Jo, tohle, co si mapatuji, je jeden z jejich snů, udělat radiokomunikaci nezávislou na TS a jiných srandách, protože jim to dá možnost nasimulovat šifrování komunikace.
Pořád je v DCS co objevovat, doposud jsem používal noční vidění a pak náhodně našel funkci kapesní svítilna pod Lalt+L zkratkou.
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Na Jestera, na VRko, Star Citizen atd. supr!
Ale musíš mít nainstalované ve Win rozpoznávání řeči.
A hlavně musíš si to všechno naprogramovat. Lze si naimportovat stažené profily pro ovládání letadel a jiných simů, jenže ty si musíš naštudovat jejich ang fráze.
Trvá to než si vytvoříš svůj profil k ovládání letadla.
Díky moc!
Jem i jasné, že to asi zabere. Používáš i nějaké ty plugIny pro VoiceAttack a DCS, nebo jen čistej VoiceAttack?
Další pluginy už nepoužívám. Zkoušel jsem stažené komplexní profily do DCS nebo Star Citizen,... nepamatuji si ty jejich fráze.
Když by si chtěl můžu ti s tím na TS pomoct.
Za mě je to dobrý program, který se hodí pro cokoliv. Fungují i tlačítka joysticků, volantů, myši. Musíš být částečně angličtinář jinak výslovnost a naprogramování bude dělat problém. Jiné jazyky jsem nezkoušel.
=MB2= 1.Flight - Falcon Flight; =UVP= Společné výcvikové centrum JTC; =AVS= Aliance Virtuální letek
F-4 a AH-1 v nedohlednu, nejsou momentálně prioritou:
While we hope to simulate the Cobra someday (as well as the F-4E), it's not on our immediate production plan. Our current production for new aircraft is the P-47D, Mi-24, and Mosquito. Between these and supporting exiting aircraft, we are already very, very, very busy. When the guys at BST were moved back to the mothership, former BST project plans had to be revaluated. Sorry for any confusion.
DECOY vysvětluje, proč poslední dobou od nich nemáme aktualizace:
Hiya Guys, there are a couple of users around here asking about the lack of updates and fixes for the last few weeks, I have spoken to Ron, and he has said it's ok for me to post this.
There has been a couple of family issues that have currently taken over the Ron and Larry's lives, and they would appreciate your patience when it comes to family first.
• Autotrim option deleted. This feature requires tuning.
F/A-18C Hornet by ED
• Fixed bug where AGM-62 Walleye was cannot be released if the aircraft starts from ground.
• JDAM JSOW TOO mode weapon release not always working - fixed.
DCS SA342 Gazelle by Polychop Simulations
• Fixed not working sounds.
• Fixed duplicated controls entries.
• Fixed RWR symbols.
• Added NVG capabilities to SA342L and SA342Mistral.
• Corrected Mistral missile.
Another item in development is the DCS: Supercarrier module. We recently completed the external model, and we plan to make CVN-71 & CVN-74 versions available at early access launch. The team is now focused on implementing the high-poly Landing Signal Officer (LSO) and Air Boss stations. Here is a list of the planned Early Access features, but this list is subject to change.
Early Access Features
1. New Nimitz-class aircraft carrier model:
° Highly detailed polygon model.
° High-resolution textures that include realistic weathering and markings
° Animated arresting wires and blast shields
° Animated radar antennas
° Animated aircraft elevators
° Catapult bubble between catapults 1 and 2
° Steam from catapults
° Risers (guard rails) around aircraft elevators when lowered
° Long-range line-up lights
° Animated “rabbit lights” along landing area centerline
° Deck lighting
° Functional air defence weapon systems:
• Sea Sparrow
• Sea RAM
° Option for Nimitz-class aircraft carriers of the Roosevelt sub-class:
• CVN-71 Theodore Roosevelt
• CVN-72 Abraham Lincoln
• CVN-73 George Washington
2. Deck parking allowing up to 14 aircraft to be spawned on deck. We will review the possibility of increasing this number to 18 in the coming months.
3. Carrier radio communications for Case I, Case II, and Case III.
4. Static deck vehicles (AS32A-31A Flight Deck Tractor, AS32A-32A Hangar Deck Tractor, AS32A-36 Aircraft crash and salvage crane, P-25 Fire Fighting Vehicle) that can be placed by mission designers.
5. Static deck crew that can be placed by mission designers.
6. Animated deck crew for bow and waist catapults launches.
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