nastavení pro malé výšky mod 1 nejde a nad 2 km proti zemi tam je "slepá" plocha
Možná se pletu, ale zdá se mi že veškerá simulace rušení radaru proti povrchu země spočívá v přesvícení stínítka, takže se schová značka cíle. Ale sledování cíle pro něj není problém. Viz, WaffenCatovo video v 1:29:23
YouTube Video
...taky sem si nemyslel že bych mohl sestřelit německý letadlo. Dva roky po válce se mi to konečně podařilo.
Abraham Simpson
Už jsem si postěžoval i jinde, ale zeptám se i tady. Po dvou měsících jsem updatoval DCS a jaké překvapení když mi F18 pomalinku ale jistě rolluje do strany a já musím neustále trimovat. Jak mi bylo jinde řečeno jde o bug.
Viz. https://forums.ea...p?t=233505
Tak se chci jen zeptat, jestli jsem tím postižen jen já..
Je potřeba Míro aktualizovat častěji, pak máš větší šanci se trefit do méně závadné verse než je ta poslední. Tuhle roll větrnou vychytávku mají poctivě všichni příchodem posledního patche.
v tom videu lítá se zapnutým nočním režimem ve dne, denní režim vypadá krapet jinak.
Od toho tam byla ta guma aby to nepřesvítilo světlo, takže je to možné. Testnu to proti zemi s bombardérem až bude čas ..
Magote mas ru alebo eng kokpit? pretoze v eng je popisok opacne ako v ru a podla ru ho ma v dennom rezime. A hadam v dennom rezime ma radar intenzivnejsie svietit co v tom videu svieti velmi intenzivne takze eng popisok je nespravne.
Upravil/a Nepa dne 06-03-2019 21:00
já si klidně jako RIO někdy zalítnu, ale budu se muset naučit všechny postupy a to chvíli potrvá ..
ještě jsem přemejšlel jestli nebude lepší namapovat si RIO kokpit na xone pad, páč tam jsou dvě páky a RIO potřebuje obě ovládat.
btw pokud budeš chtít lítat tu PG kampaň tah perským jezdcem, oni používají ještě nějaký další placený sw, nějaký to rádio, awacs a asi ještě něco ..
ještě propagace 19ctky .. NVA v Iráku
skyhawk & kocour Upravil/a magot dne 09-03-2019 23:37
Saburo napsal:
študuj magote
tady máš start z pohledu RIO
btw. na BlueFlag kampani na PG mapě by měl kocour lítat za Peršany...
Ta poslední verze zarovnání se zdá jako nejmenší zlo Akorát nechápu ten rozdíl mezi tím když se to zarovnává 18 minut nebo 1,7 minuty.
Btw na Blue flag by měli být trpělivější a počkat aspoň na verzi A. Verzi B nikdy Irán neměl.
New Features:
- Chocks now hold aircraft in place, selectable via Ground Crew Interface. Carrier starts now possible.
- RwR now integrated. Including sounds.(AN/APR-23)
- A-4E can now be launched with the catapult. (see the A4E-Community Guide for details)
- Carriers can now have TACAN and ILS. (see the A4E-Community Guide for details)
- Reworked AWRS for more accurate system simulation
- Added joystick mapping axis for inst light and console light.
- Lights inside cockpit reworked. Now “Combat Red”
- Reworked CBUs release code for more accurate simulation
- New option to change trim speed in aircraft options menu
- New implementation of the AN/ALE-29A Chaff Dispensing System.
- New mission planner options for setting options for the AN/ALE-29A programmer
- New shrike search and lock system added. Behavior is similar to AIM-9 Sidewinders arming procedure.
- New volume control for shrike and sidewinder volume (placeholder model)
- Added carrier catapult launch sounds (cockpit-only)
- New menu music by Eric Haugen
- Completely new collision and damage model. Fixes previous damage issues.
- Wheelbrakes can now be bound to a (single) Axis.
- Improved ground handling
- Options/special/A-4E: several options have been added like "hide Stick" and "trimspeed"
Bug Fixes:
- Fully functional collision mesh
- Red floodlight switch no longer stuck.
- No CTD when spawning on carrier.
- Fixed canopy visibility in cockpit when open.
- CBU visibility has been fixed.
- Huffer now works on carriers.
- Standby compass bug fixed. UV mapping of backlight rotated 180 degrees.
- Fixed RAT animation when deployed
- Fixed CBU bomblet visual placement in SUU-7 dispenser
- Fixed issue where turning a knob with the scroll wheel will cause it to jump back to the beginning when it reaches the end.
- Tweaked weight of SUU-7 dispenser
- Fixed anti-collision light switch on exterior lighting panel
- Fixed TrackIR issues
Other Changes:
- Console and Instrument Backlighting now controlled by appropriate knobs.
- AWRS now selects appropriate ripple quantities.
- Increased Pilot Size to reflect reference imagery.
- Updated keybinding. Countermeasures release is now known as the JATO firing button. Function is the same.
Weapon Systems:
- SALVO mode will now correctly only dispense one weapon from each readied station per weapon release pulse from AWRSAWRS QTY SEL will now correctly limit the number of times the weapons are released in the RIPPLE modes.
- AWE-1(AWRS) now powered from the monitor dc bus. Master arm switch no longer turns off the AWE-1
- Weapons will no longer be released from centerline station when in STEP PAIRS or RIPPLE PAIRS
- Station of equal priority are now required for weapon release in PAIRS modes.
- CBU bomblets are now released in tubes (CBU-1/A, CBU-2/A, CBU-2/B)
- Added kneeboard page for CBU config to change the number of tubes of bomblets released per weapon pulse. (CBU-2/A, CBU-2B/A)
- Added options to set CBU config from the mission planner/editor
- Tweaked start condition of weapon system when spawning hot Important:
You need to rebind your "Throttle Axis" and "Rudder Axis".
Read the A4E-Community Guide by heclak to avoid issues with the new carrier mechanics.
Going forward, there are a few features on the horizon that we look forward to development. Check out these sneak peaks at what comes next.
Visible Damage Modelling and Texturing - Fixing the collision mesh, which calculates damage taken from weapons, is just the first step in much bigger plans we have for damage modelling on the A-4E-C. Our current model does not yet have visible damage animations, something we’d greatly like to fix. Our focus will be turning to this very big feature as we head into summer.
Additional RWR Options - In real life, the A-4 was an incredibly modified aircraft, with no two squadrons operating identical aircraft in US service. Systems were mixed and match to fit the mission sets and preferences of each squadron. For our mod, we hope to introduce a greater degree of options when it comes to the RWR, whose functionality varied wildly based upon the systems used in it.
Integrity Check Issues – Multiplayer compatibility is a serious issue in the mod, and one of our most requested fixes. We’re working to resolve these fixes going forward, however we can make no promises due to the nature of the mod. The scope of our mod is much greater than others, with many points of failure with IC. We’ll continue our eternal struggle with it going into the next patch.
The features are expected to be release in a Late Summer 2019 Update. Stay tuned for more!
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