The following video is a montage from my stream on the tomcat a few days ago. A link to the full stream is below. If you noticed anything wonky (Other than my flying) then it's more than likely due to a bug which will be fixed prior to the release.
* F/A-18C: Fixed AGM-65E target lock issue.
* Multimonitor: Left and Right monitors are changed is fixed.
* VR: One eye image blinks when water set to High is fixed.
* F/A-18C training - lesson 12 AIM-9. Default language will be EN not RU.
* In game debrief showing dictKey for unit names instead of actual unit name is fixed.
* Laser code panel does not close in some case is fixed.
* ME. FOG checkbox doesn't set when weather preset with fog selected is fixed.
* F/A-18C training - lesson 15 Rockets. Corrected an failure where RU was the default locale.
* AIM-7. New AIM-7 FM net phantom always flies straight ahead is fixed.
* Mirage M-2000: Nosewheel Steering/IFF Interrogate doesn't work is fixed.
* Christen Eagle II: DOS-window appears while CE II libraries loading is fixed.
nesrali vás u Ralfíka ty "stream" donate animace?
myslím že by bylo zajímavé někdy ty "duchaplné" aktivity co smrdí člověčinou krapet okořenit a posílat mu haléř každých 30s aby si po celou dobu záznamu lidi vychutnali tu reklamní stupiditu a někdo se třeba i zamyslel ..
nemám nic proti donate, ale na backgroundu
Magote, takhle Twitch funguje. Posíláš streamerům, které sleduješ "subscride". Tím si je vlastně "platíš", aby tvořili další obsah. Např. mu dáš subscride na týden, což tvoří běžně 5 USD. Když to udělá 1000 lidí, máš vyděláno 5000 USD bez zdanění během jednoho týdne.
Pokud autor nestreamuje dostatečně často a nemá dostatečný průměrný počet diváků, tak mu nejde nic poslat. To streamování se takto stává jeho živností. Ta animace upozorňuje na to, že mu někdo přispěl. Tím, že jeho nick takto zviditelní, mu vlastně děkuje.
Upravil/a AJaromir dne 21-01-2019 17:47
Já to znám, ale uniká mi podstata toho zobrazovacího mechanizmu.
Proč musí donátor vidět tu kreténskou po sté se opakující animaci? Co je na tom dobrého?
Proč nemůžou bejt všichni matka Tereza, být skromní a darovat ty svoje peníze tak aby s tím někoho neotravovali a nenaparovali si své ego že viděj svůj stupidní nick ve streamu ...
ufff tohle je ale debilní civilzace
DCS F-14B Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations Preview: Pilot Arming Ejection Seat, RIO Closing Canopy.
YouTube Video
DCS F-14B Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations Preview: Launching from an aircraft carrier.
YouTube Video
DCS F-14B Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations Preview: Exploring the wing physics model.
YouTube Video
DCS World: Phoenix | F-14B Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations
The early morning sunrise, The soft sound of the ocean, The Screaming roar of two F110-GE-400 Jet engines with the afterburners lit. . . . Sounds like the perfect morning to go blow up a Russian bomber from a hundred kilometers away.
* Fixed crash if tank has been destroyed while shooting.
* AIM-7. Loft trajectory corrected. Arm delay increased for safe launch.
* MP. AIM-7. Net phantom (client side) of missile always flies straight ahead fixed.
DCS C-101 by AvioDev
* Updated CC kneeboard with TACAN-DME tables.
* Fixed digits in altimeter Kollsman window of C-101CC.
* Removed Air Brake Toggle from control inputs.
* Updated C-101CC kneeboard with an additional depression table for bombs employment.
DCS Christen Eagle II by Magnitude LLC
* Fixed UVs on fuel pump and its switch.
* Fixed anniversary year on pilots' patch.
* Added 'Open Canopy' to network animation code.
* Improved compass animation.
* Fixed numerous cockpit typos.
* Fixed typos in manual.
* Fixed track replay.
* Elevator trim, mixture and RPM levers now works with mouse input. Note: If a "axis" is mapped, it will tend to override mouse or keyboard input, since joystick inputs are scanned on any joystick input change.
* Added inputs for radio frequency, channel selection and on/off, etc.
* Altimeter setup can now be adjusted from rear seat.
* Slightly improved movement over grassy terrain.
* Improved FM effects when taking damage.
* Improved sounds, such as engine startup, rolling, airframe stress, etc.
* Updated auto start/stop sequences.
DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude LLC
* Fixed track replay.
* F/A-18C. Update of the french Hornet manual.
* Su-33. Corrected unnatural camera shaking when wings folded.
Known Isses
AIM-7M. Absence of RWR launch warning.
* první dojmy z MiGu-19P, tentokráte od Growling Sidewinder
Early Access look at the Mig-19P by Razbam, This module really has me impressed. I love the look and the feel of the aircraft and how simple the systems are to operate, really does make you feel like you're sitting in a soviet era jet. Big thank you to Razbam for allowing me to take a look at this bird, and for all the hard work and detail they put into their modules. I'm having a lot of fun with this one. I highly recommend checking it out if you're into the older style aircraft.
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