Miro, to jsi asi něco zaspal. Tohle už existuje spoustu let. Jedná se o nekomerční verzi DCS určenou pro armády a tak podobně. Když se na to podíváš, tak již mají stroje jako F-16, AH-64, mapy Avghánistánu a Sýrie dávno hotové, ale neprodejné, protože to jsou "tajné" projekty na zakázku pro nějakou vládní organizaci.
Based on client needs, TBS can be configured to meet your procedural and mission rehearsal requirements. This includes the client-import of classified systems performance data, the creation of new map environments, and the creation of new weapon and sensor platforms.
Což znamená, že to dělají z přístupných dat, přičemž nechávají uživateli okno si ty data upravit na základě utajovaných dat ke kterým má přístup pouze uživatel.
* New login procedure on the start of game.
* Restored of the helicopter descent functionality.
* Encyclopedia. Many new units/objects added.
* ME. Unit’s MODULE name added to UNIT LIST PANEL.
* SA-6 Kub. Continuously loss target tracking - fixed.
* SA-11 Buk: Launcher has too big detection angle - fixed.
* SAM Hawk work restored.
* Flat shadows restored.
* Trees shadows will not disappear at some view and distance.
* Crash caused by attack of AI fighter to cruise missile - fixed.
* Illumination bomb now have a damage model.
* AI ships. Dramatical FPS drop when harpoon launched - fixed.
* SSE. Controller.getDetectedTargets() will work with EWR radars.
* Added localization keys for WWII aircraft armaments.
* KC-135 can refuel from another tanker.
* AI aircraft refuel sequence corrected.
* The Multi-functional Display will be not flickering when using SLI/XFire and Deferred Shading.
* Warehouse status restored for warehouse static objects.
* Moon will light the fog.
* AI aircraft. The impact point calculation of CBU-97 corrected.
* User statistic information collecting added.
* Axis indication added to Input GUI.
* Add China Asset Pack.
* Update voice over for CN.
* Aircraft will be not damaged when it spawned on the flight deck of carrier.
* Added special "END MISSION" button to save progress in campaign in the Debriefing window.
* Added procedure that collect all necessary files to ZIP for diagnostic. After game crash, will be started procedure that automatically collects debugging information: crash report, crash dump, track, log. If the user agrees to provide information about the system, then msinfo.nfo and dxdiag.txt files are additionally attached.
* Added a gameplay statistics. If the user agrees for statistic collecting, the game settings and the type of the player controlled object will be sended to server. This information will be analyzed for further gameplay improvements.
DCS Flaming Cliffs
* Su-27/33: Added engine thrust dependence on the outside air temperature.
* Su-27: Stick limiter override command added to joystick profile.
* A-10A: Added axis control of wheel brakes.
* MiG-29: Airbrake will be closed when gear is lowered.
* Su-33. Altimeter will not stop at high altitude.
DCS C-101 by AvioDev
* Corrected ADI ball animation in both pitch and roll. (Removed movement in "yaw". Improved pitch accuracy).
* New Flight Director bars with curvature, according to real ADI presentation.
* New sounds implemented for control stick and rudder pedals. (WIP).
* Removed unwanted sound when canopy is open.
* TACAN memory/acquisition logic adjusted - acquisition timer added (0.5 seconds).
* Updated TACAN 115V power consumption - no consumption when in receive only mode.
* Engine EGT limits were implemented
* Fine tuning of the engine and hover modelling was done, discrepancy with real chart now not exceeding 2.7%.
* Cargo indicator logic was remade for cargo unhook aid mode.
* Bug when you drop/unhook sling load cargo but cargo weight is still affecting airframe was fixed
* Sling load cargo drop cockpit controls were implemented
* Tail boom separation during sling load operation with acceptable vertical speed was fixed
* Crew chief hints for cargo unhook zone navigation was tuned (EN version still needs addition of several commands WIP)
* Cargo indicator logic was remade for cargo unhook aid mode
* Visualization of sling load cable was fixed
* Refinement of tuning for AP-34B autopilot was done in pitch-roll channel
DCS NS-430
* TOTAL TRIP TIME timer in the Utility menu counts too fast
* Measure cursor doesn't allow measurement of arbitrary points on the map
* NRST entry in Direct-To page incorrect
* Wrong distance units displayed
* Fixed typing with a large right knob
* Unable to select NRST from Direct-To
* Rounding error in remaining leg distance
* Default runway minimum length on the NRSTapt page should be shorter than 2000m
* NRSTapt page approach type should show best available approach (not always ILS)
* VLOC default frequency is outside the allowed range of radio navigation beacons
* Cannot make USR waypoints.
* DIS field on NAVdefault page shows wrong number of digits
* GPS should remember which subpage you were on
* Unable to set more than 9.9 gallons per hour in the Fuel Planning menu
* Changing GS field on NAVdef page causes other fields to disappear
* If you turn power off and back on, it resumes inputting fields on the self test screen
* Measure cursor position gets corrupted when you zoom in or out
* Unable to load approaches with flight plans or direct-to enabled
* FPL button unusable after adding a waypoint to a flight plan
* Track doesn't seem to account for magnetic declination properly, since JSAVIONICS changes
* DIS field on flight plan page should only have 1 decimal place
* Flight Plan errors
* Unable to select airport properly when loading approaches without a flight plan or destination
* Heading instead of track
DCS Spitfire IX
* Added default snap views.
* F-15C The Georgian War Campaign - restored trigger functionality.
* Su-33 Heavy Sky and Sea Dragon campaigns updated and converted to the multi-language format.
And also a number of minor updates and fixes.
Known issues
* DCS AKS-37 Viggen RWR crash.
* Background music heard in multiplayer. Temporary solution: just slightly move the music volume slider in the ingame options panel.
* Black skins in the Encyclopedia.
* Crash with NAVY group route planning in the F10 map.
Fakt nechápu ED, proč vydali 1.5 patch, když psali že za pár týdnů vyjde 2.5. K čemu je to asi dobrý ..
Asi chtějí 1.5 dostat do použitelnýho stavu a zakonzervovat. :) O 1.5.8 se psalo už nějakou chvilku.
Edit2: Tak tady je důvod proč nejdříve 1.5. Statistika jim ukazuje více hráčů na Kavkaze než na Nevadě.
Aktualizace je k dispozici, ještě to tahalo nějakých 8,5GB z instalace 2.1:
Pokud si nechcete instalovat openbetu zvlášť a máte 1.5 release nainstalovánu, lze použít následující příkaz k aktualizaci na openbeta (spustťe z adresáře instalace DCS/bin):
Edit: První obrázek je ze zmíněného článku, druhý pak z FB Belsimteku
[img]http://www.twomoreweeks.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/23600941_920531481427744_1671435738_o-e1511504137483-696x275.png[/img] is not a valid Image.
DCS World - AV-8B N/A II Harrier - Early Access - Startup/Taxi/STOL/VTOL/Eject
Od Jabberse. Jak toho Harriera nahodit a tak kolem.
As this video will be obsolete in the not so distant future... I just made it quick and dirty to give you an idea on how to get started, off the ground, and back onto the ground in the Early Access release of the AV-8B Harrier by RAZBAM Simulations
Tak jsem se proletěl...že tam chybí dost věcí, to je mi jasné. Ale proč se mi obraz z MFD zobrazí na druhém monitoru jen když jsem v externím pohledu, to mi není jasné vůbec A10 v pohodě..
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