November 23 2024 21:22:36
IL-2 BoS Návody
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IL-2 BoS FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 BoS FAQ (SW help)
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IL-2 Návody
IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
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IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (SW help)
Pilotovatelná letadla
RoF Návody
Kdo je on-line
· Hosté on-line: 5

· Piloti on-line: 0

· Registrovaní piloti: 2,747
· Nejnovější pilot: carramba66
IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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DCS World 2017
drž si hlavu, aby jsme ti ji nedekapitovali??
Porazit nepřítele a dát mu život může vypadat jako projev laskavosti,
ale ve skutečnosti to je to nejkrutější, co poraženého může potkat.

[samurajský pohled na zajetí]
China PLA Secret Military Base Slogan Patch (
Eagle Dynamics

Update – 20 June 2019

We are planning on releasing the newest Open Beta update on the 21st of June, barring the discovery of any blocking issues.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.
ED Team

Eagle Dynamics - The DCS 2019 Summer Sale is almost here!

The DCS 2019 Summer Sale is almost here!

Starting Friday, June 21st and lasting until July 14th, enjoy 50% on most DCS World products. This includes most of the aircraft, maps, and campaigns available on the DCS e-Shop at:

Note that this is the first time that the DCS: Persian Gulf Map has been discounted to 50%. If you have been holding out on this map, now is the time to add it to your collection!

Exceptions to 50% off include the DCS: F/A-18C Hornet, DCS: Christen Eagle II, and DCS: I-16 at 25% off, and DCS: F-16C Viper, DCS: F-14 Tomcat, DCS: Fw 190 A-8, and DCS: MiG-19F Farmer are not participating in this sale due to being in pre-order or recently released. We will also be participating in the 2019 Steam Summer sale with equivalent savings.

YouTube Video


DCS World
• Fixed simulation hangs if your helicopter crashes with cargo still attached
• Improved net synchronization of canopy animation.
• ME. Corrected AI advanced actions behaviour when the coalition has been changed
• Radio menu cutoff in VR has been fixed
• Fixed F10 map coordinates having low precision in special mode
• Sochi 761 kHz beacon is now correct on the F10 map
• Multiplayer: Network protocol has changed
• Map coordinates in status bar doesn't changes after format change until user moves mouse - fixed

• UFC ALT Function is now fully functional:
• GPWS can be enabled/temporarily disabled
• Pull Up Cue (PUC) can be enabled/disabled
• Low Altitude Warning can be set.
• Radar Altimeter can be turned On/Off
• Selection of RADALT and GPS for Ground Level determination is enabled.

DCS: Black Shark 2
• Fixed cockpit door slammed in closing

DCS: UH-1H Huey
• Added cockpit door synchronization in multiplayer

DCS: Yak-52
• Added canopy synchronization in the multiplayer

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet
• Loft option on SMS page now works correctly for the AIM-7
• Multi-Sensor Integration (MSI) added for LTWS radar submode
• SA page declutter options added
• HSI WPT coordinates format fixed for PRECISE mode
• Game freeze in some Nevada missions fixed

DCS Fw 190 A-8
• Prop Pitch Thumb Controls can now be assigned to a controller

DCS Bf 109 K-4
• Added new missions for Caucasus map
Upravil/a petsild dne 21-06-2019 14:38
Coffin Corner
Tak Tiščenko dostal v USA dvanáct měsíců vězení, ale protože už si ve vazbě odseděl rok a čtyři dny, může letět domů (jestli jsem to dobře pochopil).
F-16 Mini-Updates?

Of course!

Abyste se nenudili Šklebící se
Eagle Dynamics F/A-18C Hornet - Mini-Updates

In an upcoming Open Beta we will add (Pilot ID) PLID to the Situational Awareness (SA) page.

When pushbutton 2 (PLID) is pressed on the top-level SA page and a track is under the TDC, selecting PLID displays the Pilot ID sub-level that allows you to assign the trackfile HAFU. With no target under the TDC, the PLID option is removed and may not be selected.

This can be useful when you have a donor designating a contact as hostile, but you have not used ownship senors to confirm. You can use PLID to set the HAFU as hostile.

Next SA page tasks are Expand and Step.


Frecce Tricolori Virtuali MB-339A/PAN

YouTube Video

Coffin Corner napsal:

Tak Tiščenko dostal v USA dvanáct měsíců vězení, ale protože už si ve vazbě odseděl rok a čtyři dny, může letět domů (jestli jsem to dobře pochopil).

* v pondělí nastupuje na stejnou pozici v ED - vedoucí vývoje avioniky
* ED ho ve vězení podpořilo finančně
* manuály nakupuje z lásky k letectví, od WWII po moderní stroje; 95% z nich mu prý v práci nijak nepomůže; má jich kolem 200
* dále mj. mluví o podmínkách ve vězení a soudním jednání

Celý rozhovor (, anglicky)
Mám z toho dojem "exemplárního" trestu ...
Razbam - objekty pro mapu Falkland
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Chlopi, potrebujem radu - z nejakeho dovodu nemam Hawk T.1, neobjavuje sa ani v instalovanych moduloch ani dole na liste. Nie som si isty, ci je chyba u mna v hre alebo v DCS. Viete niekto poradit?
Hals - und Beinbruch!
Baron napsal:

Chlopi, potrebujem radu - z nejakeho dovodu nemam Hawk T.1, neobjavuje sa ani v instalovanych moduloch ani dole na liste. Nie som si isty, ci je chyba u mna v hre alebo v DCS. Viete niekto poradit?

Poslední funkční verze pro Hawk je 2.5.3 a nižší, viz. Hawk T.1A for DCS World by VEAO Simulations.

Attention! Starting DCS World version 2.5.4 this module will be unavailable! Please use DCS World version 2.5.3 or below!
Ach tak. Takze momentalne je Hawk nefunkcny. Bude aj pre 2.5.5?

Kazdopadne dakujem za odpoved Aci.
Hals - und Beinbruch!
Baron napsal:

Ach tak. Takze momentalne je Hawk nefunkcny. Bude aj pre 2.5.5?

Kazdopadne dakujem za odpoved Aci.

Dokud ED nedostane od VEAO k Hawku zdroják, nemá prostředky jak ten modul upravit tak, aby zajistili funkčnost ve verzích vyšších než 2.5.3. A VEAO jasně řeklo, že nic dávat nebudou. Tedy, pokud chcete Hawka nadále létat, je nutná extra instalace 2.5.3.
VEAO byla jedna z prvních třetích stran a ta smlouva na podobné "odchody" zjevně nepamatovala. I proto musely stávající třetí strany podepsat smlouvu novou, kde je garance předání zdrojáku ED.
hm... to nie je velmi povzbudzujuca sprava musim povedat. Dakujem za info.
Hals - und Beinbruch!
DCS Open Beta

DCS World

* Map coordinates in status bar doesn't changes after format change until user moves mouse fixed.
* Sound system. Reworked voice allocation to properly handle lots of close objects.
* Options. Tooltips in cockpit will be set by local options, not server.
* P-51D and Spitfire don't have a "Customized Cockpit options" - fixed.
* Removed gigantic bow waves appear at maximum vessel speed.
* ME. Sound and Message are not played when using trigger "Text/Message for coalitions" - fixed.
* Added new item 'Wake Turbulence' in Mission Editor (as a checkbox in Mission Options) and in serverlist window (in Server Options box).
* ME. Cannot move wingmen position when set to ground start - fixed.
* ME. Added Mach speed in the aircraft group panel. You can set the aircraft speed via either the true speed or the Mach.
* Tunguska missile has no smoke trail - fixed.
* Restored the models of Russian railroad cars.
* Aircraft AI. Added accounting of tyre damage when calculating the point of contact with surface.


* Removed GBU-16 x 3 from loadout menu (Bombs do not fit on the Racks)
* Designating a target will save the position as a steerpoint (targetpoint)
* Steerpoint navigation has been improved
* Steerpoints (waypoint, mark point, target point) can now be designated as targets
* Steerpoints and their offsets will change to a diamond if designated as targets
* Steerpoint offset bug fixed
* TACAN and TACAN offset navigation bugs fixed.
* EHSD page bug fixes.
* TACAN library enabled (5 TACAN stations data is loaded based on selected map).
* EHSD Data page: TACAN information display is fixed.
* Added training MIssion 15: dumb iron bombs


* Fixed Polish Skin

DCS Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3 LLC

* Resaved instant missions to fix texture errors on pilot harnesses.

DCS C-101 by AvioDev

* Completed ES localization.
* Several fixes to EN localization.
* Updated CN localization.
* Added synchronization of TARSYN and Flight Director to multicrew (EB only).

DCS AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

* Fixed issue with bombs in CCIP mode might not release if you used another mode prior.
* Thrust reverser now kicks up snow.
* Change to PLAN sight so it takes the aircrafts climb angle into account.
* Corrected radar ranging.
* Fixed bomb solutions for CCIP and PLAN.
* Fix to C++ assert warning when selecting cartridges that are created for another map.

DCS F/A-18C Hornet

* Added on/off fuse on AGM-154C
* AGM-154 EFUZ set OFF still causes weapon to detonate - fixed.
* Added new single mission 'Patriot Express' for the Normandy map.
* Aircraft explodes if player took control form AI by ALT+J pressing - fixed.
* Corrected collision model.
* Minor changes in the external sound of afterburner and distant sounds of the F18 aircraft engine.


* Co-pilot flexi sight jitters when used with trackIR - fixed.

Flaming Cliffs

* Su-27. FAB-250 loadouts changed to more realistic.

DCS F-14B by Heatblur Simulations

* Fixed potential CTD when TCS scans an object without a 3D model
* Fixed Jester doing only one action when asked to perform a series of actions of the same type
* Fixed negative values (formatted as large positive 32bit integer) showing up for TID contacts' altitude
* Fixed bad limiter input on fuel probe yaw moment
* Fixed Jester radio tune and similar commands
* Fix to Jester stuck in the TCS mode (no TID repeater bug)
* Fixed CMS readiness not syncing properly in multicrew
* Fix for the F-5 being displayed as 'U' on the RWR
* Make time less relative (multiplayer clock fix)
* Small fix to Jester missile detection
* Fixed AI Wings swept forward on spawn
* Adjusted AI oversweep collision model
* Kneeling and launch bar fixes for the AI
* Fixed nose gear strut collapsing on touchdown for the AI
* Fixed broken gear animations
* Retweaked some lights intensity
* Potential fix to right engine not starting after damage bug
* Reduced drag in turning situations
* Reduced rudder roll power from 15-40 units AOA
* Added more nose down at high ct with flaps up
* Reduced pitch rate damping overall, but increased pitch rate damping with flaps
* Reduced pitch with power effect at high Ct
* Reduced drag vs pitch rate at high alpha
* Tweaked pitch rate damper fade out at high AOA
* Increased lift vs pitch rate
* Added pitch acceleration based damping and AOA rate pitch damping
* Added narrow limit on pitch rate damper and increased strength
* Adjusted Phugoid Damping
* Added slight extra nose down moment with power/flaps up
* Fix to pitch oscillation induced blackout issue
Open Beta Hotfix

DCS: Fw 190A-8 Introduced to Steam

DCS World

* No parking available error on ships/FARPs - fixed.
* ME. Restored working of the action "Sound to Country" in triggers.
* Small water explosions from guns will not produce visible shock wave effect.
* HUD filter doesn't works when droplets are visible - fixed.
* Gun-sight Glass disappears with rain - fixed.
* Aircraft AI will feel the rocking deck of the ship on landing.
* Fixed cropped radio menu list.


* Ground & Sea units received via datalink will not show as air contacts on the SA page.
* BRU-41a sequencer fails to drop multi BDU-33 - fixed.
* It is now possible to add negative elevation data on the HSI

Flaming Cliffs

* Restored working of the switch route points or airfields LCtrl+~ combo.

DCS AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblure Simulations

* Restored AGM-65 Maverick functionality.
Mig-25 mod wip
Přejít na fórum:
HANÁCKÉ SLET 14.6.-16.6.


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Heslo: net

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31-10-2024 09:57
ČTK: Z dosud nezjištěných příčin se dnes v noci zřídilo letadlo na solární pohon.

21-10-2024 20:04
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02-10-2024 14:07
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A toto je noční můra Troubek: https://hydro.chm.

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