G940 se hodně rychle stáhla z prodeje, měla na můj vkus celkem slušné technické projektové vady. Osobně jsem ji dvakrát reklamoval, pak jsem to vzdal. O to víc jsem naštvanej, že páky od Saiteku teď prodává Logitech jako vlastní výrobek. Ale jinak se mi líbil z fóra ten mutant T-50 na základně MSSWFFB2.
Při současných cenách modulů, celkem dobrá nabídka. Jo před pár lety se dal sehnat v akci Ka-50 za nehoráznou sumu 7,99$.
Škoda že není možnost set nějak rozdělit?
Jedna stránka na FB se samou radostí z plánované slevové akce rozhodla udělat "soutěž" o 10ks horneta. Pravidla pro zařazení do slosování jsou: sdílet jejich příspěvek o soutěži, napsat komentář pod onen příspěvek na jejich stránce.
Při současných cenách modulů, celkem dobrá nabídka. Jo před pár lety se dal sehnat v akci Ka-50 za nehoráznou sumu 7,99$.
Škoda že není možnost set nějak rozdělit?
Ptá se na to hodně lidí, ale nelze. Můžeš se zkusit s někým domluvit a ty moduly si pak rozdělit přes podporu jako dárky.
OK, after reading about the worries of what is NOT in the sim as flyable aircraft for the South Atlantic islands terrain, here is a list of what's TANGIBLY being worked on, by NO reason this is to be taken as a hype train post, it's simple what you can expect by and/or after such terrain is available for purchase AND NOT BEFORE and have no relation at all to any AI asset that will have to be included with it. Any self induced hype is sole responsibility of the person involved and as already stated, is not the reason for this post. These aircraft are:
IA-58 Pucara
Mirage III (or) IAI Dagger (either one, not both)
Dassault Super Etendard
Sea Harrier FRS.1
Each of these already have a 3d developer assigned, who is busy with already scheduled and licensed developments, so they are NOT a PRIORITY for the time being. As for the other aircraft directly involved and not mentioned, there is nothing i can comment at the moment, since as it is, is a monumental effort.Maybe another licensed 3rd party developer will jump on it, who knows?
ABSOLUTELY no availability or release date as of today,also no particular release order, it's all up to the pertinent developer and his/her progress and self imposed deadlines, you'll know about the progress following either this page, ED's forums and our main webpage.
Also please keep in mind this list still have to go thru ED tight licensing process, which means it could be drastically changed , or not in the mid to long term.
* plán dokončení Viggenu pro tento rok stále platí
* příští aktualizace nabídnou: RAT (Ram Air Turbine), pilota, předělávku PBR kokpitu i exteriéru, nové zvuky, nové mise a kampaně, vylepšení výkonu
* po vydání F-14 budou pro Viggen backportovat nějaké fičury co dělají pro F-14
* pro další aktualizaci bety je v plánu následující:
-- Fixes to generated data cartridge, including: only planning for non-infantry units and fixes to broken SKU-planning.
-- New! Flight planner now also uses terrain to plan for least exposed approach to target while still allowing for pop-up maneuvers.
-- New WiP Feature! generated data cartridges after ELINT has been collected. Is selectable in kneeboard and will generate a flight plan with a search pattern for the radar transmitter. You can select a stand-off range or to overfly the area.
-- Sidewinder fix: T1 to Radar-lock instead of TV, and the missile is now not re-caged when setting safety armed.
-- Fix to the HUD presenting wind compensation incorrectly when in a bank.
-- New! Callsigns (including your own) are now displayed in the kneeboard.
-- RPM in outside view adjusted to say 100% when at max RPM instead of 97%.
-- Corrected AI Afterburner sounds.
-- Fixed flight-envelope values for AI.
-- Introduced a weight on wheels workaround to fix thrust reverser issues.
-- Corrected ability to re-fix MÅL-points.
* pro další aktualizace se připravuje:
-- nové a vylepšené efekty přídavného spalování
[img]http://media.heatblur.se/AB1.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
[img]http://media.heatblur.se/AB2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
-- RAT (Ram Air Turbine)
[img]http://media.heatblur.se/RAT1.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
[img]http://media.heatblur.se/RAT2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
[img]http://media.heatblur.se/RAT3.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
-- 32bpp uncompressed normalmaps
[img]http://media.heatblur.se/Normals.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
[img]http://media.heatblur.se/Normals2.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
[img]http://media.heatblur.se/Normals3.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
-- další chystané změny:
-- Exterior mirrors now reflect the environment
-- Fixed various clipping and shine-through issues in exterior (esp. Cockpit)
-- Sculpted new normalmap for exhaust nozzle and area
-- Sculpted new normalmap for exterior exhaust shell
-- Added RoughMet textures for the exhaust shell
-- Added turbine texture for better deep engine detail
-- Metal elements on wings now have appropriate material definitions
-- Animated engine exhaust fan
-- New! Significantly improved visual fidelity of afterburner
-- Afterburner now cast lights inside engine exhaust pipe
-- Afterburner now cast lights on surrounding objects and terrain
-- Corrected afterburner z-fighting
-- Afterburner planes do not render at high viewing angles.
-- Corrected afterburner self-illumination
-- Fixed glass in LoD (distant) models turning opaque and bright.
-- New! Added significantly better quality uncompressed normal maps for entire exterior
-- Light domes are now appropriately shiny
-- Fixed wheel/tire animation values so they spin at correct speeds.
IL-2 Sturmovik™, Cliffs of Dover™, Pacific Fighters™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of 1C EUROPE, 1C-Multimedia, 1C ONLINE GAMES.
Other marks used herein are those of their respective owners.