May 03 2024 13:08:44
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IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
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IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (SW help)
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· Hosté on-line: 6

· Piloti on-line: 0

· Registrovaní piloti: 2,745
· Nejnovější pilot: Kokes
IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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DCS World 2017
DCS 1.5.7 Update 1 (

F-15C: The Georgian War campaign
8 August 2008. The Russo - Georgian war catches four USAF F-15Cs and their crew in Georgian territory. American pilots came to present their jets before a possible purchase of several machines by the small state in South Caucasus.

Although inspired by true events, this fictional campaign puts player in a cockpit of F-15C Eagle. Throughout 16 missions in the space of several days, he will help the Georgian forces face much more numerous and better equipped foe.

DCS World

* QFE pressure in autobriefing - hPa added, values arranged
* FPS drop when multi unit SAMS are used fixed
* Input: DCS GUI no more freezes when user assigned {LCtrl+L} combo
* User Interface input commands added for keyboard
* Mission Editor: Static icons no more duplicates
* Crash when use 'on shot' trigger deactivation for air defence groups fixed
* All the internal missions/campaigns included in ED/BST modules have been localized into Chinese at the moment.


* Crash on loading A-10C DSMS training lesson fixed


* Su-25 cockpit glass texture is bound to cockpit frame
* MiG-29S. “CAP” quick start mission fixed. Now the last fighter flight will be activated. Quantity of the enemy aircraft was also decreased to make the mission easier to complete.
* Mig-29S. The lighting in the cockpit is incorrect color fixed
* F-15C “Free flight” mission briefing and triggered message corrected


* UH-1H AI crew will now engage enemy
* Fixed rope breaks when player tries to raise a cargo

Spitfire LF Mk. IX

* New skins added


* New skins added


* “Checklist: Wind condition" joystick command added
* AI crew will now engage enemy
* Fixed rope breaks when player tries to raise a cargo


* Connect to non-public server with password fixed
* Connect to long running server fixed


* UH-1H - UN Pilot. Chinese localization added.
* Mi-8MTV2 - Oilfield. Cargo weight decreased in missions 05 and 11
* Su-27 - Ultimate Argument. Reaction to Threat changed for Su-24 wing in mission 14
* BS2 - Republic Campaign. ‘Soldier RPG’ removed from Mission ‘Rescue’

AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

* Implemented various Radio functionality
* Fixes to the Automatic Fuel Regulator
* Fixes to afterburner at altitude
* RB-04 no longer launching (exploding) when re-armed
* RB-15 no longer launching (exploding) when re-armed
* Added R for RUTA waypoints
* Correction to TILS-stations numbering past 20
* Multiple potential CTDs fixed
* Corrected TILS layer switch not switching back
* Fixed distance time line getting stuck relative to horizon when in sidewinder fast select mode
* Fixed backup sights
* Fixed several kneeboard issues
* Fixed starter sound
* Re-added playsound for Walkman
* Wave 1 of input overhaul
* Radio is now pre-configured to nearest airfield
* Fixed issue with FR22 radio becoming unusable after moving radio function selector
* Fixed broken easter egg (triggering during normal gameplay)
* Tuned pylon x,y,z coordinates
* Added custom data cartridge functionality
* Added interface for custom data cartridge selection
* Fixed several normal map issues in cockpit due to incorrect vertex tangents in exporter. Thanks Evgeny @ ED for the Plugin fix!
* Fixed Radios crashing in MP
* Added Unlimited Weapons functionality (NOTE: Some sight modes may not work correctly after firing all weapons yet, you may also need to cycle the master arm between firing)
* Corrected Sights for Rockets (hitting long/short)
* Corrected Sights for bombs (hitting long/short)
* Fixed TAKT not showing weapon state after re-arm
* Fixed TILS not going to phase 2 and 3 when going too fast/turning too slow
* Fixed TILS switching to phase 2 when 180 degree from the runway heading.
* Implemented Cockpit Clock (NOTE: Will only work in 2.1.X due to cockpit model export issue currently)
* Corrected TILS angle restriction tolerances
* Fixed NAV/RR mode releasing re-armed bombs
* Fixed radar elevation in AA mode
* Viggen now works from Saved Games path as well
* Corrections to input/output validation
* Updated RU/CN localization

DCS C-101 by AvioDev

* All (EB and CC) radios now correctly handle ON/OFF status. Radio transmission is impossible if the radio is OFF, or priority was switched to another cockpit.
* Added new IFR and FD training missions with EN, ES and CN localizations.

Dostali vlastní subfórum.

Polychop Simulations

Kdybyste někdo hledal práci, v Polychop Sims nabírají. Úsměv

Dear Customers and Followers,

Today we have a rather nice announcement.

We are opening up our doors for recruitment.

What would we like to see?

First, we are looking for coders to support our coding department and become part of new challenging projects.


Primarily, you must have experience with C++ and Lua.

The applicant must have interest in airplanes and helicopters as that is our primary focus.

Preferably, basic knowledge of aerospace, aerodynamics and general aircraft knowledge, but this is not a must as helicopters or planes consist of more than just wings.

Those interested in working with us on future projects, please send us a message through facebook and we will respond to you with an email address for you to send your application and resume.

I am looking forward to the messages and applications. Good luck, happy coding.

If you know somebody or think of someone who could be interested in this, do not hesitate and inform him or her to get intouch with us.

Take care

Lead 3D artist/ CEO
Polychop Simulations

Aviodev Mirage F1

Hello all.
We have added, in latest updates of versions 1.5.7 (Caucasus) and 2.1.1 (Nevada and Normandy), new training missions of instrument flight and use of the Flight Director, as well as quick start and single missions for Normandy map. All these missions are localized in English, Spanish and Chinese.
Some corrections have been made also in radios interaction between cockpits. You may see the changelogs in the following links:
On the other hand, our systems programmer will finish CC navigational aids in a few days and continue then with weapon systems. We estimate CC will be ready in about a couple of months, if nothing unexpected occurs.
Regarding AFM, the aerodynamics and engine programmer continues working on real data implementation, a hard work that will still take several months.
We are also working on cockpit 3D model of Mirage F1, being external model already finished.
Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 23-08-2017 16:01
RAZBAM Simulations AV-8B Night Attack

WiP Update from Metal2Mesh Development recent cockpit enhances for the RAZBAM DCS AV-8B Night Attack Harrier II

MilTech-5 Bo 105 PAH1A1/VBH / HKP-9A / ROK BO-105

Thread for the PBR textures of the BO-105.
Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 24-08-2017 12:43
RAZBAM Simulations AV-8B Night Attack - Oculus Rift in-cockpit test flight

Video can cause motion sickness
Video can cause also, boredom (it's almost 30 minutes long)
THIS VIDEO HAS BEEN CLEARED TO PUBLIC RELEASE AFTER MANY REQUESTS OF MORE DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION BY THE DCS COMUNITY, so as such, it should NOT be considered in any way, form or regard as the final product, is here for you to see because you asked for it.
This is a test flight, mostly devoted to test "casual" flight, not using actual checklist on ordinance and weapons systems, but 1s timers "feel".
It's about a mock attack with MK82's, target are 2 warehouses protected by AAA and MANPADS, terrain is NTTR.
Aircraft load out is 6 MK82 + ALQ-164 Jammer pod in the center line station
Keep in mind, that we are aware of most noticeable bugs in this video, and they are in most cases solved, right now our priority stands in systems and flight behavior, followed by art (either 3d or textures) .
As usual, everything is a work in progress, that includes my flying.
Sounds are still DCS default jet engine sounds, accurate sounder is being developed.

YouTube Video

DCS: F-15C - The Georgian War Campaign Trailer

Kampaň lze zakoupit na ED eshopu.

YouTube Video

Ta VR je nějaká celá na pikaču ... při náklonu letadla pohyb hlavy drží kolmo k zemi.
Nemluvě o tom že nelze nic pořádně "po slepu" ovládat ..
Upravil/a magot dne 24-08-2017 17:03
RAZBAM Simulations AV-8B Night Attack


AV-8B Night Attack in cockpit around the boat flight, Oculus Rift VR

Video can cause motion sickness since it was recorded in Oculus Rift VR.
THIS VIDEO HAS BEEN CLEARED TO PUBLIC RELEASE AFTER MANY REQUESTS OF MORE DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION BY THE DCS COMUNITY, so as such, it should NOT be considered in any way, form or regard as the final product, is here for you to see because you asked for it.
It's about an around the boat flight, take off and vertical landing (barely in this case)
Keep in mind, that we are aware of most noticeable bugs in this video, and they are in most cases solved, right now our priority stands in systems and flight behavior, followed by art (either 3d or textures) .
As usual, everything is a work in progress, that includes my flying.
Sounds are still DCS default jet engine sounds, accurate sounder is being developed.

YouTube Video

Máte tušení jestli v režimu VR lze změnit FOV?
petsild napsal:

Máte tušení jestli v režimu VR lze změnit FOV?

Nevidím důvod proč by to nešlo.
Upravil/a magot dne 27-08-2017 10:20
Všechny videa s Oculus jsou nalepená na hudu a pokud je v režimu VR ještě blokovaný zoom i na tlačítka, je to spíš pro pilota hendikep.
petsild napsal:

Máte tušení jestli v režimu VR lze změnit FOV?

FOV měnit nelze (aspoň jsem to zatím v žádné VR hře neviděl) a dává to smysl. Při změně FOV by se tak změnily proporce okolního světa a nepůsobilo to uvěřitelně (děje s tak samozřejmě při zoomu, ale to je vždy jen na pár vteřin). 2D videa prostě neumí korektně přenést to co hráč vidí v headsetu.
Jde to, ale není to pak klasické VR. Existuje program TriDefVR, který funguje vlastně tak, že jsi ve virtuálním prostředí, kdy nesedíš ve stroji, ale díváš se virtuální plátno, kterému můžeš nastavit vlastní parametry jako jeho velikost(2-20 metrů na šířku), vzdálenost, zaoblení,.... - tudíž si pak můžeš měnit i FOV ve hře. Ale jak jsem psal, už to není pohled z první osoby.
Možná to z tohoto videa půjde pochopit.
YouTube Video

Jaromíte jak na CBU 105? HOF nastaven na 1200, bomba letí přesně na cíl, hezky se rozpadne ale nenadělala žádnou neplechu..
A na co to házíš? T-55?
Mira tanky..ještě zkusím ty CBU 103.
tanky a tanky je rozdíl
Neviete nahodou, ci niekto nepripravuje Su-7?
Hals - und Beinbruch!
Su-7 nie,ale viem o Su-17/22
[img][/img] is not a valid Image.
petsild napsal:

Máte tušení jestli v režimu VR lze změnit FOV?

S VR zkušenost nemám, ale na ED fórech jsem našel screen size, resolution and FOV vlákno, třeba pomůže.

CSL1_Talbot napsal:

Su-7 nie,ale viem o Su-17/22

Pouze mod, resp. dva, z toho si jeden (cubanace) myslí, že dostane od ED licenci...
Obrázek postupu na modu/lu postovaný 26.8.2017 (více obrázků zde):
Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 27-08-2017 19:22
Přejít na fórum:


Nejste pilotem?
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a zaregistrujte se.

Zapomněli jste heslo?
Pro zaslání nového
Klikněte sem.
Heslo: net

Pro přidání zprávy se musíte přihlásit.

03-05-2024 11:15
Vykání je následek nepochopení formy vlády pozdních římských císařů. Koncem Římského císařství spoluvládli čtyři vládci. Proto byli oslovován jako celek. Tykání je správné.

30-04-2024 10:19
Teď se tyká všude. Každý je familierní jak kdybychom všichni spolu pásli husy.

29-04-2024 20:53
Tem Teamspeak jedete trojku nebo pětku? Mně se nechce nikam registrovat.

29-04-2024 20:44
Jsem zapl discord. FUJ! Proč mi tam všechno tyká? To je tak nezdvořilé a neuctivé.

24-04-2024 12:25
-Vzrusuju te? - -Docela jo, jsi krasna zenska a chtel bych byt tvuj princ. - -To je pekne. Ale na to jsem se neptala. Potrebovala bzch yjistit, jak se yapina ceska klavesnice. Pomuyes mi?

22-04-2024 20:31
Njelepší je kombinace FF (s pluginem kačera)+uBlock ;-)

21-04-2024 09:36
No zatím ještě není. Neumí blokovat vyskakovací okna.

19-04-2024 23:01
jo, kačer je dobrej Úsměv

19-04-2024 17:04
No já asi přejdu na duckduckgo, až jej vyladí.

16-04-2024 11:52
To jsou Jaromíre defekty z realtime anti-anti-ads google teroru. Chyba není na tvém přijímači. Už před 3 rokama jsem Chrome definitivně odinstaloval a přešel opět po 20 letech na FF

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