U toho přistávání na letadlovku jsem došel k jednomu triku, který musím vyzkoušet. Jde o to, že má být sestupná dráha 3°, ale vůči letadlovce, ne vůči zemi (nepohybující se vodě). Z toho vyplývá, že vůči zemi bude sestup pod mnohem mírnějším úhlem, takže je nutné "položit" FPM někam před příď letadlovky a sestup hlídat tak, že lana budou mezi značkou horizontu a 5° pod horizont, blíž k 5°, což by odpovídalo sestupu 3°. Totiž meetball jde vidět hodně pozdě. Asi mám malý rozlišení nebo malý monitor. Hurá na to.
Upravil/a AJaromir dne 11-06-2018 16:16
mělo by bejt v oblasti "Crotch" to je ta část vpředu po levé straně paluby odstavné plochy (za ostrůvkem)
meatball je prd vidět ale co jsem koukal na videa z reálu tak je vidět ještě větší prd, např. pokud svítí hodně slunce apod ..
Upravil/a magot dne 11-06-2018 17:07
Mikoyan Weekend has ended and while most of the work is about making the cockpit clickable, the gunsights prototypes are now working.
We used the Ka-50 gunsights as a test bed. The MiG-19P's real gunsights will be available later.
The big sight is a stand-in for the Gyro ASP-5ND sight. The small circle is the stand-in for the AR-18-8 radar gunsight.
Although it cannot be discerned in the pic, each gunsight has its own combiner glass.
* JTAC radios comms error due to SA-18 fixed.
* AI F/A-18C. Incorrect surfaces position with cold start of AI aircraft corrected.
* AI F/A-18C. Default control surfaces after landing corrected.
* AI F/A-18C. Aircraft will spawn without hot running engine when selected cold start option on the deck parking.
* ME. Ground/water units numeration corrected.
* ME F/A-18C payload panel. Added option for removing pylons in the payloads menu.
* The modulation of shipborne radios set to AM by default.
DCS F/A-18C Hornet
* Sound distortion when passing through Mach 1 corrected.
* Radar altitude hold mode autopilot will not be goes to high negative Gs.
* The spawned aircraft will not be stucking in the carrier deck.
* EMERJ JETT button will require push and hold for the emergency jettison sequence routine. There is no instantaneous jettison.
* Fixed the behavior of the aircraft when flaps extended from the AUTO to HALF/FULL positions.
* Chaff/Flare EW Page. It is possible to go from a value 100 to 0 by one click UP button.
* Bug with pressing UFC button 4 that caused to remove some of the aircrafts elements - fixed.
* Fixed countermeasures reload.
* MP. Carrier Auto Launch Sequence. A client should have to be within 3 meters of the start of the CAT, with angles in not more 10 degrees to CAT line error and extended launch bar for the shortcut key U to work and connect the launch bar.
* MP. The clients will be stand tightly on the deck during the ship’s motions.
* Added option and input command to enable/disable afterburner detent, default fingerlift key is for both. For normal operation, you must re-save the options before the first use.
* MP. Carrier spawn queuing system causes game crash - fixed.
* Updated the french F/A-18C Hornet manual.
DCS MiG-21Bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
* Adjusted HUD and windscreen reflectiveness.
* Removed duplicate 3D mesh objects in cockpit.
* Adjusted landing and taxi lights as a temporary fix to prevent cockpit bleed-through.
* Added RSBN frequencies for Persian Gulf.
* Fixed missing kneeboard maps.
* Updated mission folder structure.
DLC Campaigns
* A-10C NTTR Red Flag Campaign - added CN localization
Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 13-06-2018 17:17
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