- Corrected Throttles behaviour
- Fixed ASP-5N rockets and bombs modes
- Reworked braking systems, which gets landing run closer and accurate
- New cockpit lighting enabled
All the minor issues that still remain in the FM like the ITR/STR and lift-to-drag ratio are in the process of being fixed.
Currently the aircraft is also becoming supersonic in MIL power at most heights by 2-3kph and this is also in our coder FM work list.
Nové hi-res skiny na Aermacchi
[img]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190528/490b4555122f2d3ca6d590403bf1da65.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
[img]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190528/9c83b8898081cd6ccb99bf1cd02d58ab.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
[img]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190519/1ab4af28c7423b0c26fd3859a9da450c.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Upravil/a magot dne 28-05-2019 13:06
Wags a proč dnes nedorazila plánovaná aktualizace.
Dear all,
Sadly, we still have a 3rd party that has not updated their code to work within the 2.5.5 branch. To release 2.5.5 today would mean their module would not function within DCS World. We very much hope to see this resolved next week. If it cannot be, we will still release version 2.5.5 next week, and the 3rd party module will still be playable in the release version.
-Corrected G-suit parameter
-Corrected AI FM min and max g limit
-Corrected AI FM max range
-Updated AI FM aerodynamic tables
-Updated AI FM engine tables
-Corrected damage shape name to actual file name and added wing damage shape
-Corrected various engine related damage responses
-Corrected various flight control related damage responses
-Throttle logic corrected to design basic aircraft
-Wheel braking effectiveness reduced to closer match data
-UV Lights enabled
-Instruments backlight enabled
-Flood lights updated
-All sights updated.
-ASP-5N Sight depression control updated. Depression values now affects all sights modes even when caged
-Cockpit knobs and dials will no longer spin forever
hi guys,
sorry for the late update.
we are now busy coding and modeling.
we want to collect more screenshots, details to share with you.
what we can say now is our coding for EA features is already in final approach.
modeling for internal/external/weapons are moving forward in parallel.
manual is already WIP.
we are also adding new ground units into CAP (one is almost done, and another will start next week). Both will be drivable based on CA module.
A little update is in order. As most of you know by now, we had to push back OB 2.5.5 to next week in order to give a 3rd party more time to update their code to the new branch (no need to name names). As such, 2.5.5 is slated for 5 June and will include AGM-154A and C. I plan an introduction video this weekend to get you up to speed.
As noted earlier, the Litening targeting pod went into internal test at the of this month and we are currently on track to release it to you in June. We still first release on station 5, but later add option for the cheek station.
The team has also been busy improving the D/L, working on MSI for LTWS, working on Harpoon integration, fixed the HARM seeker when lock is lost, waypoint PRECISE mode, returning to work on the EW page, and implementing the MIDS page. The Hornet guys have been quite busy.
To určitě! Zadarmo ani kuře nehrabe. Beztak to bude placené DLC.
Tu oznámenou F-16 fakt nechápu, ještě nestihli dodělat F/A-18.... po jak dlouhé době? No, nevadí máme tu Falcon BMS 4.34 s plně funkčním IFF, ATC, radarem, zbraněmi, o dynamické kampani ani nemluvě... tipuji si že tak za 5 let by ten modul F-16 mohl snad být už ve final verzi ale kdo ví.
The Ka-50 update will consist of new functions such as Igla air-to-air missiles and missile warning systems with infrared missile jamming systems in addition to a substantial graphics overhaul. While new cockpit functions will be part of a paid upgrade, the entirely new and improved cockpit and external model will be available for free. In addition to a graphics overall and new features, we will also take this opportunity to clean up any remaining bugs in the Ka-50.
Tedy chápu-li správně, nové funkce v kokpitu budou součástí placeného vylepšení, zatímco předělaný externí model a kokpit bude pro stávající majitele Ka-50 zdarma.
A dalším mixérem do DCS bude Mi-24P.
The Mi-24P is the next helicopter we are bringing to DCS World, created by the same the same team behind the DCS: Mi-8MTV2. This iconic attack helicopter will feature both front and back seat cockpits (including network and coop play). We are confident that it will be the most realistic simulation of the Mi-24P ever created and will add more outstanding game play for DCS World.
To určitě! Zadarmo ani kuře nehrabe. Beztak to bude placené DLC.
Tu oznámenou F-16 fakt nechápu, ještě nestihli dodělat F/A-18.... po jak dlouhé době? No, nevadí máme tu Falcon BMS 4.34 s plně funkčním IFF, ATC, radarem, zbraněmi, o dynamické kampani ani nemluvě... tipuji si že tak za 5 let by ten modul F-16 mohl snad být už ve final verzi ale kdo ví.
Můžu se zeptat kdo tě nutí si ty moduly v předběžném přístupu kupovat?
Takže jestli to chapu dobře..Ti co si připlatí, dostanou na Kamova Igly a pár dalších vychytávek + nový kokpit a externí model a ti co ne, pouze kokpit a externí model. Sorry, ale tohle se mi moc nelíbí.
Takže jestli to chapu dobře..Ti co si připlatí, dostanou na Kamova Igly a pár dalších vychytávek + nový kokpit a externí model a ti co ne, pouze kokpit a externí model. Sorry, ale tohle se mi moc nelíbí.
Pokud budeš chtít nové zbraňové systémy (edit: Igla, MWS a DIRCM), tak si zaplatíš. Jinak je 3D zdarma.
Z FB ED komentářů:
The Update (Model) will be free, the Upgrade (Weapons) won´t.
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