ale prosím tě, vždyť je to nějakej soudruh, komsomolec, od Donu, jako ty .. ale kdyby to bylo v ruštině tak by tomu bylo rozumět víc i kdyby člověk rusky neuměl
Coming in late January or early February is A-4E-C version 1.0.3. This update will bring several big bug fixes, as well as introducing a few new features as well. Thanks to the incredible work of Heclak, creator of the earliest submods for the A-4E-C, we have been able to introduce a large number of bugfixes and features. There are still a number of high-priority bugs we’re working to a identify the cause of (impervious to missiles) and will provide an update when a solution has been implemented. For now, here are some of the highlights of the upcoming update.
New Features:
-Carrier Cold Start
-Parking chocks option and animation (WIP Screenshot Below)
Baltic Dragon, co ty cvičné mise vytváří, se k tomu vyjádřil následovně:
Hey guys, on the instructor:
The thick Russian accent was entirely my idea, as a half way through doing the instructions in Russian (which would probably spark even more criticism) and having a clean English (which I wouldn't have for a Soviet plane because it just isn't right). I also thought it would make some people smile :)
Having said that, my opinion is that these training missions are for you, and if you find it hard to focus, I see no problem with making the accent less noticeable if that helps.
And to kill all speculation: the voice actor IS Russian. 100%.
RAZBAM Simulations MiG-19P - Early Access First Look!
* Spudknocker a jeho první dojmy z MiGu-19
This is my first impressions on the RAZBAM MiG-19P Farmer-B for DCS: World and taking her through her paces.
In this video we will join Operation Constant Peg and the 4477th Test and Evaluation Squadron at the Tonopah Test Range Airfield to evaluate the performance and combat potential of the MiG-19P.
As always be aware that this module is a work in progress and everything is subject to change! That being said, RAZBAM has told me that the MiG-19P will release in a nearly complete state.
Next week we plan to release the AGM-88C HARM with the Self Protect (SP) mode. Soon after we will follow that up with the Target of Opportunity (TOO), Pre-Briefed (PB), pullback modes.
Operation of the HARM in SP mode is quite simple:
1. Master Arm Switch to ARM
2. A/G Master Mode ON
3. Select HARM from the TAC/Stores page
4. Press the HARM Sequence/RAID/FLIR FoV switch or [i] to cycle the ground-radar emitters on the EW page / EW HUD / Azimuth Indicator (aka RWR scope)
5. RESET will automatically select the highest threat emitter
6. Press and HOLD the weapon release button or [LEFT ALT + SPACEBAR]
7. Shout MAGNUM at the top of your lungs
Some notes:
* HARM range is highly dependent on launch altitude and speed. A high and fast launch at 45k MSL at 1.3M will allow engagement out to 80 nm.
* When in SP mode, no target range is provided. Have a good understanding of where the target may be before you launch that HARM.
* Some advanced SAM systems can shoot down a HARM. It is not a magic bullet.
* Most of all, have fun and enjoy the SAM payback!
Co máte všici s těma přízvukama???
Američani přízvuk neřeší, Angličani přízvuk nereší, Němci, Francouzi, Indové, Rusové, Pákistánci, Číňani, Japonci (ti dokonce nemají hlásku "L" a všude místo ní říkají "R" - když říkají věci jako "rav you, girr" tak to je fakt síra )... nikdo přízvuk v angličtině neřeší.
Akorát Češi, Slováci a Švédové se můžou posrat z přízvuku v angličtině!
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