"zajímalo" by mne, jestli tohle jsou jejich plány nebo jejich informace, že toto mají slíbeno (odtajněno)
Porazit nepřítele a dát mu život může vypadat jako projev laskavosti,
ale ve skutečnosti to je to nejkrutější, co poraženého může potkat. [samurajský pohled na zajetí]
A quick look at the Pilot's Office of the DCS: F-14! We continue with start-up and other in-depth looks over the next days.
YouTube Video
G'day everyone, Today we are taking a look at some of interesting things you can do with the AIM-54C Phoenix over a couple of demonstration engagements.
I hope you enjoy!
A new datalink / SA page element was added today to support for SAM threat zones. These are determined before hand and are static indications based on Mission Editor settings. If the unit is hidden it will not appear on the SA display, if it is not hidden, it will display. Just like the real system, this is NOT a dynamic indication based on RWR or any sensors. It simply alerts the pilot of a reported SAM threat that was entered in the mission file before they even took off.
Porazit nepřítele a dát mu život může vypadat jako projev laskavosti,
ale ve skutečnosti to je to nejkrutější, co poraženého může potkat. [samurajský pohled na zajetí]
Co nevymačkaj z veřejně dostupných manuálů a pilotů který jim řeknou jen "public" informace, tak se dá předpokládat že všechny citlivé oblasti - RWR, IFF, radar, ECM, mody šifrování rádia apod. budou zcela vycucány z některého z dostupných prstů
Vycucaný z prstu to rozhodně nebude, ale rozhodně to bude zjednodušené pro nás, majitele DCS World, zatímco pro armádu už se dá kalkulovat s tím, že budou nasimulovány přesně.
Fakt si tu někdo myslí, že civilista dostane přesnou simulaci např. RWR?
U toho IFF podle mě nemusíš znát detaily. Nikdo po nich nechce šifrovací kódy. Stačí znát principy.
A co dosah? Případně pokud je IFF ve stavu nešifrovanáno, cílu typu FOE se mohou "zamaskovat" jako objekt typu unkown nebo friend.
Prolomení šifrování ale asi není na pořadu dne ...
Tak jsem vyřešil záhadu špatného úhlu zrcadel na Sršni. Podle ED vzorce priorit, bude zrovna tak viditelná vada opravena nejdříve do dvou let.
[img]https://img15.rajce.idnes.cz/d1503/11/11057/11057247_45659f63d9764a3a52746cec332994fd/images/Screen_190101_143300.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
[img]https://img15.rajce.idnes.cz/d1503/11/11057/11057247_45659f63d9764a3a52746cec332994fd/images/Screen_190216_124841.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Používám zoom na ose Z bez problému. Proveď zálohu adresáře C:\Users\xxxx\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Config\Input, pak ji smaž a nech vygenerovat čerstvou.
Upravil/a petsild dne 17-02-2019 18:07
Používám zoom na ose Z bez problému. Proveď zálohu adresáře C:\Users\xxxx\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Config\Input, pak ji smaž a nech vygenerovat čerstvou.
Už to funguje díky
Má-li problém řešení nemá cenu se trápit, nemá-li řešení trápení je zbytečné.
As mentioned in earlier posts, we are at work on a detailed Aircraft Settings capability through the Options, F/A-18C, Special Tab. This consists of two primary elements: Aircraft Systems and Mission Card. Both will allow you to pre-configure the Hornet before flight in both single and multiplayer. As such, you would be able to setup your own aircraft defaults.
Aircraft Systems include all functions that are NOT specific to mission (.miz) file or Mission Computer settings. This includes such items as lights, bingo fuel, various cockpit switches, altimeter, etc. In this way, you can have your aircraft setup just that way YOU want it.
The Mission Card allows you to set up software options for all missions that includes such items as radar settings, countermeasures, AG weapon programs, and navigation settings.
The third element of mission configuration MUST apply directly to the specific mission file or there will conflict between Aircraft Settings and the mission file… these are the waypoint settings. As always, a mission is created with a set of waypoints and properties when the mission is created by the mission designer. For the Hornet though, we are greatly adapting this to account for a much more realistic Hornet waypoint system that accounts for up to 60 waypoints in the database, of which waypoints can be assigned properties of sequence 1, sequence 2, sequence 3, initial point, A/A waypoint, Pre-Planned (PP), or Pre-Briefed (PB). In the Mission Planner, the player would be able to then adjust these if desired on a per-mission basis. We are also looking to making the Mission Planner available in multiplayer.
This will also include a new waypoint user interface that we’ll share a bit later once it is more solid.
This is all deep in development and very much subject to change. We have no release time frame in mind yet… it will be released to an Open Beta once we feel it’s ready.
I'll be talking about this much more in the next week or two, but basic JDAM is coming along well. Here is an image of the JDAM in Target Of Opportunity (TOO) mode. This will be in addition to the Pre-Planned (PP) mode. Once the the basic modes are in, we will add the dynamic launch zone indications on the HUD and HSI.
In the meantime, we are shooting for (not a promise) D/L SA page and HARM TOO mode for 27 February.
In parallel, LTWS, Aircraft/Mission Card, and wake turbulence are all progressing well.
I will be away for the next week, so there will be no new updates until next week.
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