Hm, zajímá mě, jak to s těmi body myslí. Prý v MAC bude možnost sbírat body, za které bude možno koupit DCS World produkty.
Taking advantage of the new Dedicated Server system, MAC will allow you to earn accomplishments and points that you can then use to purchase DCS World products. The new system has a detailed point-earning system that is also tied to leader boards and record scores.
Taky nabízí vrácení peněz za HAWKa, který definitivně nebude.
Given this unfortunate situation, we will fully refund all Hawk customers that purchased the module starting from 1 October 2018. If you wish a full refund, please enter a support request here.
Rozhodli se, že aby k tomuto v budoucnu nedošlo, budou jim muset třetí strany poskytovat data.
Petsilde, víš jinak, že většina shaderů se již nějaký pátek ukládají jinam?
Je to přímo ve složce mapy\misc
Ale údajně to jsou předkompilované shadery pro VR.
Upravil/a AJaromir dne 29-12-2018 18:43
Let's WIP again !
I'm currently highpolyizing the BO-105's. One will say: "Why didn't he do that before ?".
Well - It have a simple reason. Back then when I started texturing, I thought the level for DCS is good enough. But the timeline of DCS showed me that good can be made even better.
Here we go: I started with the swedish HKP...
* pro zajímavost z komentářů na FB:
And finally the whole BO-105 will have this heavy wireframe? By the way what is the maximum amount of triangles for a mod in DCS?
That "Heavy Wireframe" is needed to bake the Highpoly Information on the Lowpoly mesh (Normalmap)
* chtějí reprodukci následujících konfliktů:
-- Jomkipurská válka, rok 1973
-- První libanonská válka, rok 1982
-- osvobození Sýrie od teroristů, rok 2017
* velikost mapy 610x440km
* města:
-- Izrael: Haifa a Shefaran
-- Libanon: Bejrút a Tripoli
-- Turecko: Adana a Gaziantep
-- Jordánsko: Irbit a Jerash
-- Sýrie: Damašek, Homs, Hama, Lattakia, Iglib, Aleppo, Raqka a další
* namodelována Palmýra, pevnost Allepo, pevnost Krak de Chevalier, mešita Mohameda Al-Amina a další památky
* více než 20 letišť včetně mezinárodních v Damasku a Bejrútu, americké základny v Incirliku a ruské základny VKS Hmeymim a námořní Tartus
Hello everyone, we will be updating our progress with some images and a ILS landing video here.
One of our main focus in recent month is the UFCP, which is the main input device for important systems such as navigation and IFF.
DTC card settings including IFF, navigation and countermeasures will be presented in game configs, and you'll be loading it to the aircraft systems during preflight, otherwise most of the systems will receive no preset data and will be rendered unusable. A wrong IFF encoding key may even get you killed as we implemented some rudimentary IFF procedures.
We're planning to launch our early access product in summer 2019 if nothing goes wrong.
IL-2 Sturmovik™, Cliffs of Dover™, Pacific Fighters™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of 1C EUROPE, 1C-Multimedia, 1C ONLINE GAMES.
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