November 23 2024 18:51:30
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IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
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IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (SW help)
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· Hosté on-line: 4

· Piloti on-line: 1

· Registrovaní piloti: 2,747
· Nejnovější pilot: carramba66
IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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DCS World 2017
Nechci vám plevelit diskuzi, ale jak to tak sleduji ....
Všechny věci totiž obecně buď fungují, nebo nefungují.

a - Když fungují, víte to. Nemusíte nad tím dumat ani o tom mluvit. Jistota je, že se to jednou určitě podělá.
b - Když nefungují, víte to. Nemusíte nad tím dumat ani o tom mluvit. Jistota je, že se to nikdy nezlepší.
Update Chuck’s Guides – DCS F/A-18C Hornet.

Zde: https://www.mudsp...8c-hornet/

- Updated Start-Up Procedure
- Added IFF & Datalink Section
- Added AGM-65F Maverick
- GBU-38 JDAM (Pre-Planned)
- AGM-154 JSOW (TOO)
- AIM-9X (JHMCS) & AIM-120 Tutorials
- Re-wrote Sensors Section & Updated Radar Modes
- Added FPAS page description
+ Harrier 14/07
Frecce Tricolori Virtuali MB-339

Launch trailer - MB-339 for DCS World by Frecce Tricolori Virtuali

YouTube Video

RAZBAM Simulations Mirage 2000C - New Radar Symbology

1. There is a fake target at the very base of the radar screen, debug stuff.
2. The targets altitude are currently related to altitude instead of scan lines, this will change.
3. The target should appear and update after each swipe (per scan lines)
4. Scan lines are overlapped, so some double targets must appear.
5. Lost targets needs to be memorised and showed.

YouTube Video

Hodně nevšední Úsměv souboj nad Dubají.

YouTube Video
RAZBAM Simulations - July 2019 Update Video

Welcome to the March update video from Razbam

This is a short video this month, we are talking about our existing modules, a new member to our team, the Falklands and also we share the scanning process of the Eagle Pilot

YouTube Video

Deka Ironwork Simulations JF-17 Thunder

What we are doing at this moment. Keep calm and be patient as usual Úsměv
YouTube Video

To si spousta lidí stěžovala že Išak nemá důstojného protivníka, a jak si to tady umí rozdat. Se Sabrem Šklebící se YouTube Video

RAZBAM Simulations AV-8B N/A

JDAMS you say ?

Very very early and still a work in progress Úsměv
Eagle Dynamics F/A-18C Hornet - Mini-Updates

Hey everyone,

Probably the the most anticipated new feature of the Hornet is the targeting pod. As mentioned earlier, we will start with the Litening pod due to it being used by the USMC and similar to what we already created for the A-10C (hardly a cut-and-paste though). Attached is an image of it in action.

It is important to understand that this is neither an ATFLIR or Litening pod ala A-10C. It is a Litening pod that uses standardized Hornet Mission Computer (MC) data export.

Most of the core AG functions are in the game and working, with the big ones still being worked on being the setting a Target Point via the TGP (critical for AUTO and TOO mode attacks) and, AREA vs POINT tracking . After the initial release, we will continue to flesh out the pod to include AA mode, control pages, and additional functions/symbols.

Our engineer assigned to the pod is working very, very hard on this and we are pushing to release it as soon as possible.
Frecce Tricolori Virtuali MB-339

* verze 2.0 je venku, stahujte kliknutím na obrázek na stránkách
Dá se něco takového zaletět s Hornetem v DCS?

YouTube Video

Zifi napsal:

Dá se něco takového zaletět s Hornetem v DCS?

Záleží které prvky akrobacie z té sestavy máš na mysli.
Hornet v DCS umí např. toto (a to je rok staré video):
YouTube Video

Eagle Dynamics F-16C Fighting Falcon - Official Trailer

* od 17:00

The official Viper trailer is here! Created by our video producer “GlowingAmraam”, the video highlights the beautiful lines, performance, and capabilities that will make the Viper a must-have module for DCS World. Thank you for the tremendous support and we hope you enjoy it!

YouTube Video

Eagle Dynamics F-16C Fighting Falcon - Mini-Updates

Hey everyone, Viper update day!

As most of you have probably already discovered, this week we released the first cinematic trailer for the Viper. Cato did a fantastic job as always, and the trailer brings across the just how fun this aircraft will be. Flying the DCS: F-16C Viper is great on a 2D monitor, but it really shines in VR.

In August I will start the Viper academic videos, with the first being a cockpit tour (like what I did for the Hornet). After that will come navigation and then takeoff / VFR pattern landing.

Much of the work is centered on tuning the flight model and FLCS, programing the Stores Manager System (SMS), and initial weapons. “Viper Team” is making fast progress and it is coming together at the fastest rate I have ever seen a module develop. On the art side, most of the focus is now on the landing gear (animations and texturing), and after that he will overhaul the external textures (we have a placeholder currently).

In addition to open source documents and Subject Mater Experts (SMEs), another very helpful resource is visiting Viper squadrons to talk with pilots and get seat time in the real simulators. I was earlier at Luke AFB, but it was largely a bust due to Lockheed Martin. However, this week I was down at the 192nd FW in Tucson with T-Day and I got over an hour in a Block 42 simulator. While not Block 50 and using a different OFP than our planned Viper, there was a huge amount of commonality. There were many “light bulb moments” in understanding the operation and how to properly fly the Viper. It is a very, very different bird than flying the Hornet, and it took me a bit to stop trying to fly it like a Hornet (particularly how you land it). Fun fact: When T-Day was flying our Viper in VR, he fractured the metal attachment between the stick and the base due to the amount of force he is used to applying. The force sensitive stick took awhile to get used to (much greater pounds of force per G than I expected), but it was very much like the Realsimulator FSSB base. It is also an incredibly easy aircraft to get up and running. Assuming the ground crew set up the cockpit, it’s a much, much easier aircraft to cold start than the A-10C and Hornet.

It was also an ideal time for me to be down at the 192nd FW because a buddy of mine, “Frodo”, graduated the F-16 Basic School (B-School) and I was able to attend his gradation ceremony. Frodo is also a big DCS fan and it’s great to see that some of the products I worked on over the years perhaps played a small part in his great accomplishment (he also won the AA and AG awards for his class).

Onward an upwards,

Na stránkách DCS je ke stažení speciální aplikace jenom pro hostování serverů. Pokud to tu již bylo, tak sorry. Úsměv Liší se tím, že neobsahuje textury a zvuky. Celkem má díky tomu 52GB. Není třeba být majitelem addonů (tedy není je nutné ani aktivovat), aby mohly být použity na serveru.

RAZBAM Simulations Mirage 2000C

A little update (WIP) of some of the changes coming to the Mirage 2000C. The ejection seat has been updated to match the present day harness used in the aircraft by the French Air Force.

Another short video of the new radar Leonardo is working on.

YouTube Video

Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 29-07-2019 15:00
má hlas jak mr. Bean a není tomu rozumět Úsměv
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31-10-2024 09:57
ČTK: Z dosud nezjištěných příčin se dnes v noci zřídilo letadlo na solární pohon.

21-10-2024 20:04
Intel vydal novou aktualizaci mikrokódu.

02-10-2024 14:07
To není dobrá myšlenka. Belzebub každého stáhne do pekel a přes zvolené zástupce i nás obyčejné lidi. Vyděšený

27-09-2024 11:19
Pokud ti co zvolím budou plnit svůj program, ať se klidně spojí i s Belzebubem.

26-09-2024 16:00
Kdokoliv bude v koalici s kýmkoliv. Jím nejde o smysl, ale o prachy a to politiky spojuje.

25-09-2024 16:44
Příští volby vyhraje ANO a bude v koalici s ODS. Ostatní strany budou v opozici.

23-09-2024 08:17
Prognostik z tebe už nebude. Úsměv

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Kroměříž a Olomouc - Pravděpodobnost 3. povodňového stupně >90%

12-09-2024 16:09
A toto je noční můra Troubek: https://hydro.chm.

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