko, ED COO (Chief Operating Officer), na Hoggitu informuje, že po vydání 2.5.6 do stabilní větve se bude měnit koncept Open Bety.

Open Beta concept will be changed after current 2.5.6 will reach it’s first stable release. How we will change it? It’s an open discussion for dev team.

Open Beta will stay but will be transformed and reworked especially for MP servers.
120ctky už maj lepší výkony
YouTube Video

Saburo napsal:

DCS: A-7E Corsair II by FlyingIron Sims ???


Zajímavé. A-7E měl v plánu RAZBAM (viz. např., A-7E dělali pro FSX), každopádně z příspěvku na FB stránkách FlyingIron Simulations to vypadá, že mají s ED podepsáno:

Today we're very excited to announce that the papers have been signed & the ink is now dry; we are ready to unveil our latest project.

Celá zpráva


Edit: BIGNEWY potvrzuje dohodu, více v pátečním zpravodaji:

License agreement was just signed late last week. We'll make the official announcement in the newsletter this week.

Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 24-02-2020 17:53
The next 2.5.6 Update

* NineLine informuje, že další aktualizaci OB máme čekat nejdříve 4. března

Dear all,

As of this time, we do not expect to have a new update this week. As you know we are working on some significant issues, and they require more testing time.

The plan is to have something ready by March 4th, but even this is not set in stone. As we get more news or info, we will share it.

Thanks for your patience and support.
The ED Team

Jaké máte emise, takové máte fpska.
Kvůli plynulosti obrazu začnu létat více eko.
Zdroj: https://forums.ea...p?t=265097
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RAZBAM Simulations AV-8B N/A

NSEQ Routing System

Just a brief video to show you how to use the upcoming NSEQ Routing system for the Harrier.

You can use this system to allocate ingress and egress routes

-IGRS is the ingress route towards the target
-EGRS is the egress route from the target
-TERM creates a subset of the flightplan.


YouTube Video


NSEQ Routing System (Close up view)

2nd video to showcase the new Routing system for the Harrier but this time a closer view as requested.

YouTube Video


AV8B Pilot scanned! Now cleaning up scan, retopo and rebuild up next. Warning this takes some time, so please be patient, it will look as good as the Mirage 2000C pilot.
Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 04-03-2020 15:48
FlyingIron Simulations A-7E Corsair II

A quick material test in the ModelViewer
DCS Open Beta

DCS World

• Updated Chinese localization (fixed crash on file dialog window opening)
• MP. Dedicated Server. Static aircraft elevated from the ground - fixed
• MP. Dedicated Server. Memory leak using stennis - fixed
• MP. Dedicated Server. AAA and SAM will not engage targets until they have passed overhead - fixed
• ME. Fixed a bug leading to unauthorized switching of a player’s aircraft to AI
• Sound Options. Add "Play Audio While Minimized" option
• AI CH-47 not land in user mission - fixed
• HOLD not working at waypoint zero for units - fixed.
• Input. Clear combination action raised error for axes in Foldable view - fixed
• Chat and BDA panel configs moved to the user's folder for preventing crash in LUA script
• Someone logged into your account on a different machine


• NSEQ routing now enabled
° EHSD Overlay 1: Air refueling zones enabled (max 3)
° EHSD Overlay 2: Flight plan route display enabled
• ILV cockpit files updated
• Fixed issue with the guns firing with a Nozzle angle less than 30 Degrees
• Fixed fuel pump keybind issue
• Improved nose wheel steering logic

DCS Mirage 2000C by RAZBAM

• M-2000C Caucasus Campaign:
° M05: Flight Lead now waits for player before taxiing
• M05: Flight Lead now waits for player before taxiing
° M05: Flight Lead now waits for player before taxiing
° M02: fixed issue with F-5s not engaging friendly helos
° M02: if F5 crashes into the hills before Iranian attack, the mission will no longer fail
• Training missions (Caucasus and NTTR): updates to reflect changes to the module
• Added kneeboard pages with instructions to each mission
• ILV cockpit files updated
• Seat height range adjusted
• Fixed issue with INS Panel not working after using JVN Switch
• Adjustment pilot viewpoint

DCS JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

• Fixed missing coord in DST page if entered manually
• Fixed AKG route points load for rwy/airborne
• Fixed campaign 03/04 brief, dialog, triggers
• Fixed radio freq init from ME
• Fixed DGFT SOI auto following MFCD with RDR AA page
• Fixed TOT calc (now is the diff between planned arrival time and estimated arrival time based on current distance/speed)
• Added S2 Fwd/Bwd change HSD scale when HSD is SOI
• Added ext light device binding
• Added T1 master mode device binding
• Added T3 speedbrake device binding
• Adjust flash light color/brightness
• Adjust AKG launch ceil (7500m - 8500m)
• Removed rockets from inner pylon
• Updated unit payload accordingly
• Updated cockpit texture (warning light and panels)
• Adjust weapon warhead (802 series, LD10, 701 series)
• Adjust SD10 loft

DCS Black Shark 2

• Georgian Oil War - Grand Campaign - mission ATO-A-P4.2. Added tigger with removing trees action for tank platoon "G Tank 1"
• Tuned autostart script that could not start the second engine at an air temperature above +30 Celsius
• The L-140 panel behind the right shoulder has been restored
• Corrected EGT needles color
• Connector of the laser standby switch will be linked with this switch. No need to click the void space
• Corrected engine levers LH RH text
• Auto-man switch animation fixed
• Weapon panel lamps color fixed

DCS F-16C Viper

• Added new F-16C training mission covering CCRP Bombing and CBUs
• Added new UFC training mission
• Updated TACAN DED Page information in Early Access Guide

DCS F/A-18C Hornet

• Updated Flight Manual CN
• AIM-120 Rapid fire crash - fixed

DCS A-10C Warthog

• Fixed waypoint names for three A-10C instant action missions
• Fixed french WP names in MESSAGE TO ALL Triggers


Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations

• Bomber formation performance optimizations
• Revised Spawning points
• Updated P-51D Mustang skins

P-51D Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations

• Bomber formation performance optimizations
• Revised Spawning points
• Revised climbing waypoints
• Updated P-51D Mustang skins

Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaigns by Reflected Simulations

• Bomber formation performance optimizations
• Revised Spawning points
• Updated P-51D Mustang skins

Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 04-03-2020 16:31
Čím dál lepší Úsměv aktualizace…

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Už je toho plný ED fórum, Hoggit a Discord. Po aktualizaci se nelze přihlásit. Úsměv
Mně se tedy zatím aktualizace nenabízí a stále ukazuje

Edit: Z Discordu:

Edit2: Aktualizováno a příhlášení funkční.
Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 04-03-2020 17:22
RAZBAM Simulations

3D work continues, can you guess which aircraft this is for?

HINT = It's a CRU
Eagle Dynamics - 3D Scanning

We have started the improvement of all our human models in DCS World. The first step is to create a reference database containing different parts of the human body and prepare prototypes that will be used for all models.

The video shows how we started observing the differences in our current models and note areas of improvements. The upgrades will be visible for both geometry and skinning through DCS World.

YouTube Video

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Heslo: net

teamspeak server Hosting by
Pro přidání zprávy se musíte přihlásit.

24-12-2024 12:49
vesele vanoce a štastny novy rok vam všem

24-12-2024 11:15
Pohodové Vánoce a šťastný nový rok přejí Vencourovi

08-12-2024 13:02
Vypadá to, že Nvidia definitivně ruší GeForce Experience. Už se mi aktualizuje na Nvidia App.

06-12-2024 19:02
Viděl jsem jen prvních 8 sekund videa. Stačilo mi.

04-12-2024 13:31
Vlastně jako by miliony mozkových buněk vykřikly hrůzou a náhle utichly.

04-12-2024 12:50

03-12-2024 15:48
Zase po letech jsem zaskočil a tak vás všechny zdravím...borci Mrknutí

31-10-2024 09:57
ČTK: Z dosud nezjištěných příčin se dnes v noci zřídilo letadlo na solární pohon.

21-10-2024 20:04
Intel vydal novou aktualizaci mikrokódu.

02-10-2024 14:07
To není dobrá myšlenka. Belzebub každého stáhne do pekel a přes zvolené zástupce i nás obyčejné lidi. Vyděšený

36,145,935 návštěv