April 26 2024 07:01:49
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IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
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IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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DCS World 2017
Ten manuál na Tomcata vyzerá naaaaaaramne. Kedy vlastne bude F14 dostupná?
Hals - und Beinbruch!
Jo, o tom manuálu mluvili už v době vydání prvního videa o předprodeji. Jedná se o online formu manuálu, která díky tomu, že je online, může být aktualizována v reálném čase.
RAZBAM Simulations MiG-19P - Training Mission 8 - A2A Missiles & Rockets

Made by Baltic Dragon, we are introducing a series of training missions which will be recorded to help aid the learning process

Parts of this Flight have been skipped to reduce time

YouTube Video

Aces_Wild napsal:Maneuvering and Flight Characteristics

Ten výstup z plochýho vrtáku člověk musí vymyslet i kdyby měl IQ 50...
Aces_Wild napsal:

Heatblur Simulations F-14A&B Tomcat

* Heatblur nastavuje laťku i mimo 3D zpracování modulů a FM, viz. manuál k Tomcatu
To je, imho, zase usili utracene na nespravnem miste. Jak to vytisknout, aby to mohlo slouzit v dobe, kdy jsem ve hre v kabine? Mimo to, treba blackshark mel manual o tridu lepsi uz pred lety a koneckoncu natops pro F-14 ma kolem tisice stranek, takze tech kolik - padesat? zdaleka neni nejaka nova latka.
magot napsal:

Aces_Wild napsal:Maneuvering and Flight Characteristics

Ten výstup z plochýho vrtáku člověk musí vymyslet i kdyby měl IQ 50...
Nevim, nakolik to bylo mysleno ironicky, protoze "vybirani" flatspinu je vystrelit se ven, ale vybirani vyvrtky na F-14 fakt nevymyslis, jsou k tomu (ve skutecnosti) tri stranky husteho textu, par obrazku a graf, kde je vybrani rozkreslene na desitky vterin.
btw, čistě teoreticky, nebylo by dobré zatáhnout jedno křídlo v ploché vývrtce? Nezačal by stroj přepadávat po jednom křídle na čumák?
Hu, měl by vyjít manuál i tištěný. Ale za mě, na tohle si beru tablet nebo druhý monitor.
LesniHU napsal:
To je, imho, zase usili utracene na nespravnem miste. Jak to vytisknout, aby to mohlo slouzit v dobe, kdy jsem ve hre v kabine? Mimo to, treba blackshark mel manual o tridu lepsi uz pred lety a koneckoncu natops pro F-14 ma kolem tisice stranek, takze tech kolik - padesat? zdaleka neni nejaka nova latka.

Asi se neshodneme...

PDF verze bude později.

PDF version comes later.

PDF planned but no ETA.
No, když jsem ten manuál projížděl, tak za mě má moc pěknou strukturu. Hodně se mi líbí odkazy v textu, kdy kliknu na něco, co mě zajímá, a manuál mě automaticky nalistuje stránku s detaily.
u mě dobrý, pustím si to vedle na noťasu
DCS Open Beta

DCS World

* JTAC has very short designation range - range is increased.
* Added binocular with laser to units that assigned for JTAC task.
* BDA setting can be enforced now from server to clients.
* AIM-9X: AIs will not use the missile to engage targets well outside the range of the missile.
* AGM-65: Missiles launched from sides of Triple Rack will have proper trajectory.
* Fixed crash related to BGM-109 Tomahawk usage.
* AI’s Su-33 will be able to take off from deck of Kuznetsov with proper weight.
* MP Server. Slightly corrected the banned list window.
* MP Server. Fixed gradual performance loss when there’s no sound card.
* ME. Armament HMMWV added to Georgia
* ME. Soldiers added to Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
* ME. Added Cuba to country list.
* Kazakhstan Air Force will speak in Russian, not English.ВСЫ
* MiG-29A. Added Kazakhstan KazAADF 2008 skin by Asker Askerov.
* Radar missile usage crash fixed.
* Wingmen air refueling crash fixed.
* Ground units - crash on recon mode fixed.
* Missile launch warning system crash fixed.
* Aircraft Big formations. Crash appearing in case of destruction of the leading flight is fixed.
* Fixed crash when switching maps.
* Function "onPlayerTryConnect" now send correct message to a client when connection has been refused.


* Added Overwing Vapor
* External model updated


* Fixed: NRAS Cannot be entered and does not display NRAS cue.
* Fixed: Pitch Caret can not be changed on the ODU.
* Fixed Helmet decal showing on the visor and oxygen mask of the pilot

DCS Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3 LLC

* Fixed pilots' textures showing on 3D mesh.

DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC

* Fixed collision lines' naming convention.

DCS C-101 by AvioDev

* Fixed MPR power as a function of altitude (MPR doesn't decrease power at high altitude anymore).
* Added oil pressure drop when engine damaged.
* Added C-101CC engine fire when damaged.
* Improved engine failure when damaged.
* Rudder, aileron, elevator, horizontal stabilizer, flaps and speed brake flight model damage implemented.
* Added engine fire for C-101CC to flight model damages.
* Batteries, inverters, generator, starter, engine oil leak, engine fire, hydraulic leak, gunsight lamps flight model damage implemented (WIP).
* Fixed wheels damaged collision model.
* Added batteries and inverters destruction when the nose detaches.
* Added generator destruction when engine section is damaged.
* Added aerodynamic drag increase when nose is teared.
* Added starter destruction due to engine section damage.
* Fixed IFR mission #2, which was broken due to new advanced flight model.
* Added failures set in Mission Editor (WIP) for: generator, starter, batteries, inverters, oil pressure drop, fuel leak, engine seized, hydraulic leak, elevator loss, aileron loss, rudder loss, pitot tube blocked, static port blocked and gunsight lamps failure.
* Front-rear cockpits synchronization in multiplayer: fixed batteries isolation pushbuttons, added essential circuit transfer, added engine anti-ice and engine computer pushbuttons (partially), fixed pitch trim synchronization (partially).
* Fixed hydraulic pressure in AFM. It's now zero at cold start and increases/decreases during engine start/stop or crank.
* Added PART. METAL. (CHIP DETECT) warning light to C-101EB.
* Crank will not work if there is starter failure.
* Pilot’s arm patches are not visible when pilot body is not showing.
* Rework on aircraft numerals (changed color for Chilean numeral).
* Fixed Spanish patches for Matacan and Claex skins.


* TOT HUD indicator is reversed - fixed.
* BRA bearing should not change based on azimuth setting
* When the player selects a different radar azimuth setting, the BRA bearing will not changing.
* Added Realistic/Unrealistic TDC Slew option for compensate issue with hardware TDC of the Thrustmaster Warthog.
* Fixed High Drag Bomb Fuze Errors.
* Fixed some errors in the Early Access Guide.


* Spring Tension Campaign:13th miz - Mi-28 doesn't attack targets - fixed.

DCS Spitfire IX

* Cockpit. Corrected Pitot heat switch marking.
* The glass material of canopy will not be detached from the canopy frame.

Persian Gulf Map

* Al Dhafra Airbase. Player will able to call the Rearming and refuel panel even from the farthest parking.


* The Enemy Within 3 Campaign by Baltic Dragon:

Mission 01- corrected typo in coordinates given by Overlord (text).
Mission 04 - corrected rare bug where Axeman would send radio messages after being killed, corrected F10 menu items not disappearing when they should, corrected some overlaping radio messages.

* F-15C Aggressors BFM Campaign by Mapple Flag. Some minor briefing text updates and unit repositioning.
Tak mám nastudovaný kokpit pilota. Ten to má hodně jednoduchý,co se čudlíků týče, protože to za něj dělá všechno RIO. Naučit se RIO podle mě bude větší výzva, než se naučit pilota.
BTW v changelogu se píše, že opravili překryt u plivače ohně, Takže hádám, že zpětné zrcátko bude opět rozbité. Šklebící se
Upravil/a AJaromir dne 13-02-2019 15:18
Krom toho překrytu je vše ostatní neopravené.
Jakto? Ještě opravili popisek u přepínače ohřevu pitotovy trubice.
Jejda... na ten jsem zapomněl.
RAZBAM Simulations MiG-19P - Training Mission 9 - A2G Bombs & Rockets

Made by Baltic Dragon, we are introducing a series of training missions which will be recorded to help aid the learning process

Parts of this Flight have been skipped to reduce time

YouTube Video

Eagle Dynamics F/A-18C Hornet - Mini-Updates

Hey everyone,

After our meetings today, I can update you on our current near-term planning for the upcoming Hornet features. For the 27 February update we plan (not promise):

* JDAM basic operation minus dynamic launch zone
* HARM TOO and PB modes
* Latent Track While Scan (LTWS) and Track While Scan (TWS) air-to-air radar modes

Following those, priority items will be:

* Data Link / Link-16 / MIDS. This has been a huge undertaking and will take a bit more time to get right, particularly for multiplayer data-sharing and creating a unified picture between clients. We want to get this right.
* New IFF system tied to D/L
* NCTR tied to D/L
* JDAM dynamic launch zone.
* Data Card. This won’t just be a data card but allow you to customize many aspects of your aircraft set up.
* Lightening II Targeting Pod

Again, I need to emphasize that this is planning and not a promise. Things can certainly change. We try to be open and provide you insight into our planning, but with the understanding that this is not set in stone.

- Wags

The Data Link (D/L) Situational Awareness (SA) page and new radar functions are making steady progress, so I thought I’d make another little update using images. This all very much work in progress and subject to change.

The first image shows the radar format on the left DDI with Latent Track While Scan (LTWS) selected and the TDC hovering over a brick. The brick now displays the selected weapon Launch Acceptable Region (LAR) as well as target Mach (left of HAFU) and altitude in thousands of feet (right of HAFU). The next step would be to designate the target as the Launch and Steering (L&S) target and the ability to set a secondary Designated Target (DT2). Along with a hover over contact, you can get additional information up to three contacts in LTWS mode. With MSI enabled, you’ll also then have D/L information available. Once LTWS is done, then we’ll take care of Track While Scan (TWS) mode.

On the right DDI is the SA page five unknown contacts at the top of the page., They are yellow because they have no ownship IFF interrogation (hover over contact and depress sensor hat switch to interrogate). The staple at the top of the HAFU indicates the player has no IFF on a target, but the lower chevrons indicate friendly donor aircraft (F/F) have set the targets as hostile. Once both the player interrogates the contact and comes back negative, then the HAFU would change to red and be a diamond. In this way, the color and top and bottom of the HAFU tell you a lot about the classification of the contact.

Remember: staple = unknown, chevron = hostile, and semi-circle = friendly. Yellow = unknown, red = hostile, and green = friendly based on ownship.

In the second image the left DDI now shows a target locked in STT with Non-Cooperative Target Recognition (NCTR) enabled. A successful NCTR print of the target depends on range and aspect angle into the intakes of the contact.

On the right DDI we see that the target is identified as an IL-76 and the star HAFU indicates the STT L&S track. It is yellow because no ownship IFF interrogation has been made. Because the radar is in STT, it is not scanning for other targets. As such, all other contacts on the SA page are from F/F and SURV sources over the D/L. The smaller red triangles are SURV tracks from an AWACS that only the AWACS is seeing. The red lower chevrons with the dot is from a friendly donor (F/F) source.

- Wags


DCS Beta (Hotfix)

DCS World

* ME. Fixed issue with Cuba country that replacing the Third Reich
* Helicopter special troops: On the helicopter there is no menu for embarking commandos if the first commando in the group is killed.

DCS C-101 by AvioDev

* Engine seizure after some time with low oil pressure or mishandling in that condition. Improved pilot liveries for default skin.
* Added kneeboard to pilot model.
* Altimeter indication freeze if pitot tube and static ports are blocked.
* Changed name: Gunsight lamps failure.
RAZBAM Simulations F-15E Strike Eagle

3D Scan of the rear seat WSO flight control Stick of the F-15E - 10 Million Polygons

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24-04-2024 12:25
-Vzrusuju te? - -Docela jo, jsi krasna zenska a chtel bych byt tvuj princ. - -To je pekne. Ale na to jsem se neptala. Potrebovala bzch yjistit, jak se yapina ceska klavesnice. Pomuyes mi?

22-04-2024 20:31
Njelepší je kombinace FF (s pluginem kačera)+uBlock ;-)

21-04-2024 09:36
No zatím ještě není. Neumí blokovat vyskakovací okna.

19-04-2024 23:01
jo, kačer je dobrej Úsměv

19-04-2024 17:04
No já asi přejdu na duckduckgo, až jej vyladí.

16-04-2024 11:52
To jsou Jaromíre defekty z realtime anti-anti-ads google teroru. Chyba není na tvém přijímači. Už před 3 rokama jsem Chrome definitivně odinstaloval a přešel opět po 20 letech na FF

12-04-2024 16:25
Pořídil jsem si Arctic Liquid Freezer III 360. Poměr cena/výkon asi nepřekonatelný. Uchladilo to 300W po dobu 10 minut.

07-04-2024 21:31
Taky vám v prohlížeči Chrome vyskakují artefakty?

19-03-2024 14:59

16-02-2024 16:54
1stCL .. forever :-)

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