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IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
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· Nejnovější pilot: carramba66
IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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DCS World 2017
no zhroucená guma na trubce Úsměv

[img][/img] is not a valid Image.
tady už se guma "vypařila"
[img][/img] is not a valid Image.

Osobně bych to dal no nastavení "special settings" - radar tube ON/OFF - a kdo by si potrpěl na zbytečnou kosmetiku která nemá účel v DCS enginu ten by si to zapnul
(případně by šel radar screen třeba vyvolat externě přes klávesu nebo na pevno přilepit pohled do trubky přes klávesu)
Upravil/a magot dne 29-07-2018 01:25
Pokud vím, tak odlesky budíků jsou v DCS nasimulované, takže by to fungovat mohlo.
nejde ani tak o odlesky ale v reálu ty starý ruský obrazovky snadno přesvítilo slunce
Takže kontrast. To podle mě DCS taky umí.
no kdyby defaultně nastavili velmi slabý kontrast bez možnosti dalšího zvýšení pak by to možná na slunci mizelo Úsměv
Stačí nastavit malý jas displaye.
RAZBAM Simulations F-15E Strike Eagle

OK Basically the F-15E FLCS is pretty much done, fixed small issues with the texture and a few modeling inaccuracies. So to close off this part of the development we put together a little montage. (cue the montage music)
AJaromir napsal:

Stačí nastavit malý jas displaye.

Kdyby to stačilo tak by tam rusáci nedávali ty trubky Úsměv
Jsme si asi nerozuměli - požadovaný efekt je aby ty trubky byly k něčemu dobrý, by bylo, že když ti posvítí slunce na obrazovku radaru, tak nebudeš nic vidět i při plném jasu.
Pokud můžeš v klidu nastavit jas a vše je krásně vidět pak tam tu trubku nemusej dávat .. - tzn. engine nepodporuje "simulaci" mizerné ruské obrazovky
Jinak to tam je pro srandu králikům.
Upravil/a magot dne 29-07-2018 14:39
Kdyby tam tu trubku nedali, tak by si s tím měl stejně problém... jako se vším
U Spita je třeba zatmavovací filtr zaměřovače, proti slunci jen na ozdobu. Limity na tak základních materiálech jsou naprosto ostudné no.
Magote, já to myslím tak, že když maximální (naprogramovaný) jas bude dostatečně slabý, tak dosáhneš žádaného efektu.
Upravil/a AJaromir dne 29-07-2018 20:11
Přesně Jaromíre.
VEAO Simulations Hawk T.1A

Hey Guys,
With the updated Hawk cockpit model and textures we are using the new lighting system in DCS which will fix the current night lighting bug which is using the old system.

I'm tinkering with the values and light sources to give a good atmosphere when flying at night time and once done the new cockpit will be pushed out to you.

Here is a screenshot of the new cockpit at night I'm playing with.


RAZBAM Simulations USS Tarawa (LHA-1)

A WIP video of the LHA-1 Tarawa

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

nějaký moddeři bastlej exterňák 747
[img][/img] is not a valid Image.
Upravil/a magot dne 31-07-2018 23:11
DCS Update 8

DCS World

* Corrected an airdrome surface marking in the ME satellite view.
* The helicopters will landing on the CVN-70 deck.
* The helicopter doesn't perform the task Ground Escort in some cases - fixed.
* MP. Net phantom long teleportation for new client - partially fixed (WIP).
* Eliminated the strange maneuvers of AI aircraft after attack a target in group.
* SAM and AA missiles. The system of variable coefficients of proportional navigation is implemented. Only for MIM-104 Patriot so far. WIP.

DCS F/A-18C Hornet

* When Using Custom Cockpit Livery other than Default, the Default will not to Load simultaneously.
* HUD glass has become lighter.
* Corrected Radar Page TDC Control.
* Implemented the Maximum aspect cue.

DCS AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

* Fixed crashing issue on aircraft re-initialization (respawn, refly)
* Fixed crashing issue due to ELINT page dump
* Fixed crashing issue due to Radar texture memory issues
* Reworked overall Sidewinder seeker behaviour.
* Increased Rb-74 (AIM-9L) all-aspect capabilities.
* Fixed RB24J (AIM-9P) to be properly rear-aspect.
* Re-added kneeboard settings page
* Fixed trim on ground start - now defaults to 3 degrees
* Added realtime mirror rendering
* Added clickable helpers to disable mirrors
* Completed release candidate of flight manual
* Viggen canopy glass now uses glass shader - compatibility with Kegety's VR mod
* Viggen canopy glass raindrop effect added
* Overhauled night lighting
* Improved accuracy of all bombing modes/sights (sans Dive bombing)

DCS Hawk T1 by VEAO

* New cockpit 3D model
* NOTE: Parking brake has moved to right hand panel towards the rear behind the map box.
* New PBR cockpit textures
* Cockpit night lighting bug fix
* Cockpit performance tweaks (better FPS)
* Cockpit further enhancements for VR
* Keyboard and Joystick Controls updated for night lighting

DCS Spitfire IX

* When you call the Input Panel in the game will open the correct profile of the Spitfire modification.

DCS Ka-50

* Training missions added CN voiceover


* A-10C Operation Piercing Fury - Mission 08: Removed some trees blocking target view. Mission 14: Removed trees, adjusted AI helicopter landing logic, adjusted enemy vehicle waypoint logic. Mission 15: Removed trees along main road, fixed friendly helicopter landing / timing, and bomb in zone for bridge trigger (GBU-12).
* P-51D Charnwood Campaign - added RU localization.

Known Issues
Due the technical issues the cockpits of MiG-21bis and SA342 are temporary disabled in this build.
Possible issues with the respawn of clients on the carrier deck.

Edit: Oprava kokpitu Hawk T.1A:
Hawk PBR Cockpit Update - Files

Edit2: Hornet dostal AIM-120B:

a USS Tarawa noční osvětlení:
Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 01-08-2018 16:39
Maj ty amraamy podporu radaru? V jakých režimech se používají?

Ta neaktivnost 21 a gazely je nemilá ..
magot napsal:

Maj ty amraamy podporu radaru? V jakých režimech se používají?

Zkoušel jsem jenom zamknout, vystřelit a zasáhnout cíl.

magot napsal:
Ta neaktivnost 21 a gazely je nemilá ..

NineLine vysvětluje:
Guys, about the 2 modules disabled by this Open Beta update, the 2 teams responsible for those modules did not turn in the updated dlls for those modules, as this is Open Beta we decided to get what had been updated out for testing instead of holding up the update. I hope this will be rectified ASAP.
Aces_Wild napsal:
Zkoušel jsem jenom zamknout, vystřelit a zasáhnout cíl.

Dík. To bude asi BVR režim používaný u sparrow.
Oni se daj právě používat na přímo jako aim-7 i jako long range, INS/pasiv navádění a v na závěr aktiv.
Ale to tam asi ještě nebude implementováno.
tak jsem ten update s amraamy testoval a

- 4x AAM, 2xAIM7, 2x AIM9 a 1X center bak a na úrovni moře při forsáži nepřekoná mach 1, měl jsem tam max 0.97M, je to možný?
- frontálně (face to face) se AAM lockne okolo 10 nm (verze B měla dosah 30 až 40 nm)
(nicméně to locknutí na 10nm by zhruba odpovídalo modu aktivního navádění, tzn. polo-active asi ještě nebude ready )
- ta čeština je fakt za trest .. jsem zase hodinu hledal kterak básník pojmenoval TDC, "značkovač cíle", ale je to moje blbost že nemám EN verzi

// edit

tak jsem se v tom ďoubal a dostal z AAM maximum, že při odpalu bylo mezi mnou a cílem 15 nm (28km) face to face, mach 1, odpal z 10 000 ft, cíl IL-78 (minimálně manévrující)

jo a při odpalu čtyř AAM, ten druhý dohoní ten první a sestřelí ho, třetí a čtvrtý zasáhnou cíl, to je komedie tahle hra Pff
Upravil/a magot dne 01-08-2018 23:48
RAZBAM Simulations USS Tarawa (LHA-1)

More updates on LHA-1 parking spots

YouTube Video

A-4E Skyhawk - August Update - Release Announcement

Hello everyone, today it is my pleasure to make a very special announcement. Before I begin, I’d like to say a few words about this project.

Two and a half years ago, I was browsing reddit and came across a concept image for a community made aircraft. I dm’d the author, one thing led to another, and before I knew it we had a discord filled with eager individuals ready for a challenge. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought we’d reach this moment in time. I would like to thank all of you in this community for your incredible support; it’s really kept us going through the challenging obstacles we’ve gone through to get here. Additionally, I’d like to thank our team members, past and present, for carrying this project through. The countless weekends spent fixing what seem to be the simplest things really do add up. But in the end, we hope it’s for something we can all enjoy.

With that, it is my immense pleasure to announce that the Community A-4 will available for download this October. A more precise release date and download location will come soon, however I am now 100% confident that we can reach at least the end of October, if not earlier in that month. Please expect there to be at least a few bugs upon release, but that we will continue to support this aircraft past that date.

In the coming months, I’ll be compiling videos on the implementation of weapons systems, flight systems and more. Here are some of the biggest features you can expect from our aircraft.

Community A-4 Features
- Functional Air to Ground Radar
- Shrike Anti-Radiation Missile
- Carrier landing and faux Carrier Takeoff
- Simple Autopilot

Features NOT Included in the Community A-4
- Operational Radio
- Air to Air Refueling (Dependent on Radio)
- Buddy Air to Air Refueling
- Non-boresight AIM-9 Launch
- F/A-18 Fidelity Carrier Takeoff
- Nuclear Weapons Deployment

Because this month we have been on vacations and dealt with other non-DCS distractions, we don't have anything substantive to showcase this month. However, we are on course for a successful release in October, with the final pieces of the puzzle coming together in the remaining months. As requested, I've compiled a small list of what remains to be completed.

- Pilot
- Pylon Hooks

- Small gaps in the cockpit frame
- Pylon on/off for aerobatic liveries (if possible)
- Cockpit panel backlighting

Additionally, I hope to create videos on the following subjects before release:
- Startup
- A/G Radar Operation
- A/A Weapons
- A/G Weapons

I look forward to sharing these videos with you in the coming months, as well as the light at the end of the tunnel which can now be seen. This day has been a long time coming, and I truly how that this mod will be something you can all enjoy. As always, thank you for your support through the past two years!

I would also like to add just how much I enjoy working with our team. We've been through good times and bad, and it has been my humble pleasure to work with them on this project. Its been a journey that I can't quite describe, and far more than anything I ever expected. Thank you so much team!!

Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 02-08-2018 11:43
Přejít na fórum:
HANÁCKÉ SLET 14.6.-16.6.


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a zaregistrujte se.

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Heslo: net

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31-10-2024 09:57
ČTK: Z dosud nezjištěných příčin se dnes v noci zřídilo letadlo na solární pohon.

21-10-2024 20:04
Intel vydal novou aktualizaci mikrokódu.

02-10-2024 14:07
To není dobrá myšlenka. Belzebub každého stáhne do pekel a přes zvolené zástupce i nás obyčejné lidi. Vyděšený

27-09-2024 11:19
Pokud ti co zvolím budou plnit svůj program, ať se klidně spojí i s Belzebubem.

26-09-2024 16:00
Kdokoliv bude v koalici s kýmkoliv. Jím nejde o smysl, ale o prachy a to politiky spojuje.

25-09-2024 16:44
Příští volby vyhraje ANO a bude v koalici s ODS. Ostatní strany budou v opozici.

23-09-2024 08:17
Prognostik z tebe už nebude. Úsměv

19-09-2024 19:18
Jelikož se blíží ten čas, tak bych jen skromně řekl: Nacionalisti všech zemí, vyližte si prdel! Šklebící se

13-09-2024 15:43
Kroměříž a Olomouc - Pravděpodobnost 3. povodňového stupně >90%

12-09-2024 16:09
A toto je noční můra Troubek: https://hydro.chm.

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